CSE 471: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Class: M/W, 1:30--2:45PM, PSH153
Office Hours: M/W, 3:00--4:00PM
TA: Akkamahadevi Hanni
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Course Description: This course provides a first introduction to a myriad of topics in Artificial Intelligence. The focus of the course is the study of modern approaches to Artificial intelligence. In particular, we will study: 1. Problem solving, deals with general problem solving; techniques behind DeepBlue and AlphaGo 2. Modeling and reasoning, deals with knowledge representation and reasoning over the knowledge base 3. Probabilistic modeling and reasoning, deals with uncertain modeling and reasoning. Almost all real-world problems are subject to uncertainty. 4. Machine learning, deals with learning from examples and more advanced learning techniques that contribute to most modern AI applications
Prerequisites: Computer Science BS, Geographic Information Science BS, or Computer Systems Engineering BSE major; CSE 310 with C or better OR Computer Science and Engineering or Software Engineering graduate student.
Instructor: Dr. Yu Zhang
- Office: BYENG 594
- Email: yzhan442@asu.edu
- Email: ahanni@asu.edu