Courses @ ASU (Fall 2011 - current)
Graduate Courses:
Undergraduate Courses:
- SER 501 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms
- SER 502 Languages and Programming Paradigms
- CST 598 Topic: Database Technology
- CST 598 Topic: Applications of Artificial Intelligence
- CST 598 Topic: Web Client User Interface Programming
Undergraduate Courses:
- SER/CST 100 Object-oriented Software Development I (On-campus and Online)
- CST 200 Core Data Structures with OOP
- SER 221 Programming Languages (On-campus and Online)
- SER 322 Database Management (On-campus and Online)
- CST 315 Software Enterprise I – Tools & Processes
- CST 316 Software Enterprise II - Construction & Transition
- CST 335 Applications of Computer Theory
- CST 428 Web Client User Interface Programming
- CST 494 Topic: Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Courses @ Georgetown University (Spring 2008 - 2010)
Gradaute Courses:
- COSC 502 Programming Concepts and Tools
- COSC 541 Advanced Programming Languages
- COSC 543 Internet Computing Seminar
- COSC 071 Computer Science I
- COSC 127 Math Methods for Computer Science
- COSC 175 Advanced Programming
- COSC 272 Programming Languages
- COSC 385 Theory of Computation