10 points must have outstanding responses to every question that are complete and in depth. Rarely given.
9.5 points solid A type responses to every question. Excellent responses, but not as compelling as a 10.
9 points the equivalent of an A-. Answers the questions
thoroughly, but is not as consistently good as above.
8.5 points the equivalent of a solid B. Good, solid responses, but every question is not answered at an A level.
8 points the equivalent of a B-. Most responses fall into the good category; however, some questions are not answered
completely or thoroughly.
7.5 points the equivalent of a solid C. Satisfactory responses that don't rise to the level of an A or B. Typically, not as complete or in depth. Or perhaps, some responses that
are incorrect mixed in with better responses.
7 points the equivalent of a C-. Just barely a passing grade. Responses where it appears the writer is just doing the bare minimum.
6.5 to the equivalent of a D or below. These range from
0 points unsatisfactory and incomplete responses to no response at all. Show no mercy here.