Conference Sponsors

In the name of Eastern Michigan University, the scholarly participants, the students of German, and the members of the organizing committee, the Chair of the symposium, Dr. Carla Damiano, extends hearty thanks to all the sponsors for their generous financial and intellectual support of the Walter Kempowski International Symposium.

Sponsors and Donors – Government Agencies, Corporations, Individuals

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), New York. The Goethe-Institut, Chicago. The Ford Motor Company. DaimlerChrysler Corporation. Frederick Hoffman. Thomas and Mary Layher.

Eastern Michigan University Sponsors

Dr. Paul T. Schollaert, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; Dr. James Vick, Vice President University Marketing/Student Affairs; Dr. Linda K. Pritchard, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences; Dr. Margareta O’Connell, Director of the World College; Dr. Elisabeth Morgan, Head, Department of Foreign Languages and Bilingual Studies.


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