Keith W. Kintigh
Professor Emeritus, School
of Human Evolution & Social Change
Founding Co-Director,
Center for Archaeology and Society
Affiliate Global Futures Scholar, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory
Board of Directors, Center
for Digital Antiquity, see tDAR
the Digital Archaeological Record
Co-President, Coalition
for Archaeological Synthesis
(not an ASU web site)
421 Calle Kokopelli, Santa Fe, NM 87501
See also Kintigh's ASU Directory Page
Kintigh's Archaeological Software Package: Tools for Quantitative Archaeology
(not an ASU web site)
- Organizations
- Society for
American Archaeology SAA (former President)
- Coalition for
Archaeological Synthesis (co-President)
- Registered Professional
Archaeologist, 10256
Foundation (Board of Directors)
- SAA Digital Data Interest Group
- Journal of
Computer Applications in Archaeology (Editorial Board
- Selected Substantial and Recent Publications (Most
articles will download automatically)
- Kintigh & Peeples 2020 Estimating Population Growth Rates
and Instantaneous Population from Periodized Settlement Data. Journal
of Computer Applications in Archaeology,
Altschul et al. 2020 Opinion: To understand how migrations
affect human securities, look to the past. Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences 117 (34) 20342-20345. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2015146117
Strawhacker et al. 2020 A Landscape Perspective on Climate-Driven
Risks to Food Security: Exploring the Relationship between
Climate and Social Transformations in the Prehispanic U.S.
Southwest. American Antiquity 85(3): 427-451.
Altschul et al. 2018 Fostering Collaborative Synthetic Research in
Archaeology. Advances in Archaeological Practice
6(1): 19-29.
Kintigh et al. 2018 Data Integration in the Service of
Synthetic Research. Advances in Archaeological
Practice. 6(1): 30-41.
Kintigh and Ingram 2018 Was the drought really responsible?
Assessing statistical relationships between climate extremes
and cultural transitions. Journal of Archaeological
Science 89: 25-31.
Altschul et al. 2017 Fostering Synthetic Research in Archaeology
to Advance Science and Benefit Society. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences 114(42): 10999-01002
McManamon et al. 2017 tDAR: A Cultural Heritage Archive for
Twenty-First-Century Public Outreach, Research, and Resource
Management.. Advances in Archaeological Practice.
5(1): 1-121.
Kintigh et al. 2015
Cultural Dynamics, Deep Time, and Data: Planning
Cyberinfrastructure Investments for Archaeology. Advances
in Archaeological Practice 3(1):1-15.
Hegmon et al. 2014
The Human Experience of Social Change and Continuity: The
Southwest and North Atlantic in "Interesting Times" ca. 1300.
In Climates of Change: The Shifting Environments of
Archaeology, pp. 53-68. Proceedings of the
44th Annual Chacmool Conference, University of Calgary.
Kintigh et al. 2014 Grand Challenges for Archaeology.
American Antiquity 79(1): 5-24.
Kintigh et al. 2014 Grand Challenges for Archaeology. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences 111(3): 879-880.
Kintigh 2013 Sustaining Database Semantics. In
CAA 2010: Fusion of Cultures BAR International Series
2494: 585-589.
Spielmann and Kintigh 2011 the Digital Archaeological Record: The
Potentials of Archaeozoological Data Integration through
tDAR. SAA Archaeological Record. 11(1) 22-25.
Kintigh (ed.) 2006 The Promise and Challenge of Archaeological
Data Integration. American Antiquity 71(3):
Kintigh 2006
Ceramic Dating and Type Associations. In Managing
Archaeological Data: Essays in Honor of Sylvia W. Gaines,
Arizona State University Anthropological Research Papers
57: 17-26.
Papalas, Clark and Kintigh 2003 Liencres Revisited: The Significance of
Spatial Patterning Revealed by Unconstrained Clustering.
In In Mesolithic on the Move: Papers Presented at the
Sixth International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe,
Stockholm 2000, pp. 253-261.
Gregg et al. 1991
Linking ethnoarchaeological interpretation and
archaeological data: The sensitivity of spatial analytical
methods to post-depositional disturbance. In The
Archaeological Interpretation of Spatial Patterns, pp.
Kintigh 1990
Intrasite Spatial Analysis: A Commentary on Major Methods.
In Mathematics and Information Science in
Archaeology: A Flexible Framework, edited by Albertus
Voorrips. Studies in Modern Archaeology 3: 165-200.
- Minor Useful Publications
- Applying to
Graduate School in Archaeology SAA Archaeological
Record 4(3): 9-12, (May 2004; pdf)
Notes on Quantitative Analysis and Writing in Archaeology
SAA Archaeological Record 5(4):33-35 (Sept. 2005; pdf)
Kintigh: Writing Archaeology: Analyses and
Archaeological Argumentation
Cowgill: Things to Remember About Statistics -
(Whatever Else You Forget)
- Summary of the
Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
(NAGPRA) (pdf)
- Recent Papers Presented
- Altschul and Kintigh 2019 Can
a Synthesis Center Work for Archaeology. Paper presented
in the symposium Discussing the Value and Public Utility of
Archaeology at the 25th Annual Meeting of the European
Association of Archaeologists, Bern, Switzerland, 7 September
Kintigh and Altschul 2019 Archaeological
Synthesis: Why and How CRM Should Be Involved. Paper
presented in the session: Perspectives on Cultural Resources:
Data Mining, Data Synthesis, & Data Archiving at the 24th
Annual Conference, American Cultural Resources Association,
Spokane, 25 October 2019.
- Field Research
- 2004 ASU
Summer Archaeological Field School, El Morro Valley, New
Mexico School
- 2004 SAA Poster: Community
Formation and Migration in the 13th Century El Morro Valley,
New Mexico
- Interpreting
the Prehistory of Lyman Lake State Park (developed
collaboratively with the Hopi tribe)
- Legacies on the Landscape Agua Fria
National Monument, Arizona (pdf; ASU Research magazine)
Page Last Updated: 5 March 2024