SEASSI 98 at the University of Oregon\

Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute (SEASSI)

June 9 - August 8, 1997

The Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute (SEASSI) is a nine-week intensive language training program for undergraduates, graduates, and professionals which will be held from June through August, 1998 and 1999 at the University of Oregon in Eugene, and was previously held at the campus of Arizona State University.

Each language course is equivalent to two semesters of study, carrying one full year of academic credit. Instruction is provided in small individualized groups taught by a team consisting of a coordinator (generally a linguist specializing in Southeast Asian pedagogy) and trained native speakers of the languages. Classes meet four and half hours a day in the mornings, Monday through Friday.

Please check with the University of Oregon's Southeast Asian Studies Department as the the deadline for application. The financial aid deadlines are listed under the Financial Aid section.