Here are some things to note as you read the short story "Memento Mori" and then watch the film Memento.
- Note the title "Memento Mori" means remember you will die.
- Note the 2nd person opening of the short story and the setting.
- Note what Earl no longer needs in the short story.
- Note when the two narratives in the film--one in black and white told in chronological order, and one in color that is in reverse chronological order.
- Note Leonard's system of Polaroids and tattoos.
- Note Leonard's Sammy Jankis anecdote. What is its significance?
- Note how Leonard tells Sammy's wife that physically he should be able to form memories.
- Note Leonard's quick flashback of giving his wife an insulin injection.
- Note Leonard's statement that notes and memories are unreliable. Facts, he says, not memories are how he investigates.
- Note that the police report has some pages missing. What's the significance?
- Note why Natalie goes outside to her car after Leonard punches her.
- Note how Leonard purposefully deceives himself regarding Teddy.
- Note Teddy's statement to Leonard that Leonard doesn't know who he is and what he has become.