title: “News”
May 2023, our paper “Interpretation and visualization of distance covariance with additive decomposition of correlations formula” has been selected as the best paper award in IISE DAIS Track. Congraduations to my collaborator Andi Wang.
Feb 2023, our short course “AI for Air Traffic Safety Enhancement” is open in AIAA. Congratulations to the all NASA ULI Members.
Sep 2022, our Project “Novel threat detection methodology to detect HIV outbreaks in Washington” has received funding from National Institutes of Health.
Sep 2022, our Project “AIDen: An AI-empowered detection and diagnosis system for jaw lesions using CBCT” has received funding from National Institutes of Health.
Jul 2022, my Ph.D. student Xinyu Zhao has successfully defended his dissertation “Hierarchical Sequential Event Prediction and Translation from Aviation Accident Report Data”, He is currently working in Zillow. Congratulations to Xinyu.
May 2022, I attended IISE Annual Meeting and received the “IISE DATA ANALYTICS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS (DAIS) DIVISION TEACHING AWARD”, 2022. See the annoucement in News.
Sep 2021, our project received one grant from Department of Transportation with proposal title “Knowledge-guided Automation for Integrity Management of Aging Pipelines (KAI-MAP) for Hydrogen Transport”.
Sep 2021, our paper “Low-rank and Sparse Tensor Decomposition with RidgeRegularized Subspace Clustering for Metro Passenger Flow Modeling” has been selected as the best paper finalist in the theoretical track for the 16th INFORMS Hybrid Workshop on Data Mining and Decision Analytics on Saturday, October 23, 2021.
Sep 2021, our paper “Tensor Topic Models with Graphs and Their Applications on Individualized Travel Patterns” has been selected as the best paper finalist in the applied track for the 16th INFORMS Hybrid Workshop on Data Mining and Decision Analytics on Saturday, October 23, 2021.
Aug 2021, my Ph.D. student Nurretin Dorukhan Sergin has successfully defend his dissertation and congratulation to Dorukhan.
July 2021, our project “Photovoltaic Plant Predictive Maintenance Optimization under Uncertainties Using Probabilistic Information Fusion” is funded by Solar Energy Technologies Office | Department of Energy to artificial intelligence techniques in solar industries, Amount: 750K + 380K Cost share. Role: PI, See Award Annoucement and News.
Nov 2020, INFORMS QSR Best Paper Competition, 2020 for our paper “Adaptive Partially-Observed Sequential Change Point Detection with Multiple Failure Modes”. See the Awards - Quality, Statistics & Reliability.
Nov 2020, INFORMS Data Mining Best Paper Competition Finalist, 2020 for our paper “Thompson Sampling based Partially Observable Online Change Detection via Bayesian Spike-Slab Composite Decomposition”, See Finalists Announcement.
Aug 2020, IEEE CASE Best Conference Paper Award 2020 for our paper “Long-Short Term Spatiotemporal Tensor Prediction for Passenger Flow Profile”. See the IEEE CASE Best Conference Paper Award Annoucement.
Feb 2020, Co-PI for NASA ULI “Information Fusion for Teal-Time National Air Transportation System Prognostics under Certainty”, provide air-traffic risk quantification using sequence of event data, See Award Link.
Dec 2019, Our paper “Weakly correlated profile monitoring based on sparse multi-channel functional principal component analysis“ has been selected as the The Best Paper in the 2019 IISE Transactions Focus Issue on Quality and Reliability Engineering.
Nov 2019, Our paper “Tensor Completion for Weakly-dependent Data on Graph for Metro Passenger Flow Prediction” has been accepted by, Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Congratulation to Ziyue and Dorukhan
Jun 2019, Thank you for P&G for providing funding for us.
May 2019, Our paper “Multiple Sensor-Based Monitoring and Anomaly Detection” has won the ASQ Brumbaugh Award, which gives to “the paper making the largest single contribution to the development of industrial application of quality control.” The chosen paper is selected from among publications in the seven journals published by ASQ in a given year. The winner annoucement is given in 2019 Medal and Award recipients
Sep 2018, Our projects “ATD: Collaborative Research: Adaptive and Rapid Spatial-Temporal Threat Detection over Networks” has funded by NSF. Role: PI, provide spatio-temporal learning algorithm. Link
Apr 2018, our paper “Generalized Wavelet Shrinkage of Inline Raman Spectroscopy for Quality Monitoring of Continuous Manufacturing of Carbon Nanotube Buckypaper” won IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering Best Paper Award , with Xiaowei Yue, Jin Gyu Park, Zhiyong Liang, and Jianjun Shi, Congraduations to Xiaowei Yue
Oct 2017, our paper “Dynamic Multivariate Functional Data Modeling via Sparse Subspace Learning” won the INFORMS Data Mining Best Paper Competition, with Chen Zhang and Jianjun Shi, Congraduations to Chen Zhang