TWC 552
Information in the Digital Age
Multimedia Writing and Technical Communication
Spring 2006

Graduate Assignment

Date due:

Topic (and option from list below) selection: February 19, 2006

Draft: April 2, 2006

Final: May 1, 2006


The readings and discussion for this course present an overview of many different aspects related to information in the digital age. This assignment will provide you with the opportunity to explore a topic of interest to you in more depth using a format and audience that is relevant to your goals and interests.

Select one of the following options:

  1. Write an academic journal article on a topic related to this course. If you are a TWC student, your article should be written and formatted for publication in either Technical Communication or Technical Communication Quarterly. If you are not a TWC student, contact me about selecting a journal relevant to your discipline. Be sure to take a look at the article submission guidelines for the journal you select and to review the journal to determine audience and purpose.
  2. Design a web-based tutorial on a topic related to this course. When selecting your topic, you will also need to determine and specify your audience and the objectives (purpose) of the tutorial.
  3. Write a white paper on a topic related to this course. The audience for the white paper will be business (you may choose a specific company or a broader industry). When selecting your topic, you will also need to determine and specify the purpose of the white paper.
  4. Write a government policy report on a topic related to this course. The audience for the report may be either city, state, or federal government but must be a specific department, agency, committee, etc. When selecting your topic, you will also need to determine and specify the purpose of the report as well as specify the specific audience.

Grading: 25 pts


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Last modified: 12 January 2006