procedure getseeing(image,zlo,zhi) string image ="" {prompt="name of input image"} real zlo =INDEF {prompt="lower cut level"} real zhi =INDEF {prompt="upper cut level"} string logfile ="" {prompt="text log file"} bool loghead =no {prompt="log result to the image header?"} real fwhm =0. {prompt="measured seeing value"} real efwhm =0. {prompt="error on seeing value (if Ntotal>1)"} int nused =0 {prompt="number of measurements used (Ntotal-Nreject)"} bool redispl =yes {prompt="(re)display image first?"} bool verbose =yes {prompt="show messages and results?"} # @(#) task getseeing Author: R.A. Jansen -- June 20 1996 # @(#) # @(#) task to measure the effective seeing FWHM using several stars in # @(#) an image (marked interactively by user). If the number of stars # @(#) is larger than 3, an estimate of the error on the determination # @(#) of the FWHM is calculated as well. The result is returned as task # @(#) parameters, and written to a text logfile if defined. Optionally # @(#) the result is also written to image header keyword 'SEEING'. # @(#) # @(#) Jun.21 2000 -- Added support for other image formats. (R.A.J.) begin string img, tmp, logstr real seeing, seeingold, esum, eseeing, eseeingold real rmin, rmax int NL, NN, NS, imglen, NREP img = image seeing = 0. eseeing = 0. # Check whether the image exists... unlearn chkimg chkimg (img, "access", verbose=yes) if (!chkimg.ok) { return } img = chkimg.imroot//chkimg.imtype//chkimg.imrpstr # Print opening messag... if (verbose) { printf("\n GETSEEING: Image="//img) } # Display image... if (redispl) { if (zlo != 0. || zhi != 0.) { xdisplay (img, z1=zlo, z2=zhi) } else { xdisplay (img) } } # Mark all stars... print(" Mark all non-saturated stars using the 'a' key:" imexamine (img, 1, img, logfile="tmpgtsng.log", keeplog=yes, defkey="a", autoredraw=yes, allframes=yes, nframes=0, ncstat=5, nlstat=5, graphcur="", imagecur="", wcs="logical", xformat="", yformat="", graphics="stdgraph", display="display(image='$1',frame=$2)", use_display=yes) # Calculate seeing FWHM and error thereon... fields ("tmpgtsng.log", "1,2,15", lines="3-", quit_if_miss=yes, print_file_n=no, >> "tmpgtsng.fwhm") iwc ("tmpgtsng.fwhm") NL = iwc.nlines if ( NL == 0 ) { delete ("tmpgtsng.log,tmpgtsng.fwhm", yes, verify=no) error (1, "No stars marked!") } else { if (verbose) { print (" Calculating mean FWHM and error thereon ...") } NN = 1 NS = 0 rmin = 999999.9999 rmax = -999999.9999 while ( NN <= NL ) { rdlist ("tmpgtsng.fwhm", NN) cparse (rdlist.cline, delim=" ") seeing = seeing + real(cparse.field3) if ( real(cparse.field3) > rmax ) { rmax = real(cparse.field3) } if ( real(cparse.field3) < rmin ) { rmin = real(cparse.field3) } NN += 1 } if ( NL >= 5 ) { # Exclude minimum and maximum value from sum, before taking mean seeing = (seeing - rmin - rmax)/real(NL-2) } else { # Not enough measurements to exclude minimum and maximum value seeing = seeing / real(NL) } fwhm = real(int(10000.0*seeing)/10000.) nused = NL if ( NL >= 3 ) { # Calculate error on mean FWHM esum = 0.00 NN = 1 while ( NN <= NL ) { rdlist ("tmpgtsng.fwhm", NN) cparse (rdlist.cline, delim=" ") esum = esum + (seeing-real(cparse.field3))*(seeing-real(cparse.field3)) NN += 1 } if ( NL >= 5 ) { # Exclude deviation^2 corresponding to min and max value esum = esum - (seeing-rmax)*(seeing-rmax) esum = esum - (seeing-rmin)*(seeing-rmin) eseeing = sqrt( esum/real(NL-3) ) } else { # Not enough measurements to exclude deviation^2 of min and max eseeing = sqrt( esum/real(NL-1) ) } if ( NL >= 5 ) { # Reject outlying points using mean deviation off the mean, in # two rejection cycles for ( NREP=1 ; NREP <= 2 ; NREP=NREP+1 ) { esum = 0.00 seeingold = seeing eseeingold = eseeing seeing = 0.00 NN = 1 NS = 0 while ( NN <= NL ) { rdlist ("tmpgtsng.fwhm", NN) cparse (rdlist.cline, delim=" ") if ( abs(seeingold-real(cparse.field3)) < 1.75*eseeingold ) { seeing = seeing + real(cparse.field3) NS += 1 } NN += 1 } seeing = seeing / real(NS) esum = 0.00 NN = 1 NS = 0 while ( NN <= NL ) { rdlist ("tmpgtsng.fwhm", NN) cparse (rdlist.cline, delim=" ") if ( abs(seeing-real(cparse.field3)) < 1.75*eseeing ) { esum = esum + (seeing-real(cparse.field3))*(seeing-real(cparse.field3)) NS += 1 } else if ( NREP == 2 ) { print(" rejected star #"//str(NN)//": "//rdlist.cline) } NN += 1 } eseeing = sqrt( esum/real(NS-1) ) nused = NS } if (verbose) { print(" measured ="//substr(str(seeing),1,8)//" +-"//substr(str(eseeing),1,8)//" Nstar="//str(NL)//" Nrejected="//str(NL-NS)) } logstr = " Imexamine: FWHM="//substr(str(seeing),1,6) logstr = logstr//" +-"//substr(str(eseeing),1,6)//" Nstar="//str(NL) logstr = logstr//" Nrej="//str(NL-NS) } else { # Not enough measurements to allow rejection of deviant values if (verbose) { print(" measured ="//substr(str(seeing),1,8)//" +-"//substr(str(eseeing),1,8)//" Nstar="//str(NL)//" Nrejected=0") } logstr = " Imexamine: FWHM="//substr(str(seeing),1,6) logstr = logstr//" +-"//substr(str(eseeing),1,6)//" Nstar="//str(NL) logstr = logstr//" Nrej=0" } } else if ( NL == 2 ) { # Not enough measurements for a formal error analysis, but # the deviation of the mean value may give some handle on the # expected true error eseeing = 0.00 for ( NN=1 ; NN<=2 ; NN=NN+1 ) { rdlist ("tmpgtsng.fwhm", NN) cparse (rdlist.cline, delim=" ") eseeing = eseeing + abs(seeing-real(cparse.field3)) } eseeing = eseeing / 2.0 if (verbose) { print(" measured ="//substr(str(seeing),1,8)//" +-"//substr(str(eseeing),1,8)//" Nstar="//str(NL)//" Nrejected=0") } logstr = " Imexamine: FWHM="//substr(str(seeing),1,6) logstr = logstr//" +-"//substr(str(eseeing),1,6)//" Nstar="//str(NL) logstr = logstr//" Nrej=0" } else { # only one star available, so no error can be given if (verbose) { print(" measured ="//substr(str(seeing),1,8)//" +-0."//" Nstar="//str(NL)//" Nrejected=0" } logstr = " Imexamine: FWHM="//substr(str(seeing),1,6)//" +-0." logstr = logstr//" Nstar="//str(NL)//" Nrej=0" } # Output mean FWHM and error by resetting the task parameters fwhm = real(int(10000.*seeing)/10000.) efwhm = real(int(10000.*eseeing)/10000.) } gdate() logstr = if (loghead) { # Log results to the image header. Make sure 'imred.ccdred' is # loaded (task "ccdhedit")... if ( !defpac("ccdred") ) { imred ccdred } if (verbose) { print(" Writing result to image header...") } ccdhedit (img, "seeing", logstr, type="string") } if ( logfile != "" ) { # Log results to the specified text logfile... if (verbose) { print(" Writing result to text file '"//logfile//"'...") } print (img//": "//logstr, >> logfile) } # Clean-up ... delete ("tmpgtsng.log", yes, verify=no) delete ("tmpgtsng.fwhm", yes, verify=no) if (verbose) { print ("GETSEEING: Finished.") } end