The mission of Dr. Andi Wang’s group is to develop principled approaches and methodologies of data science and analytics to achieve systems and manufacturing intelligence, towards efficiency, accuracy, and premium quality.

Our research aims at bridging the gap between the understanding of specific engineering systems and the abundant, structred data through utilizing, interpreting, customizing, and advancing the machine learning paradigms.

At the same time, our group engages in education for promoting the careers development for students and industrial practionioners in the age of big data and AI, through lectures and mentorships. The lectures include analytical and operational aspects of manufacturing, such as operations managements, engineering mathematics, data analytics, and computing.


  • Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering

    Georgia Institute of Technology, 2021.

    Specialization: Systems Informatics and Control; Minor: Machine Learning

  • M.S. in Computational Science and Engineering

    Georgia Institute of Technology, 2021.

  • Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering

    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2016.

  • B.S. in Statistics

    Peking University, 2012.