Rolf Jansen's SDSS-III (DR12) SQL search page for galaxies within
a specified redshift range
In the FROM block below, substitute values for RA (degrees),
Dec (degrees), search radius RADIUS (arcmin), Redshift_min
and Redshift_max.
The cone search "dbo.fGetNearbyObjEq(RA,Dec,RADIUS)" may be replaced with a
rectangular area search "dbo.fGetObjFromRectEq(RA1,Dec1,RA2,Dec2)".
Otherwise, modify as needed. Hitting Reset will restore the default SQL
Note, that as of DR8 the isophotal parameters isoA_*, isoB_*, and
isoPhi_* have been dropped from CAS. Reconstruct
alternative size, shape, and orientation measures based on, e.g., petroRad_*,
expAB_*, and expPhi_*, instead.
Only check SQL syntax?
Data format: