Troy McDaniel, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, The Polytechnic School
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Arizona State University
Google Scholar: Here
LinkedIn: Here


My research interests span the areas of haptic interfaces, robotics, smart cities, human-computer and human-machine interaction, and machine learning, especially for haptics. I'm particularly interested in tactile vision sensory substitution, haptic human augmentation, and multimodal integration. My current research explores how information traditionally presented visually and/or aurally may be presented haptically through novel touch-based interfaces. My current application areas are assistive technologies for individuals with sensory impairments and rehabilitative technologies for individuals with physical impairments. Within these applications, I'm exploring new haptic interaction paradigms and novel mappings between modalities to convey information in alternative ways. I am also actively exploring challenges of accessibility and health & well being within Smart Cities using a citizen-centered approach.