The Avena's Migration


This bag of chili to me doesn’t hold that much meaning, but to all my family in Mexico, it does. This is what they grow to make a living. They are farmers. They depend on their land to live. Growing their crops and getting them ready to sell usually isn’t the hard part, finding someone that will buy from them can be sometimes more difficult. Everyone where my family lives does the same thing. They farm and are ranchers. My family is from a small town in Chihuahua, Mexico called Buenaventura. My grandparents from my dad’s side came to the U.S. about 45 years ago. They worked in the fields. They then had kids and my dad later married my mom in Mexico and brought her back to the U.S. My grandparents decided to come to the U.S. after a bad hail storm destroyed all of their crops and they had nothing to live off of.