[09/25/2024] Our paper “RegExplainer: Generating Explanations for Graph Neural Networks in Regression Tasks” has been accepted by NeurIPS’24.
[09/21/2024] I’m going to deliver a keynote talk on “Simulation: Machine learning from it, for it and beyond it” at ITSC 2024.
[07/31/2024] I'll be the session chair for "DM: Mining spatial and/or temporal data" at IJCAI'24 at Jeju, South Korea.
[07/16/2024] Three papers are accepted by CIKM 2024.
[05/28/2024] Our paper "CityFlowER: An Efficient and Realistic Traffic Simulator with Embedded Machine Learning Models" is accepted by ECML-PKDD'24 Demo Track. Checkout the demo here.
[05/27/2024] Our paper "Spatial-Temporal PDE Networks for Traffic Flow Forecasting" is accepted by ECML-PKDD'24.
[05/17/2024] Our paper "CoSLight: Co-optimizing Collaborator Selection and Decision-making to Enhance Traffic Signal Control" is accepted by KDD'24.
[05/13/2024] Our paper "Towards Robust Fidelity for Evaluating Explainability of Graph Neural Networks" is awarded the Best Paper Runner-up in TrustLOG Workshop@WWW 2024).
[05/01/2024] Our paper "Generating In-Distribution Proxy Graphs for Explainable Graph Neural Networks" is accepted by ICML'24.
[04/16/2024] Our paper "X-Light: Cross-City Traffic Signal Control Using Transformer on Transformer as Meta Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learner" is accepted by IJCAI'24.
[04/07/2024] I'll be giving a keynote on Data Science for Smart Manufacturing and Healthcare Workshop in SDM'24 on "Trustworthy Decision Making in the Real World with Uncertainty Quantification". See you in Houston!
[04/07/2024] Our paper "HumanLight: Incentivizing Ridesharing via Human-centric Deep Reinforcement Learning in Traffic Signal Control" is accepted by Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies.
[02/27/2024] Our paper "eTraM: Event-based Traffic Monitoring Dataset" is accepted by CVPR'24.
[02/27/2024] Our workshop “DCgAA 2024: International Workshop on DL-Hardware Co-Design for Generative AI Acceleration” has been accepted by DAC'24.
[02/07/2024] Congrats to Longchao and Hao for being awarded the ASU SCAI Doctoral Fellowship Award!
[01/17/2024] Our papers Prompt to transfer: Sim-to-real Transfer for Traffic Signal Control with Prompt Learning and Uncertainty Regularized Evidential Regression are selected for Oral Presentations for AAAI 2024. Check them out!
[01/16/2024] We thank OpenAI for providing us with API credits under the Researcher Access program.
[01/16/2024] Our paper "Towards Robust Fidelity for Evaluating Explainability of Graph Neural Networks" is accepted to ICLR 2024
[12/09/2023] Four papers are accepted by AAAI'24. See you in Vancouver!
[11/23/2023] RegExplainer is accepted by LoG'23.
[11/10/2023] I'm giving a talk in ASU SCAI AI Day.
[11/03/2023] I'm co-organizing an ARO-sponsored workshop on "Metacognitive AI".