Arizona State University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

The Cosmology Group within the School of Earth and Space Exploration (CG@SESE)


CG@SESE home

On this page, we wish to introduce ourselves, with a short abstract of our ongoing and recent past research interests.

Rogier Windhorst
Rogier Windhorst - photo

Regent's Professor
Ph.D., Univ. of Leiden, 1984
Windhorst's research lies in astronomy, cosmology, galaxy formation and evolution, the cosmic dark ages and the epoch of First Light, as well as astronomical instrumentation. Since the early 1990s, his group at ASU has contributed significantly to unraveling the formation and evolution of distant galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope. He is one of the six Interdisciplinary Scientists for NASA's 6.5 m James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), to be launched in 2013. His group at ASU plans to use JWST to map the epoch of First Light in detail.

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Office:   PSF-248
Voice:   480-965-7143
Fax:      480-965-8102
   Rolf Jansen
Rolf Jansen - photo

Research Scientist
Ph.D., Univ. of Groningen, 2000
Jansen's research focuses on ground- and space-based UV–near-IR and Hα surface photometry and spectroscopy of nearby galaxies. His aim is to study their content and to unravel their formation and assembly histories as a function of galaxy type, luminosity, and cosmic environment, and to track the hierarchical assembly of galaxies and the emergence of the Hubble sequence by z ~ 1. He serves as Instrument Scientist for a NASA concept study into a next generation UV–optical space telescope.
He also provides computer and astronomical data analysis support within the SESE Cosmology Group.

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Office:   PSF-230
Voice:   480-727-7119
Fax:      480-965-8102
James Rhoads
James Rhoads - photo

Associate Professor
Ph.D., Princeton Univ., 1997
Rhoads studies galaxy formation, galaxy evolution, the reionization of intergalactic hydrogen by early galaxies. He also studies the nature of γ-ray bursters through the physics and phenomenology of their long wavelength afterglow emission. His studies of distant galaxies include surveys to identify Lyα emitting galaxies through narrowband imaging, and to study their physical nature, using ground-based telescopes in Arizona and Chile, along with the Hubble Space Telescope and Chandra X-ray Observatory.

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Office:   PSF-251
Voice:   480-727-7133
Fax:      480-965-8102
   Sangeeta Malhotra
Sangeeta Malhotra - photo

Associate Professor
Ph.D., Princeton Univ., 1995
Malhotra's research focusses on finding and characterizing galaxies back in the days when the universe was very young (less than 10% of its present age). The specific projects she worked on in this topic are (1) LALA (the Large Area Lyman-Alpha survey): a project to find high redshift Lyα emitting galaxies; (2) GRAPES and (3) PEARS, which use the grism of ACS on the Hubble Space Telescope. GRAPES provided the deepest spectroscopy ever on galaxies within the Hubble Ultra Deep Field.

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Office:   PSF-240
Voice:   480-965-2552
Fax:      480-965-8102
Evan Scannapieco
Evan Scannapieco - photo

Assistant Professor
Ph.D., U of CA Berkeley, 2001
Scannapieco is a theoretical astrophysicist who studies galaxy and structure formation and the cosmological evolution of the elements, closely tying theory with observations. He uses techniques ranging from paper and pencil to massively parallel computations. His focus areas include the impact of black holes on galaxy formation, type Ia supernovae and γ-ray bursts in a cosmological context, high-z galaxy formation and the search for primordial stars, and the numerical modeling of turbulent mixing during the cosmic rise of the elements.

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Office:   PSF-234
Voice:   480-727-6788
Fax:      480-965-8102
   Norman Grogin
Norman Grogin - photo

Research Scientist
Ph.D., Harvard Univ., 1999

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Office:   PSF-269
Voice:   480-965-0720
Fax:      480-965-8102
Seth Cohen
Seth Cohen - photo

Postdoctoral Fellow
Ph.D., Arizona State Univ., 2003

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Office:   PSF-274
Voice:   480-965-0663
Fax:      480-965-8102

Information on some of our Hubble Space Telescope programs can be found on our HST web-page.

In case of problems with this page, contact: , tel.: (480)727-7119
Last updated: Jan 11, 2008


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