Report on Dr. Peter Suwarno’s Visit to

Four Indonesian Institutions

August 2 – 23, 2003


As proposed in the funded project ”ASU – Indonesian Institutions Exchange Program on Conflict Resolution”, Dr. Peter Suwarno has visited four Indonesian institutions (IAIN Raden Intan, Lampung; IAIN Walisongo, Semarang; STAIN Mataram, Lombok; and Satya Wacana Christian University [UKSW], Salatiga), August 2-23, 2003. The visit was engaging and productive; it involved activities that stimulated the interest and enthusiasm among the leaders of the Indonesian institutions to work cooperatively with Arizona State University as well as to learn conflict resolution principles and apply them in Indonesia.


The objectives of the visit to each of the Indonesian institutions are: 1) to establish a formal working relationship between the participating institution and Arizona State University; 2) to clarify the goals and activities of the exchange project; 3) to give a one day seminar on introduction to conflict resolution theories and practice; 4) to conduct a training session on conflict resolution and mediation; and 5) to carry out site visits and discussion on issues and challenges of conflicts in the local areas.


The schedule of Dr. Suwarno’s activities at each of the Indonesian institutions was similar. On the first day of the visit, he conducted a formal meeting with each university president/rector along with the provosts/vice rectors and deans that will be responsible for implementing the exchange project activities. Through these meetings, Dr. Suwarno obtained a strong commitment from each university’s leadership to make this exchange project a successful one. During the meetings, he outlined the following:

            1) the goals of the projects:

                        a) each participating institution will establish a mediation center by

                             the end of the project,

                        b) the Indonesian participants visiting the US will compile a

                            manual for training and mediation activities at the center,

                        c) each participating institution will actively sustain the center and

                            its activities,

            2) the terms of the projects, 

            3) the responsibilities of each participating institution,

            4) the schedule and details of project activities in Indonesia and in the US.


In addition to the university leaders, Dr. Suwarno also met with local, government and religious leaders in IAIN Lampung and STAIN Mataram to discuss their supportive roles in the success of this exchange project.



On the second day of the visit, Dr. Suwarno gave a seminar on the introduction, to conflict resolution as well as mediation theories and practice. He not only introduced peaceful conflict resolution strategies, but also explained the major principles of mediation and their possible applications in Indonesia. This seminar session was followed by discussion based on questions from the participants. The participants included the university leaders and faculty members, as well as interested students and community leaders. In IAIN Lampung and STAIN Mataram, the seminar was preceded by a formal signing ceremony of the exchange project attended by local government leaders.



On the third day of the visit, Dr. Suwarno conducted a one day training session attended by university leaders and faculty members who will be directly involved in the activities of the exchange project and the mediation center. The session focused on building communication skills for conflict resolution activities. Toward the end of the session, Dr. Suwarno solicited evaluation from the participants on his seminar and training session. He noted the positive comments and some suggestions to improve future training and seminar activities. At the end of the training session, each institution awarded formal certificates to active participants.



On the fourth day of the visit, together with some faculty members, Dr. Suwarno visited some local areas where conflicts frequently occurred. This was only done in Salatiga and Mataram due to limited time. In addition to visiting the areas, Dr. Suwarno had an extensive discussion with faculty members concerning various conflicts that occurred there and challenges in resolving them.


Dr. Suwarno concluded his visit to Indonesia with a meeting with Mr. Riley Sever (acting Attaché of Educational and Cultural Affairs) and other US Embassy staff in Jakarta. During the meeting, Dr. Suwarno outlined the exchange project schedule of activities as well as his activities during his visit to the four Indonesian institutions. Mr. Riley and Dr. Suwarno also discussed the planned visits of Indonesian participants to the US and their planned activities at Arizona State University in January-February 2004.


Respectfully submitted,


Peter Suwarno