On the SS Edgerton--copper & brass window screen microphones (ca. 70 cm x 1.3 m) recorded using super 8 film for Transducer Series Films & the CD Within Earreach: Sonic Journeys.
Suspended sculptures made into functional loudspeakers playing Armed Forces Radio. 'News Filters' was installed at Gallerie Giannozzo, Berlin. The Cadmium red back wall was the piece 'Erde' by Mona Higuchi.
'Human Interference Task Force' -- a performance piece based on a 1970's Dept. of Energy study to establish a 'nuclear priesthood' to keep persons away from nuclear waste sites for 10,000 years.
Amplified Money, Credit Card & Check at BACA Gallery, Brooklyn, many other sites and performances. The pieces were to be touched by viewers/ listeners and spoken into/recorded thru during performances.
'Pacific Transducer Series'--suspended brass strips (8 ft.x 6 inches) made into functional loudspeakers, playing audio pieces recorded in NZ, Australia and Indonesia.


'Takuhon'--collaborative installation w/ Mona Higuchi presented in Tokyo, 1991 and in Ithaca, NY, 1993, w/ amplified candles, panels, audio, and video--in Tokyo w/ shakuhachi and dance. Audio here is from windharps at the Tokugawa Women's Grave.
Incident at 3 Mile Island' at the Spiel und Klangstrasse Festival, Essen, Germany, 1981. Scored for amplifed tuning forks, laser light, and city vehicles.
a video excerpt from 'Los Desaparecidos' recorded at a street demonstration in Santiago, Chile on June 1, 1989. Installations w/ Mona Higuchi in Chicago and Tokyo.
'Los Desaparecidos'--collaborative installation w/ Mona Higuchi for Amnesty Internatinal in Chicago, Tokyo and other cities. This version presented at Art Forum Yanaka, Tokyo, 1989 with video & audio gathered in Chile. Audio excerpt from fences near El Volcan, Chile.
1980's Installations and Performances