The ASU EcoCAR 3 Team will be reaching out to K-12 schools and the local community during the EcoCAR 3 competition.
Our youth outreach will focus on building STEM educational opportunities in Arizona middle schools, but will also involve K-6 and high school grades as well. Additionally, we will be out on ASU campuses and local communities spreading the word about green automotive technology and our team's activities.
Beyond our local and state communities, the ASU EcoCAR 3 team will be traveling around the nation to participate in a variety of green technology events. These are some of the events that we plan to attend during Year 1 of the EcoCAR 3 competition: National Plug-in Day, Odyssey (Alt Fuel) Day, ASU Homecoming Parade and Celebration, City of Mesa Earth Day Expo, ASU LightWorks, City of Phoenix GoGreen Conference