The director of the project or Principle Investigator (PI) will be Dr. Peter Suwarno, of the Program for Southeast Asian Studies and the Department of Languages and Literatures. At ASU, the co-PIs will include Drs. Eric Thor and Philip Stiles from the Morrison School of Agribusiness and Resource Management, ASU East as well as Drs. Linell Cady and Mark Woodward from the Department of Religious Studies at ASU.
From the Indonesian side, the Director or PI will be Dr. Abdurahman Mas'ud from the IAIN Walisongso Semarang who is also our main contact person and helps coordinate all activities involving all participating Indonesian institutions. The Co-director (Co-PI) will be Dr. John Titaley of Satya Wacana Christian University (UKSW). Dr. Raema Andreyana will be our contact person from UKSW. The representative and contact person from IAIN Lampung will be Mr. Henry Iwansyah and the representatives from the STAIN Lombok will be Mr. Ahmad Amir Aziz and Mr. Lukman Hakim (rector).
It should be noted that each Indonesian institution above is located in a strategic location or a capital of a province. These institutions have been working with local NGOs, such as the Regional Research Council (DRD) in Semarang and Percik in Salatiga. Many NGOs such as these are active in finding suitable conflict resolution strategies as well as pursuing issues of democratization at the local and provincial levels. The four participating Indonesian institutions will invite local NGOs to participate in some of the activities of the project. This way, the project will have a greater impact on the local communities.
The project will be monitored and evaluated by Dr. Ari Pradanawati, a senior faculty member at University of Diponegoro, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. In addition, as members of our team have worked successfully with the US Embassy in Indonesia on ASU-Indonesia linkage programs, we will invite representatives of the Embassy in Jakarta to participate in our project activities in Indonesia.
