Rhetorical Strategies

Goal:    to use a wide range of writing strategies in order to accomplish a writing task
Time:   40 minutes

Writers use a variety of strategies in order to fully communicate points. There are several ways to elaborate on a particular point so that it is elaborated clearly. This activity is designed to generate material for your paper. For each of the rhetorical strategies listed below, create an example based on your current paper assignment.

Explanation: provide a detailed overview of the topic

Illustration: provide a small-scale specific example of the topic

Cause and Effect: provide an example of how one thing caused another

Comparison and Contrast: provide a comparison between one aspect of the topic and another

Process Analysis: provide a description of how the topic is created or formed

Classification: provide a distinction between separate parts of the topic

Narration: provide a step by step account of action related to the topic

Definition: provide a complete definition of an aspect of the topic