Bohan Jiang, et al. Best Student Paper Award
for ``Catching Chameleons: Detecting Evolving Disinformation
Generated using Large Language Models", IEEE
October 27 - 30, 2024
Ahmet Kapkic, Pratanu Mandal, Shu
Wan, Paras Sheth, Abhinav Gorantla, Yoonhyuk Choi, Huan Liu, and K. Selcuk
Candan. Best Demo Papeer Award for ``Introducing
CausalBench: A Flexible Benchmark Framework for Causal Analysis and Machine
Learning", CIKM2024,
October 21-25, 2024
Zhen Tan, et al., Best Paper Award for ``Interpreting
Pretrained Language Models via Concept Bottlenecks", PAKDD 2024,
May 7-10,
Dr. Raha Moraffah, 2023-24 Dean's Dissertation Award in
the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Amrita Bhattacharjee, Tharindu Kumarage, Raha Moraffah,
Outstanding Paper Award for ``ConDA: Constrastive Domain Adaptation for
AI-generated Text Detection", IJCNLP-AACL 2023,
November 4, 2023
Dr. Kaize Ding, SCAI Computer Science PhD Outstanding
Student Award Spring 2023, June 8, 2023
Dr. Lu Cheng, the 2022 International Neural Network
Society Doctoral Dissertation Award (Runner-up), IJCNN2023, Gold Coast,
Australia June 18 - 23, 2023
Huan Liu, Regents Professor, Arizona State University,
January 2023
ASU News
Huan Liu, Ira A. Fulton Professor of Computer Science and
Engineering, ASU, October, 2022 - 2027
Huan Liu, ACM SIGKDD2022
Innovation Award
``for his outstanding contributions to the foundation, principles and
applications of social media mining and feature selection for data mining''
Kaize Ding, Best Paper Award,
TrustLOG Workshop,
CIKM2022, October 21, 2022
Kaize Ding, Graduate College Completion Fellowship, Fall
Kaize Ding,
the 2021-2022ASU GPSA Outstanding Research Award
Dr. Lu Cheng, SCAI CS PhD Outstanding Student
Award (2022)
Dr. Lu Cheng, Fulton Schools of Engineering 2021-2022 Dean's
Dissertation Award
Dr. Kai Shu, Finalist, the 2021 BenchCouncil
Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award
Dr. Ruocheng Guo, CIDSE CS PhD Outstanding Student Award
Mohit Doshi, Senior, Fulton Schools of Engineering 2021
Impact Award, Computer Science
Dr. Kai Shu, Fulton Schools of Engineering 2020 Dean's
Disseration Award
Lu Cheng, ASU GPSA 2020-2021 Outstanding Research Award
Earlier Awards and News
Invited and Keynote Talks and Panels
(2025, 2024, 2023)
- ``From Social Media Mining to Generative AI: Asking and Solving
Challenging Problems", UMBC Disdinguished Speaker, Research Talk
organized by IS, February
5, 2025
- Panel on ``AI and Its Social Impact in Higher Education", Lingnan Global
Forum, the 2025 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges and
Universities (AACU), DC, January 22, 2025
CIC/CogMI/TPS 2024 Student Mentoring Panel,
Conference Program, DC. Oct. 29, 2024
CIC/CogMI/TPS 2024 Plenary Panel on How will Artificial
intelligence Reshape Scientific Research?, DC, Oct. 28, 2024
- ``Social Media Mining - Embracing LLMs and Beyond", Invited Talk, SCAI
Fulton Fellows Training Seminar, Sept 6, 2024
- ``Social Media Mining - Embracing LLMs and Beyond", Keynote, KDD Cup,
Barcelona, Spain. August 28, 20 24.
- ``Novel Challenges in Social Media Mining - Embracing LLMs", Keynote,
PAKDD2024, Taipei, Taiwan. May 8-10,
- ``Social Media Mining - Bountiful Frontier in AI and Data Science",
Keynote, SIMBig2023,
Mexico City, Mexico, December 13-15, 2023
- ``Social Media Mining in the Age of LLMs", SCAI MEng Computing and
Technology Information Session, Shanghai, October 15, 2023
- ``Responsible AI in the Age of LLMs", Shanghai Jiaotong University,
Shanghai, ASU FSE China Roadshow, October 13, 2023
- ``Novel Challenges in AI", Tongji University, Shanghai, ASU FSE China
Roadshow, October 11, 2023
- ``Responsible AI in the Age of LLMs", Invited Talk, SCAI Fulton Fellows Training
Seminar, Sept 1, 2023
- Plenary Panel:
Reflecting on 50 Years of Computing Research, and Future Outlook, Orlando,
Florida. June 20, 2023
- ``Battling against Misinformation on Social Media and Its Challenges",
Institute for Insight, Georgia State University, January 20, 2023
- ``Social Media Mining: A Bountiful Frontier in AI and Data Science",
IDEaS Distinguished Seminar Speaker, Georgia Tech, January 19, 2023
Professional Activities
Industry and Government Experience (Consulting or visiting)
- Microsoft Faculty Summit,
July 2019, July 2018, July, 2017; July, 2016
- AOL, Motorola Research Lab,
Microsoft Research Asia
- AFRL, Rome, NY, June-August,
- Google Faculty Summit, July,
- Nantional Academy of Sciences (NAS) Workshop Facilitator, on
``Facilitating Greater S\&T Access", Feb 7-8, 2020. Washington DC.
- American Statistical Association (ASA) President (Karen Kafadar)'s
Initiative on the Role of Statistics and Computer Science in Fake News
chaired by Jun Yang and Jessica Utts, 2019
Editorial/Advisory Board
ACM TIST, Editor in Chief, (August 1, 2021 - July 31, 2027) |
Founding Field Chief Editor Frontiers
in Big Data (2019 - ) and founding Specialty Chief Editor of Data Mining and Management
(2018- ) |
Field Methods, Editorial Board,
SAGE (2020 - ) |
Statistical Analysis & Data Mining (2010 - Mar 2019) |
ACM Trans on Social Computing (2016 - Feb, 2019) |
Online Social Networks and Media (OSNEM), Elsevier (2017 - 2018) |
Encyclopedia Social Network Anaysis and Mining, Section Co-editor on Social
Communities (2012 -), Board Member (2016 - ) |
Social Network Analysis and Mining, Springer (2011 - Mar, 2019) |
IEEE Trans on Network Science & Engineering (2014 - 2018) |
Lecture Notes in Social Netowrks, Springer (2012 - 2017
Advisory Board), (2017 - 1.2021 Series Editor )
TIST (2010 - ) Interim Editor in Chief (Jan-May 2015)
Applied Intelligence (2006 - 2011)
Informatics (1999 - 2011)
KAIS (2004 - 2006)
Handbook of Data Mining
Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining
Guest Co-Editor
Elsevier Information Management & Processing -
Issue on Dis/Misinforamtion Mining from Social Media, due 1/20/2021,
decision on 4/1/2021
Springer Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM) - Special Issue on Tackling COVID-19 Infodemic, due Oct 2020, decision Dec 2020
ACM Journal DTRAP:
Issue on Fake-News Research, 2019 due, 2021 to appear
Intelligent Systems:
Special Issue on Non-IID Outlier Detection in Complex Contexts, 2019 due,
2021 to appear
Online Behavioral Analysis and Modeling, IEEE Inteligent Systems,
January/February 2016,
Volume 31, Number 1
Uncovering Deception in Social Media, Springer Social Network Analysis and
Mining, 2014
AI in Social Computing and Cultural Modeling, ACM TIST,
2010 (part 1), 2012 (part 2)
Social Computing in Blogosphere, IEEE Internet
Computing, 2010
Best Papers of SDM'09, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, 2009
Social Computing, Behavioral Modeling, and Prediction,
ACM TKDD, 2008
Evolving Feature Selection, IEEE Intelligent Systems,
Streaming Data Mining, Information Sciences, Elsevier, 2005
Instance Selection and Construction, DMKD, Kluwer, 2001
Feature Selection and Extraction, IEEE Intelligent Systems,
Book/Book Proposal Review
Morgan & Claypool, Chapman and Hall/CRC Press,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., SAGE, Springer, IEEE Press
Panel and Review for Funding Agencies and
Professional Societies
NSF (2002, 2003, 2004, 2007 - 2012, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2021),
Evaluator on the IEEE Computer Society Fellow Evaluating Committee
(2022),Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), 2021, Natural Environment Research Council of the UK (NERC, 2016), Swiss
NSF (2016, 2023), Chile National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research
AFOSR (2009, 2012, 2015), ARO (2011, 2012, 2018, 2020), Hong Kong
Research Grants Council (2001, 2002, 2005-2011), Science Foundation Ireland
NIH/NIGMS (2012), NASA (2004),
DOE (2020)
Confernence, Program Committee Co-Chair, Workshop Co-Chair, Tutorial Chair, Award Chair
IEEE DSAA2025 (General Co-Chair), IEEE CogMI2025 (Vision
Track Co-Chair), IEEE CogMI2024
(General Co-Chair),
IEEE DSAA2024 (General Co-Chair), IEEE CogMI2023 (Conference Co-Chair, Vision Track), ACM WSDM2022 Conference Co-Chair,
CogMI2021 (PC Co-Chair), IEEE ICDM2021 Newcomers Chair, NeurIPS2021 Workshop
on AI for Credible Elections: A Call to Action, SIGKDD2021
Workshop on Causal Discovery, IEEE SMDS2021
Speical Track on
Causal Learning, IJCAI2021 MAISoN Workshop (W10), AAAI 2021 Workshop
IEEE CogMI2020
(Conf Co-Chiar), CIKM MAISoN
workshop2020, IEEE
CogMI2019 (PC Co-Chair), SDM2019 Workshop (cancelled) on
BigData 2018
(PC Co-Chair), SIGKDD2018 Workshop on
Big Scholarly Data
(Co-Chair), SMP2017 (Co-Chair),
IoP2017 (Co-Chair), WWW Workshop on Big Scholar Data 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
Special Sessions Co-Chiar,
ASONAM2015 (General Co-Chair),
IJCAI2015 (Area Chair, AI and Web),
AAAI 2015 Spring
Symposium on Socio-Technical Behavior Mining: From Data to Decisions
(Co-Chair), SIGKDD2014 Best Dissertation Award Committee, PAKDD2014 Most
Influential Paper Award Committee (Test-of-Time Paper, Chair), CIKM2014 Workshop
(Co-Chair), IEEE
Symposium on Social Networks and Big Data (Co-Chair),
WAIM'13 Conference Co-Chair, SDM11 and SDM 12 Conference Co-Chair, IEEE/ACM CPSCom10 Co-Chair, FSDM10, ACML09 PC area chair, SDM 09 PC Co-Chair, FSDM 08, PAKDD 08 Conference Co-Chair,
SDM 08 Workshop chair, SDM 08, Co-Organizer, PAKDD 07 PC area chair, PRICAI 06 PC Vice Chair,
RIKD 06 Co-Chair, FSDM 06 Co-Chair, SIAM Data Mining 2006 Tutorial Chair,
PAKDD06 Workshop Co-chair, SAINT06 Publicity Co-Chair, PAKDD05 PC Co-Chair,
FSDM05 Co-Chair, PAKDD03 Workshop Chair, PRICAI02 Workshop Chair, PAKDD01 (PC
Program Committee (incomplete):
IJCAI2025 (Survey Track) |
ACL 2024 (RR-October 2024) |
ICLR 2025 |
SDM2025 (Senior PC) |
SIGKDD 2025 (ADS Track) |
AAAI 2025 (Area Chair) |
ICDM2024 |
SBP-BRiMS2024 |
IEEE BigData 2024 |
IJCAI2024 (Survey Track) |
ACM WSDM2024 (Senior PC) |
AAAI 2023 (Area Chair) |
SBP-BRiMS2023 |
ASONAM2023 |
IEEE BigData 2023 |
SIGKDD 2023 Award Committee |
ICDM2023 |
IJCAI Survey Track 2023 |
SIGKDD 2023 (Area Chair) |
SDM 2023 |
IEEE BigData 2022 |
ICDM2022 Area Chair |
SIGIR 2022 |
ICML 2022 |
SIGKDD2022 (Senior PC) |
TheWebConf2022 (Senior PC) |
SDM 2022 (Senior PC) |
IEEE BigData 2021 |
ASONAM 2021 |
SBP-BRiMS 2021 |
ICDM2021 (Area Chair) |
SIGKDD 2021 (Senior PC) |
ICML 2021 |
IJCAI2021 (Senior Area Chair) |
WSDM2021 (Senior PC) |
AAAI 2021(PC, Best Paper Committee) |
IEEE BigData 2020 |
SBP-BRiMS 2020 |
ECML-PKDD 2020 |
ASONAM2020 |
SIGKDD2020 |
SIGIR 2020 (Short-Paper Track) |
ICDM2020 |
IJCAI-PRICAI2020 (Area Chair) |
AAAI 2020 (Area Chair) |
WebConf 2020 (Senior PC in Web Mining & Content Analysis) |
CIKM2019 (Senior PC, Long, Short, Applied)
ICDM2019 (Area Chair) |
ASONAM2019 |
SIGKDD2019 + Disertation Award + Test of Time Award |
SIGIR2019 |
IJCAI2019 (Area Chair) |
ICWSM2019 |
WSDM2019 (Senior PC) |
AAAI2019 (Area Chair) |
ASONAM2018 |
PAKDD2018 (Awards Committee) |
SIGIR2018 |
SIGKDD2018 |
IJCAI2018 (Senior PC) |
FakeMM2018 IEEE Workshop |
BigDataAnalyticsLegalIndustry18 IEEE Workshop |
SPB-BRiMS2018 |
ACM WSDM2018 (Senior PC, Best Paper Co-Chair) |
WWW2018 (Web Search & Mining) |
AAAI2018 (Senior PC) |
PhD Forum |
ICDM2017 (Area Chair) + PhD Forum |
IEEE ISI2017 |
IEEE BigData2017 (Senior PC) |
CIKM2017 |
ASONAM2017 |
ICHI2017 (Senior PC) |
SIGKDD2017 |
SBP-BRiMS2017 |
ACM RecSys2017 |
SDM2017 |
ACM WSDM2017 (Senior PC) |
WWW2017 (Senior PC, Web Mining & Content Analysis) |
ICDM2016 (Area Chair) |
ECML/PKDD2016 PhD Forum |
ASONAM2016 PC + PhD Forum and Posters |
DSC 2016 |
CIKM2016 (Senior PC) |
ACM RecSys2016 |
ICWSM2016 |
SBP2016 |
IJCAI2016 Area Chair |
(Senior PC) |
WWW2016 Web Mining Track |
WSDM2016 (PC, Best Paper Awards) |
ACM CONS2015 |
ACM CIKM2015 (Senior PC)
ACM RecSys2015 |
SIGKDD2015 |
SBP2015 (Best Papers Award Committee)
ASONAM2015 General Co-Chair |
ICWSM2015 |
SDM2015 (Senior PC) |
SBP2015 |
IJCAI2015 Area Chair AI and Web |
WSDM2015 (Senior PC, Doctoral Consortium) |
WWW2015 Web Mining |
ICDM2014 (area chair) |
IEEE BigData2014 in DC (Senior PC)
Recsys 2014 |
CIKM2014 (Area Chair, Web & Socia Data Track) |
Science 2014 |
IEEE Mobile Cloud2014 |
SBP2014 |
PAKDD2014 (Senior PC) |
WWW2014 (PC and Demo) |
WSDM2014 |
SDM2014 (Senior PC) |
ICDM2013 |
CIKM2013 (Seinor PC) |
IEEE BigData 2013 |
ASONAM2013 and EB-ASONAM2013 |
IJCAI2013 (Senior PC) |
IEEE ISI2013 |
SBP2013 |
SDM2013 |
PAKDD2013 (Senior PC) |
(Web Search, Content Analysis, Demo) |
WSDM2013 |
IEEE ISI 2012 |
CIKM2012 (Senior PC) |
SIGKDD 2012 |
PAKDD2012 |
WWW 2012 |
FTDCS 2011 |
MSM 2011 |
CIKM 2011 |
ICDM 2011 |
PAKDD 2011 |
SNAKDD 2011 |
SIGKDD 2011 |
ASONAM 2011 |
WAIM 2011 |
2011 |
IJCAI 2011 IEAI Track |
SBP 2011 |
ECML/PKDD 2010 |
SNAKDD 2010 |
WSDM 2010 |
ICDM 2010 |
ACML 2010 (Senior PC) |
KDD 2010 |
IEEE SocialCom 2010 |
ICPR 2010 |
WWW2010 |
SDM 2010 (Senior PC) |
WSDM 2010 |
ICCCD 2009 |
ACML 2009 (PC Area Chair) |
CIKM 2009 |
WISM 2009 (Shanghai) |
PAKDD 2009 |
ICDE 2009 (Demo) |
SDM 2009 (PC Co-Chair) |
ICDM 2009 |
KDD2009 |
SBP 2009 |
AAAI Spring Symposium 2009 |
AAAI 2008 |
CIKM08 |
FSDM 2008 |
PAKDD 2008 |
KDD 2008 (Senior PC member) |
ICML 2008 |
SBP 2008 |
ECML/PKDD 2008 |
WAIM 2008 |
SDM 2008 |
CIKM 2007
ICDM 2007
KDD 2007
AAAI 2007
PAKDD 2007
EC-Web 2007
SDM 2007
CIDM 2007
RIKD 2006
ICDM 2006
ICTAI 2006
AIDM 2006
WebKDD 2006
EC-Web 2006
CIKM 2006
KDD 2006
ICML 2006
FSDM 2006
Data Mining 2006
IEEE Grc 2006
PAKDD 2006
CI 2006
AP-Web 2006
ECML 2005
AAAI05 (Senior PC Member)
PAKDD 2005
Data Mining 2005
(to be completed)
Journals refereed:
Nature Scientific Report, Elsevier AI Journal, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, IEEE Trans. on
Computational Systems, IEEE Cybernetics, Big Data & Society, ACM
of Machine Learning Research, Computer in Human Behavior, Artificial Intelligence, Journal of AI Research,
Machine Learning, Geographical Analysis, Bioinformatics, IEEE TKDE, IEEE SMC, Pattern Recognition,
Dr. Jundong Li, the Normee by the Dean of Graduate
College at ASU for the 2020 CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award
Dr. Liang Wu, CIDSE CS PhD Outstanding Student Award (2019)
AAAI Fellow 2019, "For significant contributions to
feature selection and social computing",
News in Chinese
"For contributions in feature selection for data mining and knowledge
discovery and in social computing",
ASU News
Fellow 2018,
"For distinguished contributions to the field of data science",
ASU News
Dr. Suhang Wang, Fulton Schools of Engineering Dean's
Disseration Award (Fall 2018),
ASU News
SBP-BRiMS2017 Life Time Achievement Award, 2017
International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling,
& Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation, George
Washington University, Washington DC, July 5-7, 2017.
Recipient of the "Best Researcher (Senior Faculty) Award
(2017)", School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering, ASU, May,
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering Faculty Exemplar
Award, May 13, 2016Recipient of the "Best Researcher (Senior Faculty) Award
(2015)", School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering, ASU, May,
Fred Morstatter, Harsh Dani, Justin Sampson, and Huan Liu, Recipients of the WWW2016 Best Poster, Montreal, Canada. April 11 - 15, 2016.
Jiliang Tang, ACM SIGKDD2015 Doctoral Dissertation Awards, Runner Up; Outstanding Computer Science PhD Student in CIDSE Award (May 1, 2015); Fulton Schools of Engineering Dean's Disseration Award (May 13, 2015)
Xia Hu, Outstanding Graduate Student Award in Fulton Schools of Engineering, ASU (May 13, 2015; Outstanding Computer Science PhD Student in CIDSE Award (May 1, 2015)
Recipient of the "Best Researcher (Senior Faculty) Award
(2014)", School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering, ASU, May,
Recipient of the "Best Researcher (Senior Faculty) Award
", School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering, ASU, May 2, 2014.
The 2014 President's Award for
Innovation at ASU, PI of Team Award on Empowering Humanitarian Assistance
and Disaster Relief with Social Media and Data Analytics, April 2, 2014.
Recipient of the 2013 Yahoo Faculty Research and Engagement Program (FREP)
Recipient of the "Best Researcher (Senior Faculty) Award
(2012)", School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering, ASU, April 26, 2013.
Huiji Gao, Jiliang Tang, and Huan Liu won
"The 3rd Place Dedicated Task 2: Next Location Prediction",
Mobile Data Challenge by Nokia, June 19, 2012
IEEE Fellow 2012,
Recipient of the"Distinguished Contribution Award",
PAKDD 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2012.
Recipient of the "Best Researcher (Senior Faculty) Award
(2010)", Computer Science and Engineering, CIDSE, ASU, May 5, 2011.
Recipient of the 2011 Yahoo! Faculty Research Engagement Program (FREP).
ACM 2010 Distinguished Scientist for Computing Innovations,
November 16, 2010.
Recipient of "the Most Influential Paper Award" at PAKDD 2010 for the PAKDD 2000 paper on "Feature Selection for Clustering", May, 2010. Hyderabad, India.
Recipient of "the Researcher of the Year Award" (April,
2009), Computer Science & Engineering, SCI, ASU
Recipient of "the Teacher of the Year
Award" (April, 2005), Computer Science & Engineering, ASU
Past Invited or Keynote Talks (2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011)
- `Battling against Disinformation on Social Media and Its Challenges",
Keynote, Cybersecurity in Social Media Workshop at UNSW IFCYBER and AI
Institutes, December 15, 2022. Sydney, Australia
- ``Battling against Disinformation on Social Media and Its Challenges",
CNCC Misinformation Forum, December 9, 2022, online.
- ``Social Media Mining: A Bountiful Frontier in AI", Keynote,
Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI),
Dec. 1-3, 2022. NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan.
- ``Social Media Mining - A Brief Introduction", ASU, December 8,
- ``Social Media Mining: A Bountiful Frontier in AI and Data Science",
ACM SIGKDD 2022 Innovation Award
Speech, August 15, 2022. Washington DC
- ``Defense against Disinformation on Social Media and Its Challenges",
Keynote, ACM SIGKDD Workshop on
Mis2-TrueFact 2022: Joint International Workshop on Misinformation and
Misbehavior Mining on the Web & Making a Credible Web for Tomorrow, August
15, 2022. Washington DC
- ``Striving for Socially Responsible AI", Keynote, First
Workshop on Ethical Artificial Intelligence: Methods and Applications (EAI),
August 15, 2022. Washington DC
- ``Defense against Disinformation on Social Media and Its Challenges",
Invited, ICML Workshop on Disinformation Countermeasures and Machine
Learning (DisCoML),
July 23, 2022
- ``Social Media Mining: A Bountiful Frontier in AI and Data Science",
The Hong Knog Polytechnic University Distinguished Data Science and AI Seminar, May 6, 2022
- ``Defense against Disinformation on Social Media and Its Challenges"
Keynote, The
International Symposium on Foundations and
Practice of
(FPS 2021),
December 7, 2021
- ``Social Media Mining: A Bountiful Frontier in AI and Data Science",
Invited Speaker Colloquia Series, CS Department, University of Binghamton,
October 15, 2021
- ``Striving for Socially Responsible AI in Data Science", Keynote,
APWeb-WAIM2021, August 23, 2021
- ``Next Frontiers in Combating Cyber Social Threats", Keynote,
the Cyber Social Threats Workshop (CySoc)
at ICWSM 2021, June 7, 2021.
- ``The Role of AI in the Future of News Intelligence", Panel on The
Future of News Intelligence, The First International Workshop on News
Recommendation and Intelligence at the The Web Conference, April 14, 2021
- ``Some Unique Problems with Social Media Data for Machine Learning and
AI", ASU Mathematics NSF-Sponsored Research Training Group Seminar, April
12, 2021
- ``Some Unique Problems with Social Media Data for Machine Learning and
AI", ASU New College,
Machine Learning
Day, Keynote, April 9, 2021
- ``Some Challenges in AI Advances that Can Accelerate Material Science
and Engineering", Panel on AI Research Challenges in Accelerating Materials
Discovery, Design, and Synthesis, NSF Workshop on Accelerating Materials
Discovery, Design, and Synthesis: A Grand Challenge for AI. April, 2021
- ``Some Unique Challenges for Social Media Mining", Amazon Tech Talk,
- ``Some Unique Problems with Social Media Mining", Google Tech Talk,
- ``Big Social Media Data: Challenges and Opportunities for AI, CS, and
Data Science", CS Colloquium, Rice University, December 3, 2020
- ``Some Challenges in Combating Disinformation on Social Media",
Melbourne Center for Data Science Seminar, October 30, 2020
- ``Some Challenges in Combating Disinformation on Social Media", Keynote,
13th ICACTE, Sept 13-20, 2020. Hangzhou.
- ``Privacy Paradox on Social Media - Can Users Have Both Privacy and
Utility?", Keynote, BDSC,
August 23, 2020
- ``Privacy Paradox on Social Media - Can Users Have Privacy?",
Keynote, GAITC
Secure Collaboratitive Intelligence Forum, July 26, 2020
- ``Challenges in Combating Disinformation on Social Media", BAAI
Conference, Invited Talk,
Track on Intelligent Information Retrieval and Mining, Beijing,6/23/2020
- ``Lessons Learned from Fake News Detection on Social Media", Invited
Talk, Chongqing University, CCF Forum, online presentation. June 7, 2020.
- ``Some Lessons Learned in Detecting and Explaining Fake News on Social
Media", Invited Talk with Kai Shu, online presentation at
the Data Science
for Fake News workshop, PAKDD 2020, Singapore. May 11, 2020.
- ``Illuminating Social-Media Intelligence with Cognitive Science", UCSB
Mind & Machine Intelligence Workshop, Santa Barbra, CA. 2/19-21/2020
- Disinformation, Countermeasures, and Future Technologies, Facilitator,
NAS Facilitating Greater S&T Access Workshop, Washington DC, 2/7/2020
- ``Social Media Intelligence - a New Breed of Intelligence" at the Conference
Panel on ``Human Intelligence and Machine Intelligence: Friend or Foe",
IEEE CIC, IEEE CogMI and IEEE TPS, December 13, 2019. Los Angeles, CA.
- ``The Need for Knowledge in Machine Learning in the Age of Big Data",
Track on Cognitive Graphs and Reasoning, CNCC2019, Suzhou, China.
October 17, 2019.
- ``Drowning in Misinformaiton - A Pressing Need for Multidisciplinary Research", Social Cybersecurity Working Group, Oct 3, 2019.
- ``Data, Privacy, and Evaluation at Scale: Some Challenging Problems with Big Social Media Data and NLP", Keynote, NLP Track, Aspara Conference (Yunqi), Hangzhou, China, Sept 26, 2019.
- ``Big Social Media Data and Challenges for KDD", Keynote, 15th
International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs (MLG19),
in conjuction with KDD'19, Agust
5, 2019. Anchorage, Alaska.
- ``Some New Data Challenges in Data Science", Keynote, IEEE 20th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science (IEEE IRI2019), Los Angeles, CA. July 30, 2019. Slides
- ``Beyond Competition: What else can we use social media data for?", July
8, 2019; ``Some Interesting Problems with Big Social Media Data and Machine
Learning", July 9, 2019. Tencent Advertisement Algorithms
Competition. Shenzhen, China.
- ``AI, Adversarial Learning, and Looming Threats", TSA-CAOE Symposium on
Innovations in Transportation Security, Panel Session 3: Tranportation
Security Threat Deterrence, Tempe, AZ. June 25-26, 2019
- ``Big Social Media Data and New Challenges for Machine Learning", Keynote, the 6th International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC 2019), Istanbul, Turkey. June 18-20, 2019;
Invited Talk in Department of Computer Engineering, Gazi University, Ankara,
Turkey. June 21, 2019.
- NSF SCS Diffusion Workshop on
``Social Cyber-Security and
the spread of Misinformation, Disinformation and Fake News",
Washington D.C., May 30-31, 2019.
- ``Big Social Media Data and New Challenges for Machine Learning",
Invited Talk, School
of EIEE, Shanghai Jiaotong University, April 19, 2019
- ``Big Social Media Data and New Challenges for Machine Learning",
Invited Talk, Department of Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, April, 2019,
PolyU News
- ``Big Social Media Data and New Challenges for Machine Learning",
Keynote, 16th International Conference on Information Technology: New
Generations, Las Vegas, April 2, 2019
- ``Introduction of Data Mining and Machine Learning", Invited Talk, meeting with fellows at Knowledge Exchange for Resilience (KER), ASU, Feb 22, 2019
- ``Big Social Media Data and New Challenges for Machine Learning",
Invited Talk, ASU NSF RTG Seminar on "Data-Oriented Mathematical and
Statistical Sciences." Feb 4, 2019.
- ``Big Social Media Data and New Challenges for Machine Learning",
Invited Talk as a distinguished speaker, 2018
International Conference on
Data Science, Shanghai. December 15-18, 2018.
- ``Data and Evaluation Challenges in Social Media Mining", Keynote, the Second
International Workshop on Automation in Machine Learning and Big Data (AutoML),
colocated with IEEE BigData2018, Seattle, Washington. December 13, 2018.
- ``Research Opportunities in Social Media Mining: Tools, Data, and Challenges",
Second International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Optimization
(WAIO18), remote participation via video conferencing, Chiapas, Mexico.
November 8, 2018
- ``Big Social Media Data and Challenges for Machine Learning", School of
Computer Science, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunication,
Beijing, October 17, 2018
- ``Hypes, Reality, and Opportunities of Big Social Data", Panelist,
IEEE Services 2018,
San Francisco, CA. July 6, 2018.
- ``Big Social Media Data and Some Associated Challenges", Northwestern
University, Xi'an. June 7, 2018.
- ``Big Social Media Data and Some Associated Challenges", FuDan
University, Shanghai. June 4, 2018.
- ``Mining Misinformation and Fake News on Social Media", The First Joint
CS Guest Seminar and ISCS AT&T Distinguished Speaker Series, University of
Texas, San Antonio, March 27, 2018.
- ``Social Computing Challenges in the Age of Misinformation/Fake News",
Invited Lightening Talk, South Big Data Hub "Security, Networks, and Social
Computing Working Group", March 1, 2018.
- ``Challenges in Acquiring Social Media Intelligence from Data", ARL
Research Talk, Adelphi, MD, Feb 21, 2018
- ``Big Social Media Data and Some Associated Challenges", Invited Talk in
Big Data Analytics,
Conference on Data Science, Shanghai, China. December 17 - 19, 2017.
- ``Ethics and Professionalism in the age of Social Data", Panel, IEEE
International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), New Orlean, Louisianna.
November 21, 2017.
- ``From AI to AI: Acquiring Intelligence in Big Data - A Social Media
Study", Taian, AI and Technology Track, AI and Law Conference, Taian,
Shandong, China. September 1, 2017.
- ``Big Data + Deep Learning = A Universal Solution?", Keynote, 6th
International Workshop on Big Data, Streams and Heterogeneous Souce Mining:
Algorithms, Systems, Programming Models and Applications (KDD
BigMine 17), Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. August 14, 2017.
- ``From AI to AI: Acquiring Social Media Intelliegence via `Big' Data",
Keynote, International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultral
Modeling & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation
(SBP-BRiMS2017), Washington DC,
July 7, 2017. Slides
- ``Tactics, Techniques and Procedures in the Social Media Environment",
Panel, Trends in Social Media and Their Further Development Seminar, Riga,
Latvia. March 20, 2017.
- ``When AI Meets Social Media Intelligence - The Need for New Thinking
and New Methods", South Big Data Hub,
Data Science Roundtable on Anti-Social Computing: Bots, Lies, and the
New Information Environment, Institute for Software Research, CMU. March 9,
- ``The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Uncovering Novel Opportunities of Data
Science", Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, December 26, 2016.
- ``Searching for Credible Information via Social Media Mining", Beijing University of Technology (BJUT), Beijing, China, December 22, 2016.
- ``Evaluation Dilemmas in Social Media Research", Keynote,
Kunming, China, December 5-6, 2016.
- ``Fundamentals and Challenges in Mining Social Media",
NLPCC-ICCPOL 2016 Tutorials / ADL 74 Program, Kunming, China, December 2-4, 2016.
- ``The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Uncovering Novel Opportunities of Data
Science", Keynote,
Forest Conference 2016, Durham North Carolina, November 11-13, 2016.
- ``Some Challenges in Using Social Media Data for Disaster Response",
Keynote, CIKM2016 Workshop on
Social Web for Disaster Management (SWDM'16)
October 28, 2016. Slides
- ``Language Processing for the Future of Robotics, AI, and Big Data Industry",
Industry Panel, 28th
Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing
Tainan, Taiwan, October 7, 2016.
- ``Evaluation Dilemmas in Social Media Research", Keynote, 28th
Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing
Tainan, Taiwan, October 7, 2016.
- ``Evaluation Dilemmas in Social Media Research", National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu City, Taiwan, October 6, 2016.
- ``The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Uncovering Novel Opportunities of Data
Science", CUHK, June 16, 2016
- ``The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Uncovering Novel Opportunities of Data
Science", CAS Institute of Software, June 14, 2016
- ``The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Uncovering Novel Opportunities of Data
Science", MSRA, June 13, 2016
- ``Big Data and Deep Learning: Are They Made for Each Other?", NSF Panel, SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM2016), Miami, FL. May 6, 2016.
- ``The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Uncovering Novel Opportunities of Data Science", University of Technology Sydney, AAi, Australia, April 19, 2016.
- ``The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Uncovering Novel Opportunities of Data Science", IACS, Stony Brook University, NY, April 7, 2016.
- ``Mining Social Media Data", Hohai University, Jan 21, 2016; Nanjing
University of Posts and Telecommunications, Jan 22, 2016.
- ``Mining Social Media Data: Some Lessons Learned",
Graduate Colloquium, Brigham Young University, Nov 5,
- ``Discovering Negative Links on Social Networking
Sites", Yahoo!-DAIS Seminar, UIUC, Oct 30, 2015
- ``Machine Learning for Computational Social
Science", CCS2015 Satellite
Workshop of Computational Social
Science: Contagion, Collective Behaviour, and Networks", Tempe, AZ.
October 1, 2015.
- ``Mining Social Media Data for
Behavior Analytics", Plenary Presentation, Conference on Complex Systems (CCS2015)
, Tempe, AZ. September 29, 2015.
- ``Discovering Negative Links on Social Networking Sites", Keynote,
AusDM2015 and
ICDS2015, Sydney,
Australia. August 8-9, 2015
- ``Employing Machine Learning to Help Verifying Research Hypotheses",
Invited Talk, Sister-Conference Presentation in Machine Learning Track,
IJCAI2015. Buenos Aries, Argentina. July
30, 2015.
- ``Data
Mining and Advanced Topics", CAS DragonStar Summer Lectures, Guilin,
China. July 9-14, 2015
- ``Advancing the Frontier of Social Media Mining", invited talk, ICDM2014
Workshop on Social Multimedia Data Mining, Shenzhen, China. December 14, 2014.
- ``Social Media Mining: Looking Ahead", invited talk,
Second HKUST-USC Big Data Applications Workshop, HKUST, China. December 12, 2014. Slides
- ``Social Meida Mining: Looking Ahead", invited talk,
Third China National Conference on Social Media Processing, Beijing, China. November 2, 2014.
- ``Mining Social Media: Big Data, New Challenges",
Big Data Summit, Sydney, Australia. October 27 - 28, 2014.
- ``Deepening Our Understanding of Social Media via Data Mining", invited talk, LinkedIn, CA. October 6, 2014.
- ``Keeping Pace with Big Data: A Data Mining Perspective", keynote, NSF Workshop on Big Data Analytics for Infrastructure and Building Resilience and Sustainability, Beijing. Sept 19-20, 2014.
- ``Advancing the Frontier of Social Media Mining", CIDSE Faulty Talk Series, School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. September, 2014.
- Summer School on
and Applications of Social Network Analysis & Mining, Hellenic
Ameircan College, Athens, Greece. June 2-6, 2014.
- ``Deepening Our Understanding of Social Media via Data Mining",, Jussieu,
Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Paris. May 30, 2014. Slides
- ``Advancing the Frontier of Social Media Mining", keynote 2014
AI Forum, National Taipei University, New Taipei City. May 17, 2014.
- ``Some Challenging Problems in Mining Social Media", Academic Seminar,
East Bank, University of Minnesota, SOBACO (Social Media and Business
Analytics Collaborative), April 22, 2014.
- ``New Data Mining Opportunities of Social Media", Industry Seminar
Carlson School of Management, West Bank, University of Minnesota, SOBACO
(Social Media and Business Analytics Collaborative), April 22, 2014.
- ``Deception and Detection in Social Media", AAAI2014 Spring Symposium on
Social Hacking and Cognitive Security on the Internet and New Media, March
24, 2014. Stanford University
- ``Too Messy to Understand? New Challenges in Mining Social Media", invited
talk, EECE, Northwestern University, November 12, 2013 (11/12/13) Evanston,
- Seminar on
Social Computing and Crisis in the New Inofrmation Age,
invited talk on Social Computing Challenges in Research and Applications.
October 8 - 9, 2013. Brussels, Belgium.
- ``Some Computational Challenges in Mining Social Media", Keynote
Slides, The 2013 IEEE/ACM (ASONAM2013) International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining, August 25-28. Niagra Falls, Canada.
- ``Making Sense of Social Media Data - Some of Our Lessons", Invited
Talk, Yahoo!-DAIS Seminar, August 22, 2013. UIUC, IL.
- ``A Brief Introduction to Social Media Mining", China Computer Federation (CCF), Advanced DisciplinesLectures on
Social Networks and Data Mining, Invited Lecture, August 3, 2013. Beijing.
- ``Making Sense of Social Media Data", Invited Talk, Seminar on Social Media and Big Data. August 2, 2013.Tsinghua University, Beijing.
- ``Understanding Behavior in a Networked World via Social Media", Invited Talk, July 30, 2013. National Cheng Kung University, Tainan.
- ``Understanding Behavior in a Networked World via Social Media", Invited Talk, July 26, 2013. National Taiwan University, Taipei.
- ``Some Computational Challenges in Mining Social Media", Invited Talk, July 25, 2013. Sinica Academia, Taipei.
- ``Understanding Behavior in a Networked World via Social Media", Plenary Talk, International Conference on Social Intelligence and Technology,
SOCIETY2013, State College, Pennsylvania. May 9, 2013.
- ``Some New Data-Mining Challenges with Social Media Data", Keynote, the 17th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD2013), Gold Coast, Australia. April 16, 2013.
- ``Understanding Behavior in a Networked World via Social Media Data", Plenary Talk, International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC'13), San Diego, CA. January 30, 2013.
- ``Computing with Social Media Data", Invited Talk, the Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity", Arizona State University, January 24, 2013.
- ``Some Computing Challenges in Understanding Social Media Data",
the 4th China National Conference on Social Computing, Keynote, November 15-16,
2012. Beijing.
- ``Toward Mobile Cloud Computing: Data Analysis with Location-Based Social Networks", Mobile Cloud Computing Panel, the
26th IEEE Annual Computer Communications Workshop (CCW), November 9, 2012.
Sedona, AZ.
- "Mining Social Media - A Brief Introduction", Invited Tutorial, INFORMS,
Annual Meeting, October 16, 2012. Phoenix, AZ.
- "Mining Social Media - A Brief Introduction", Decision Systems Seminar,
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering, October
11, 2012.
- "Some `Big Data' Challenges in Mining Social Media Data", Computer and
Information Science, IUPUI, September 7, 2012.
- "Some Challenges in
Understanding Social Media", Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, May 28,
- "Some Challenges in Mining Social Media Data", Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, May 25, 2012.
- "Some Challenges in Understanding Social Media", Renmin University of China, Beijing, May 24, 2012.
- "Social Computing: Developing Theories
and Advancing Applications", Symposium on Web Data Science and Engineering - A New
Inter-discipline, the Xiangshan Science Conference Series, Beijing, May 23,
- "Mining Social Media for
Actionable Knowledge", Integrated R&D Informatics & and Knowledge
Management, the 19th Molecular Med TRI-CON 2012, Moscone North
Convention Center, San Francisco, CA. Feb 22, 2012.
- "Mining Patterns in Social Media - A New Frontier", The 3rd Workshop on Domain-Driven
Data Mining (DDDM11) with ICDM 2011, Keynote, Vancouver, Canada. December 11, 2011.
- "Mining Social Media -
Issues sand Challenges", The 3rd SIGMM Workshop on Social Media (WSM11) in
Conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2011, Keynote, Scottsdale, AZ. November
29th, 2011.
- "Understanding Collective
Behavior in Social Media", The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Tools
with AI (ICTAI11), Keynote, Boca Raton, Florida. November 8th, 2011.
- "When Connected, Are We
Still in Control of Our Destinies?", Language Technologies Institute
Colloquium, Carnegie Mellon University, October 7, 2011.
- "In Social Media, Your
Vulnerability May Be Beyond Your Control", Information Assurance Center
Monthly Seminar, Arizona State University, September 30, 2011.
co-presentation with Pritam Gundecha.
- Invited Tutorial on "Exploiting Attribue-Value and Linked Data - Complexities and Opportunities
in Social Computing", Air Force Research Lab - Wright Patterson Workshop on
``Computational Methods for Complex Data Analysis", September 6-7, 2011.
- Invited Lecture, Lipari
School of Computational Social Science on "Community Detection and Mining
in Social Media", Lipari Island, Italy, July 16 - 23, 2011.
- "Studying Human Behavior in
Social Media", LinkedIn, Mountain View, CA. July 7, 2011.