We use tools of chemical biology, de novo protein design, and directed evolution to engineer novel proteins with desired functional properties. The goal of our research is to understand the molecular requirements for activity, and to use this knowledge to design novel functionalities.

Current areas of investigation include:

Design of artificial hydrogenases

Glycan-binding proteins as antiviral agents

Ghirlanda research group


Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Contact: gghirlanda_at_asu.edu

Giovanna’s office: ISTB 5 Rm 235

Lab: ISTB5 rooms 270-278


Check out Ali’s blog! http://alijkhan.blogspot.com/

Proud members of:

EFRC Center for Bio-Inspired Solar Fuel Production  http://solarfuel.clas.asu.edu/

Center for Membrane Proteins in Infectious Diseases (MPID) http://cemilinks.asu.edu/mpid/