Crossing the Valley Interview Analysis

As far as I went through migration story of Siam, I noticed that his case is slightly different from most of the immigrants I have heard. He used his girlfriend to be a major factor to make a decision. Most of immigrants from Thailand come to the U.S. to improve their living. But Siam was not, according to his background, his family didn’t have a severe financial problem like others, he was well educated. By his professional knowledge graduating Bachelors in Architecture would be able to lead him to the up-scale career in Thailand and his social status could be in a high-rank. But he gave it all up and came all the way to the United States to start his life over without any supports from his parents like he has always been asking for when he was in Thailand.

He was then became illegal for a while and then fell into the blind alley but fortunately, he met a Thai woman who was willing to help him by marriage so he could change his status, this probably similar to the other immigrants who marry for convenience.

I think he has a similar thought like Lana from the book “Crossing the BLVD”, Lana wanted to come to a foreign country like Siam he wanted to live aboard since he was young too. Compared to Tonga, Thai people do not have big number of immigrants like Tongan. Most of Thai people who live in the metropolitan are more likely have good job, people who are from suburban or upcountry are more likely to be immigrants because they earn very little and are not able to feed their family.

According to the Five Myths article that I have read, it is relevant to the case of Thai immigrants. They are more likely going abroad because of the financial situation are forcing them to. In some part of Thailand, you might never ever be able to feed your family no matter how hard you work. From my observation, comparing between mail man in Thailand and mail man in the U.S, In Thailand, they get paid by salary with a very small amount of money each month but you work very hard compared to the U.S. if you are a mail man, the more you work harder is the more you get paid. There fore, the immigrants are willing to the job that some American might never even think about it such as labor job like working in the kitchen, in a factory or any department that require hard work.

Another thing that I got from reading “In and Out of Morocco” is the distance between family members. One guy who has been living abroad for almost 30 years, he lost the control between him and his son. His son doesn’t listen to him anymore since they are barely with each other that are why there is no bond between them. I think this is very sad, father or the leader of family is trying to do everything for family, of course he makes enough to feed his family but on the other hand he loses family relationship. The distance does matter to this case but again, life is a life, it is not always beautiful when I you got something, at the same time you will lose something too. It just like Siam, he chose to come here, he lost his job opportunities in Thailand but he gain life experience in the U.S., it is still questionable is this option worth for him?

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