CSE 259: Logic in Computer Science
Class: BYAC 259, M/W/F, 2:00--2:50PM
Office Hours: BYENG 558, F, 10:00--12:00PM
Office Hours (TA: Arpit Sharma): Centerpoint, M/W, 3:00-4:00PM
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Course Description: Logic has been called the “calculus of computer science”. The argument is that logic plays a fundamental role in computer science, similar to that played by calculus in physical sciences and other engineering disciplines. Indeed, logic plays an important role in computer architecture (Boolean logic, digital gates, hardware verification), software engineering (specification, verification), programming languages (semantics, type theory, logic programming), databases (relational algebra, database query language), artificial intelligence (automated theorem proving, knowledge representation), algorithms and theory of computation (complexity, computability, expressiveness), etc. This course is a mathematically solid introduction to propositional logic, first order logic, logic programming, and their applications in computer science. Students who complete this course will: 1. Understand the syntax and semantics of propositional logic; 2. Understand the syntax and semantics of first-order logic; 3. Understand how to prove various properties of logical systems; 4. Understand the role of logics in computer science; 5. Be able to use a logic programming language and its implementations.
Prerequisites: CSE 205 with C or better.
Instructor: Dr. Yu Zhang
- Office: BYENG 558
- Email: yzhan442@asu.edu