When I turned 16 I started to work. My first job was working at a McDonalds on I-17 and Thomas. I worked there for roughly 5 Years. I am now currently working at the McDonalds on 39th drive and Pinnacle Peak as a night shift manager.

This is where met and eventually became friends with Jesus and Melissa.

I work with one of my sister and nephew at this current McDonalds. Currently I am living on Glendale Rd. with my one of my sisters, Melissa. She has 3 children, 2 boys and 1 Girl. Her first boy is 16 and her second is 14 and her daughter is 10.

When we came to America, it took me a few years to adapt to the American ways. I was hard to deal the change, since I was young. I eventually got used to what I could and couldn’t do. I finally went to school and learned English. I had very little discrimination, because I was at a school that was mostly Hispanic and most of them came from Mexico. I fit in and made friends real quickly.

Almost all of my family from Mexico is either dead or in the U.S. now, so I have no current reasoning to head back to Mexico City. My Sister travels to Mexico every once in a while to get some stuff to keep with our traditions. We have a few traditions we keep from Mexico. One tradition is the celebrating of turning 15, which is called Quinceanera. We celebrate this for the girls that turn 15 years old. Also our family will get together every Sunday and head to church, then after church we will usually head to my Sister Melissa’s house and eat a big lunch/dinner contain traditional Mexican food.


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