(previously known as "Parental Strengths and Needs Inventory") Parent Success Indicator (by R. Strom & S. Strom). Bensenville, IL: Scholastic Testing Service, 1998. Parent Success Indicator (by R. Strom & P. Strom). Bensenville, IL: Scholastic Testing Service, 2009. Books Adolescents in the Internet Age (P. Strom & R. Strom). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 2009, 619 pp. [ http://www.infoagepub.com/products/Adolescents-in-the-Internet-Age ]
Comparing Black, Hispanic, and White Mothers with a national standard of parenting (R. Strom, P. Strom, & T. Beckert). Adolescence, 43(171), Fall 2008, 525-545. Single mothers of early adolescents: perceptions of competence (T. Beckert, R. Strom, P. Strom, K. Darre, & A. Weed). Adolescence, 2008, 43(170), 275-290. Adolescent perceptions of mothers' parenting strengths and needs: A cross-cultural approach to curriculum development for parent education (T. Beckert, P. Strom, & R. Strom). Family Therapy, 2008, 35(1), 23-36. Black, Hispanic and White American mothers of adolescents: Construction of a national standard (R. Strom, P. Strom, S. Strom, Y. Shen, & T. Beckert). Family Therapy, 2007, 34(3), 191-208. Adolescent perceptions of mothers' parenting strengths and needs: A cross-cultural approach to curriculum development for parent education (T. Beckert, P. Strom, & R. Strom). Adolescence, 2007, 42(167), 487-500. Parent Success Indicator: Cross-cultural development and factorial validation (T. Beckert, R. Strom, P. Strom, C. Yang, & A. Singh). Educational and Psychological Measurement, 2007, 67(2), 311-327. Black and white fathers of early adolescents: A cross-cultural approach to curriculum development for parent education (T. Beckert, R. Strom, & P. Strom). North American Journal of Psychology, 2006, 8(3), 455-469. Parent Success Indicator (R. Strom & S. Strom). In Sixteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook, edited by R. Spies, & B. Plake. Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements, University of Nebraska Press, 2005, 747-750. Parent-child relationships in early adulthood: College students living at home (P. Strom & R. Strom). Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 2005, 29: 517-529. Cyberbullying by adolescents: A preliminary assessment (P. Strom & R. Strom). The Educational Forum, Fall 2005, 70, 21-36. 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Comparing Black, Hispanic, and White Mothers with a national standard of parenting (R. Strom, P. Strom, & T. Beckert). Adolescence, 43(171), Fall 2008, 525-545. Black, Hispanic and White American mothers of adolescents: Construction of a national standard (R. Strom, P. Strom, S. Strom, Y. Shen, & T. Beckert). Family Therapy, 2007, 34(3), 191-208. Black and white fathers of early adolescents: A cross-cultural approach to curriculum development for parent education (T. Beckert, R. Strom, & P. Strom). North American Journal of Psychology, 2006, 8(3), 455-469. Black, Hispanic, and White American mothers of adolescents: Construction of a national standard (R. Strom, P. Strom, S. Strom, Y. Shen, & T. Beckert). Adolescence, 39(156), Winter 2004, 669-686. Available at: http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2248/is_156_39/ai_n9487158/print The success of Caucasian mothers in guiding adolescents (P. Strom, D. Van Marche, T. Beckert, R. Strom, S. Strom, & D. Griswold. Adolescence, 38(151), Fall 2003, 501-517. Available at: http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2248/is_151_38/ai_113304956/print Evaluating the success of Caucasian fathers in guiding adolescents (R. Strom, T. Beckert, P. Strom, S. Strom & D. Griswold). Adolescence, 37(145), Spring 2002, 131-149. Available at: http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2248/is_145_37/ai_86056757/print Adolescent and parent perceptions of father success (R. Strom, T. Beckert, S. Strom, P. Strom, D. Griswold & E. Moore). International Journal of Experimental Research in Education, 36(1), 1999, 19-36.
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Changing the rules: Education for creative thinking (R. Strom & P. Strom). Journal of Creative Behavior, 36(3), 2002, 183-200. Parent competence in families with gifted children (R. Strom, S. Strom & P. Collinsworth). Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 18(1), 1994, 39-54. Multicultural parent education (R. Strom, D. Johnson, S. Strom, & S. Daniels). International Journal of Early Childhood, 23(4), 1992, 35-40. Parental assessment (R. Strom). In Handbook of Family Measurement Techniques, edited by J. Touliatos, B. Perlmutter, & M. Straus. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1990, 413-414.
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Taiwan The success of Taiwanese fathers in guiding adolescents (T. Beckert, R. Strom, P. Strom, & C. Yang). Adolescence, 2006, 41(163), 493-509. Success of Taiwanese mothers in guiding adolescents (T. Beckert, R. Strom, P. Strom, C. Yang, & Y. Shen). Adolescence, 40(159), Fall 2005, 475-488.
Central/South America
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