Introduction to Programming Languages

Programming in C, C++, Scheme, Prolog, C#, and SOA

Yinong Chen and Wei-Tek Tsai

Arizona State University




Preface (Second Edition) ix

Preface (First Edition) xi

Chapter 1      Basic Principles of Programming Languages. 1

1.1     Introduction. 2

1.1.1     Programming concepts and paradigms  2

1.1.2     Program performance and features of programming languages  3

1.1.3     Development of programming languages  4

1.2     Structures of programming languages. 7

1.2.1     Lexical structure  8

1.2.2     Syntactic structure  8

1.2.3     Contextual structure  8

1.2.4     Semantic structure  9

*1.2.5   BNF notation  9

1.2.6     Syntax graph  11

1.3     Data types and type checking. 12

1.3.1     Data types and type equivalence  12

1.3.2     Type checking and type conversion  13

1.3.3     Orthogonality  14

1.4     Program processing and preprocessing. 16

1.4.1     Interpretation and compilation  16

1.4.2     Preprocessing: macro and inlining  18

*1.5   Program development 21

1.5.1     Program development process  21

1.5.2     Program testing  22

1.5.3     Correctness proof 26

1.6     Summary. 28

1.7     Homework and programming exercises. 29

Chapter 2      The Imperative Programming Languages, C/C++. 36

2.1     Getting started with C/C++. 37

2.1.1     Write your first C/C++ program   37

2.1.2     Basic input and output functions  38

2.1.3     Formatted input and output functions  39

2.2     Control structures in C/C++. 41

2.2.1     Operators and the order of evaluation  41

2.2.2     Basic selection structures (if-then-else and the conditional expression) 42

2.2.3     Multiple selection structure (switch) 43

2.2.4     Iteration structures (while, do-while and for) 46

2.3     Data and basic data types in C/C++. 48

2.3.1     Declaration of variables and functions  48

2.3.2     Scope rule  49

2.3.3     Basic data types  51

2.4     Complex types. 53

2.4.1     Array  53

2.4.2     Pointer 56

2.4.3     String  59

2.4.4     Constants  65

2.4.5     Enumeration type  67

2.5     Compound data types. 70

2.5.1     Structure types  70

2.5.2     Union  71

2.5.3     Array of structures using static memory allocation  72

2.5.4     Linked list using dynamic memory allocation  75

2.5.5     Stack  79

2.5.6     Files, standard input/output files, and file operations  82

2.6     Functions and parameter passing. 90

2.7     Recursive structures. 94

2.7.1     Loop structures versus recursive structures  95

2.7.2     The fantastic four abstract approach of writing recursive functions  96

2.7.3     Case study 1: the Tower of Hanoi 97

2.7.4     Case study 2: sorting an array  100

2.8     Modular design. 103

2.9     Summary. 105

2.10   Homework, programming exercises, and projects. 105

Chapter 3      The Object-Oriented Programming Language, C++. 124

3.1     A long program example: a queue and a priority queue written in C++. 125

3.2     Class definition and composition. 128

3.2.1     Class definition  128

3.2.2     Scope resolution operator 129

3.2.3     Objects from a class  130

3.2.4     Definition of constructor and destructor 130

3.3     Memory management and garbage collection. 131

3.3.1     Static: global variables and static local variables  132

3.3.2     Runtime stack for local variables  133

3.3.3     Heap: dynamic memory allocation  136

3.3.4     Scope and garbage collection  136

3.4     Inheritance. 140

3.4.1     Class containment and inheritance  140

3.4.2     Inheritance and hierarchy  143

3.4.3     Inheritance and polymorphism   158

3.4.4     Polymorphism and type checking  160

3.4.5     Polymorphism and late binding  161

3.5     Exception Handling. 161

3.6     Summary. 165

3.7     Homework, programming exercises, and projects. 165

Chapter 4      The Functional Programming Language, Scheme. 174

4.1     From imperative programming to functional programming. 175

4.2     Prefix notation. 177

4.3     Basic Scheme terminology. 180

4.4     Basic Scheme data types and functions. 183

4.4.1     Number 183

4.4.2     Boolean  184

4.4.3     Character 185

4.4.4     String  186

4.4.5     Symbol 187

4.4.6     Pair 187

4.4.7     List 189

4.4.8     Quotes  190

4.4.9     Definition of procedure and procedure type  191

4.4.10   Input/output and non-functional features  192

*4.5   Lambda-calculus. 195

4.5.1     Lambda-expressions  195

4.5.2     l-procedure and parameter scope  196

4.5.3     Reduction rules  196

4.6     Define your Scheme procedures and macros. 198

4.6.1     Unnamed procedures  198

4.6.2     Named procedures  199

4.6.3     Scopes of variables and procedures  199

4.6.4     Let-form and unnamed procedure  201

4.6.5     Macros  202

4.6.6     Compare and Contrast Imperative and Functional Programming Paradigms  203

4.7     Recursive procedures. 206

4.8     Define recursive procedures on data types. 208

4.8.1     Number manipulations  208

4.8.2     Character and string manipulations  211

4.8.3     List manipulations  212

4.9     Higher order functions. 213

4.9.1     Mapping  214

4.9.2     Filtering  215

4.10   Summary. 216

4.11   Homework, programming exercises, and projects. 217

Chapter 5      The Logic Programming Language, Prolog. 226

5.1     A first look at Prolog. 226

5.1.1     Brief background  226

5.1.2     Arity Prolog  227

5.1.3     A Prolog program   227

5.1.4     Putting Prolog to work by querying the database  229

5.2     Rules, structured data and the scope of variables. 232

5.2.1     Rules and how they work  232

5.2.2     Structures  236

5.2.3     The scope of Prolog variables  239

5.3     Operators and functions. 239

5.3.1     Operators  240

5.3.2     Arithmetic  241

5.3.3     Using the operators  243

5.4     Recursion and recursive rules. 245

5.4.1     Recursion as a generalization of non-recursive rules  246

5.4.2     Suggestions for writing recursive rule sets  249

5.4.3     Finding factorial values  250

5.4.4     The Towers of Hanoi 251

5.5     Lists  253

5.5.1     Referencing lists  253

5.5.2     Examining the elements of a list 255

5.5.3     Forming new lists  259

5.5.4     Other list predicates  261

5.6     Input and output 261

5.6.1     Reading and writing  265

5.6.2     Database manipulation predicates  267

5.6.3     Input and output examples  268

5.6.4     File I/O   271

5.7     Program control and program design. 272

5.7.1     Control program execution  273

5.7.2     Programming suggestions  278

5.8     Additional topics. 279

5.8.1     Representing Prolog lists in pairs and writing recursive rules on lists  279

5.8.2     Flow control structures: cut and repeat 280

5.8.3     The Prolog execution model 285

5.9     Summary. 287

5.10   Homework, programming exercises, and projects. 288

Chapter 6      Fundamentals of Service-Oriented Computing Paradigm.. 296

6.1     Introduction to C#. 296

6.1.1     Comparison between C++ and C#  296

6.1.2     Namespaces and the using directive  297

6.1.3     The queue example in C#  298

6.1.4     Class and object in C#  300

6.1.5     Parameters: passing by reference with ref & out  301

6.1.6     Base classes and constructors  302

6.1.7     Constructor, destructor, and garbage collection  302

6.1.8     Pointers in C#  303

6.1.9     C# unified type system   304

6.1.10   Further topics in C#  305

6.2     Service-oriented computing paradigm.. 305

6.2.1     Basic concepts and terminologies  306

6.2.2     Web services development 307

6.2.3     Service-oriented system engineering  309

6.2.4     Web services and enabling technologies  310

6.3     Service providers: programming Web services in C# and .Net 312

6.3.1     Creating a Web service project 313

6.3.2     Writing the service agent 314

6.3.3     Launch and access your Web services  315

6.3.4     Automatically generating WSDL file  318

6.4     Publishing and searching Web services using UDDI 320

6.5     Building application using ASP.Net 324

6.5.1     Creating a windows application project in ASP.Net 324

6.5.2     Creating and composing a Web application based on remote Web services  326

*6.6   Advanced topics in service-oriented software development 330

6.6.1     Simple model multiple analyses versus multiple models multiple analyses  330

6.6.2     Infrastructure embedded development framework  332

6.7     Homework, programming exercises, and projects. 334

Appendix A   Basic Computer Architectures and Assembly Language Programming. 340

A.1    Basic computer components and computer architectures. 340

A.2    Computer architectures and assembly programming. 341

A.3    Subroutines and local variables on stack. 347

Appendix B   Programming Environments Supporting C, C++, Scheme, and Prolog. 349

B.1    Introduction to Unix commands. 349

B.2    Programming environments supporting C, C++, and C# programming. 352

B.2.1    Getting started with GNU GCC under Unix operating system   352

B.2.2    Getting started with Visual Studio .Net 2005 under MS Windows operating system   353

B.2.3    Download C, C++, and C# programming development tools and environments  354

B.3    Programming environments supporting Scheme programming. 354

B.3.1    Getting started with DrScheme  354

B.3.2    Download DrScheme programming environment 356

B.4    Programming environments supporting Prolog programming. 356

B.4.1    Getting started with GNU Prolog  356

B.4.2    Download Prolog programming development tools  357

Appendix C   ASCII Character Table. 359

References  362

Index  365