Crossing the Valley: A Mothers Wish



From the Interview of Ali Shawqi I found that he did not have that hard of a time getting to the US.  Like the article”Border Death-Trap” by Joseph Nevis in this article people would die because they could not get into the United States legally so they tried to cross the border in the desert where there is no water or food for them. Ali also found the cultures to be different then his home land.  Like in Voyages by Cathy A. Small the Tongans were very close to each other and helped each other like Ali’s homeland.  In Lebanon the Families where much closer to each other and helped each other out.  Not like the US where the people let you fend for yourself. 

In the United State Ali also does not have to work ungodly hours just to try and get somewhere in life.  “We Are Not Machines” by Maria Guadalupe Torres is a good example of how people have to work long hours every day of the week and find that they are still only moving back instead of forward.  This is similar to Lebanon where Ali could never get anywhere in his homeland.



Information on Lebanon



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