CSE 355: Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science
Class: WGHL 101, T/Th, 3:00--4:15PM
Office Hours: BYENG 594, T/Th, 5:30--6:30PM
Recitations (TA: Mehrdad): BYAC 190, W 9:40-10:30AM, W 10:45-11:35AM
Office Hours (TA: Mehrdad): Centerpoint, W 1:00-2:00PM, F 11:00AM-noon
Recitations (TA: Ze): BYAC 190, Th 4:30-5:20PM
Office Hours (TA: Ze): Centerpoint, M 2:00-3:00PM, W 11:00AM-noon
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Course Description: This course provides a first introduction to the theoretical concepts of Computer Science. The focus of the course is the study of abstract computing devices without targeting a specific programming language and/or computing platform. In particular, we will study: 1. Automata Theory, which models computing machines. These include regular languages (Finite Automata), which are used for pattern matching languages, context-free Languages (Pushdown Automata), which facilitate declarative specifications of language syntax, and Turing Machines. 2. Computability Theory, which addresses the inherent limits of what can be solved by a computer (undecidability) 3. Complexity Theory, which helps us measure the time and space used to solve a problem.
Prerequisites: Computer Systems Engineering BSE or Computer Science BS major; CSE 310 with C or better OR CSE graduate student.
Instructor: Dr. Yu Zhang
- Office: BYENG 594
- Email: yzhan442@asu.edu
- Email: mzakersh@asu.edu
- Email: zgong11@asu.edu