Conceptual Physics Thirteenth Edition
Here are reading assignments from the etext.
(The cover of Hewitt 13th Edition)
Our Hewitt 13th edition eText is a part of ASU's inclusive access textbook system. You will get an email from the Bookstore, and after that, you will be able to access the eText from our class Canvas page. You will be billed after the end of drop-add. If you don't want to participate in this system, YOU MUST OPT-OUT, or you will be billed. Here are the detailed instructions for access or for opting out.

The purpose of the reading assignments is preparation for lecture; you will understand and enjoy the lectures much better if you have done the assigned reading. Please be sure to always complete the reading assignment before attending the lecture for that topic. Thanks, GBA.

For students who prefer to read from a physical textbook, any of the options below are acceptable. Amazon links for these options are available at the bottom of this page. Thanks again, GBA.

Conceptual Physics Fundamentals
ISBN 978-0-321-50136-3 or 0-321-50136-5
This textbook is also published with an alternative cover photo.

(The cover of Conceptual Physics Fundamentals)

Probably the least expensive physical textbook is Conceptual Physics Fundamentals, by Paul G. Hewitt (ISBN 978-0-321-50136-3 or 0-321-50136-5). This abridged, paperback version of Hewitt's text contains all the readings for our course; and, if you can find it, should probably always be less expensive that any unabridged version (as listed below). You may find used copies of this text published with an alternative cover photo, shown here. Here are the reading assignments from Conceptual Physics Fundamentals.

Practice Book
an optional supplement
NOT required
(A cover image of the Practice Book will go here)
You may find Conceptual Physics Fundamentals packaged with the "Practice Book". The Practice Book contains the answers to all of the odd-numbered exercises and problems in the text, as well as a set of workbook style activities (with solutions) which are coordinated with our textbook. You may find that the Practice Book is quite useful when studying for our tests, but none of the workbook activities within the Practice Book will be assigned for credit; therefore, the Practice Book is supplemental material, and is NOT required. Conceptual Physics Fundamentals alone will provide you access to all required material.

Conceptual Physics Tenth Edition
Here are reading assignments from this alternative textbook.
(The cover of Hewitt Tenth Edition)

If you happen to have a copy of Hewitt's Conceptual Physics (10th or 11th Edition), either will serve suitably as an alternative textbook. Here are links to the reading assignments from the 10th edition and from the 11th edition; these alternative reading assignments are by topic (but not by date).

Conceptual Physics Eleventh Edition
Here are reading assignments from this alternative textbook.
(The cover of Hewitt Eleventh Edition)
Finally, here are the reading assignments from the twelfth edition (i.e. the second-most-recent edition of the unabridged textbook).

Conceptual Physics Twelfth Edition
Here are reading assignments from this alternative textbook.
(The cover of Hewitt Twelfth Edition)

The Twelfth Edition was the first to have an etext available, but that etext is now superseded by the 13th edition etext provided on our Canvas page. Thanks, GBA.

AMAZON LINKS for the Alternative Texts:
(NOTE: Look at the Used books to find the least expensive options.)
Conceptual Physics Fundamentals
10th Edition
11th Edition
12th Edition