Memorial Prize (Second Place), 2012, PanAgora Asset Management, -
"Liquidity Risk of Corporate Bond Returns - A Conditional Approach".
Review of Financial Studies Distinguished Referee, 2012.
Best Paper Award in Corporate Finance at the 2007 European Finance
Association Annual Meetings - "Why do Firms Use Private Equity to Opt
Out of Public Markets?"
of Financial Economics Best Paper in Capital Markets and Asset Pricing,
Second (Fama/DFA) Prize, 2007 - "Does
Industry-wide Distress Affect Defaulted Firms? - Evidence from
Creditor Recoveries"
Mae Best Paper Award in Financial Institutions and Markets at the 2004
Financial Management Association Annual Meetings - "So What do I Get: A
Bank's View of Lending Relationships?"
Center 5th Annual Academic Conference Best Paper Award, IDC Herzliya
2008 Meeting, Israel - "The Changing Nature of Chapter 11"
Lehman Brothers Award for Excellence in Financial Research, 2001 (among
applicants from Chicago, Columbia, Harvard, MIT, NYU and Wharton that