What I Do

My research focuses on predictive modeling of collective behavior in biological systems using real-world data. How do functional biological aggregates emerge from the behavior of networks of heterogeneous individuals?


I lead the Collective Logic Lab at Arizona State University. I am faculty in the School of Complex Adaptive Systems and am affiliated with the Global Biosocial Complexity Initiative and the ASU-SFI Center for Biosocial Complex Systems. Here you can find my CV.

I have worked on dynamical inference of animal behavior, decision dynamics in neurons, conflict in macaques, dynamics and control of cellular biochemical networks, and DNA conformational dynamics. I work mainly with computational and statistical methods (often with a physics flavor), which have included sparse coding, statistical model selection, maximum entropy models, continuous time sigmoidal networks, and "sloppy" models.

I am especially interested in methods of model selection, inferring simplified models that are necessary for making good predictions when one has limited data and limited computational power.

I teach courses on Collectives, Statistics & Dimensionality Reduction, and Complex Systems at ASU.

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