British Literature II
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Course Policies
Evaluation - Essays - Research Essay - Computer Access - Companion Site

1) Regular attendance is expected. You have four "free" absences (the equivalent of two weeks). For each absence above 4, you may expect that your grade for class participation will drop by 50 points. To avoid this decrease in your class participation grade, your absences over four per term must fit the "valid" excuses listed in Policy Statement 22 and you must provide acceptable documentation.

2) Reading assignments must be read carefully before the class period for which they are assigned. There is a lot of reading for this course. Do not take the course if you are not willing to commit to the reading schedule. I will give a number of quizzes throughout the semester. Points from the quizzes will count towards the point total of the semester. (See below for an explanation of course evaluation.)

3) Class participation is mandatory. A participation grade will be assigned for constructive participation and will count towards the point total of the semester. (See below for an explanation of course evaluation.) I will ask you to leave the classroom if your cell phone or pager goes off. Make sure that you turn off such devices before class.

Group discussion is central to this class. I will also ask you to leave the room if you indulge in private conversations.

4) All regular assignments (exams and papers) must be completed to pass the course. Late assignments will not be accepted, nor will there be an opportunity for make-up examinations (unless your lateness or absence results from a documented, valid absence).


The course will be evaluated on a "points" system.
There is a total of 500 points from the assignments this semester.
The writing for the course will be worth 250 points total (see below for exact sub-totals).
The mid-term examination will also be worth 50 points.
The final examination will be worth 100 points.
Class participation will be worth 100 points.
Quizzes will be given weight as the semester proceeds.



This is a writing-intensive course. There will be one formal essay, involving research, of 8-10 pages (150 points); two shorter critical essays (25 points each); and a number of less formal venues for writing, including a Web board and critical response essays to be sent by e-mail to the instructor (50 points total).

All matters of writing, documentation, and presentation should follow the rules of MLA papers laid out in Hacker, A Pocket Style Manual (3rd edition). Papers that deviate will - at my discretion - either be turned back ungraded for revision or will have points deducted for each major problem of writing, documentation, or presentation.

If you used a different style manual/writing handbook in your first-year English class, you are welcome to rely upon it, as long as you produce essays that are in accordance with MLA style and with the principles of standard written English. See me if you have any questions.


Research Essay

The assignment for the 8-10 page paper will ask you to select a work (or works) by an author included in the anthology but not included on my syllabus for the class. Make an argument for the inclusion of the author you select to a future syllabus. Your argument will need to make reference to:

a) literary history
b) a body of criticism on the work
c) other works we have read in the class
d) your aesthetic analysis of the piece

In the process of doing research and writing the essay, you will learn how to use the MLA Bibliography; the Oxford English Dictionary; and other bibliographic references. You will also read, summarize, and critique scholarly articles on literature and incorporate your analysis into your own argument.

You will be graded on the quality of your research and the strength of your argument. I pledge that I will alter the syllabus the next time I teach the class in the way suggested by the single best response.


Computer Access

British Literature II - English 3022.4 requires access to a computer lab on campus running recent Macintosh or IBM compatible computers. (You may, of course, choose to access the site from home or somewhere else on campus.)

For purposes of accessibility, a text version of all of the course's pages will be made available through a link on the home page.

All LSU students are assigned an e-mail address upon registration. I will assume that you use this account. If there is a reason why you cannot use your official LSU account, please e-mail me immediately. You will use your e-mail account to submit written assignments to me, and I will use it to provide information to you directly while the course is going on.

I will be using the "Semester Book" component of the PAWS system for class communications, the Web board, and the posting of grades.



Companion Site

Throughout the semester, students should also use the online elements of the course, reading the passages from the text, composing short assignments (to be submitted by e-mail), and participating in interactive elements, including a Web board and chat.

You will be held accountable for all assigned readings in the Anthology for all essays, quizzes, and examinations.

There is a navigational bar at the top of each lesson page.

At any point students can quickly access information about the author and British history from the navigational bar. (This information has been taken, for the most part, from The Longman Anthology and presented online for your convenience.) Clicking on any category creates a pop-up window that can be moved or resized. The lesson's main page remains on screen so that your focus can remain upon the lesson.


Content copyright © 2001 George Justice
Site copyright© 2001 Joan Bahamonde, George Justice, and Susan Soto