
Goal:    to re-envision your draft, viewing it from a fresh perspective
Time:    1 hour

It is important that you learn to think of revision, editing and proofreading as three different steps. Practice completing them at separate sittings so that you can truly focus on each individual task.

Revision involves reeevaluating, redesigning, reorgainzing, and rewriting entire sections of your paper. You may change the paper drastically.

Editing asks you to examine each sentence to make sure it is clear and concise, removing awkward phrases, and improving your word choice.

Proofreading asks you to check grammar, punctuation, and spelling, so it should be completed at the very end of the process.

Please notice that this activity has two parts. You should use quotes from your writing to back up the assertions you make in your answers to the following questions.


1. Which sections are confusing or unclear?
2. Does the organization make sense? Do my ideas follow a logical pattern?
3. Which terms are unclear?
4. Where do I need more evidence or description?
5. What is the main point of my text? Where is it stated clearly?
6. Which parts of my text are especially strong?


Make a list of at least five revisions your paper needs. Describe in detail the steps you will take to revise.