TWC 452/552
Information in the Digital Age
Multimedia Writing and Technical Communication
Spring 2006

Annotated Bibliography Assignment

One of the features that makes a wiki such a powerful tool is that it facilitates collaborative writing. For this assignment, you will work as part of a team to create an annotated bibliography on a topic related to this course. Your team will not only create the content for the bibliography but make descisions about how best to the wiki to organize and present it.

Annotations should consist of a short summary of the article and a brief analysis. For the purpose of this assignment, items selected for the bibliography should be authoritative and credible and should NOT consist solely of websites.

The topics assigned for the bibiliographies are deliberately broad. Part of the process for creating your bibliography should be narrowing the topic so that your final bibliography is focused. It might help to write a thesis statement or "purpose" for your bibliography.

Deadline for choosing a topic: February 12, 2006

Deadline for creating an organizational structure for your bibliography: February 26, 2006

Bibliography due: April 9, 2006

Grading: 30 pts

Group grade: 20 pts The group grade will be based on the final product. Grades will be based on the organization and design of your bibliography page(s) as well as on the comprehensiveness of your annotations.
Individual grade: 10 pts Your individual grade will be based on your participation in the creation and production of the final product. I will be using the history and log files from the wiki to determine participation.

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Last modified: 12 January 2006