All assignments typed, double spaced please, to be submitted in hard copy, to Blackboard discussion forums, and to web pages.Ê See assignment instruction sheets linked below.
Attendance | Ê5% |
Participation | 10%ÊÊ Includes:Ê |
Quizzes | 15% Best 2 out of 3; multiple choice, T/F, short answer, as required |
BorderLinks Trip Report (2-3 pp)Ê | 10%Ê If unable to attend, see Dr. K. for alternative field-based assignment (7-10 pp) |
Country PosterÊ | 10% Team project poster based on research into guest worker/immigation policy in selected immigrant receiving countries--for display at Migrants, Justice & the Border event. |
Migrants, Justice, & the Border ÒbriefÓÊ | 10% Based on attendance of campus events April 6-9, 2004.Ê Instead of attending class this week, you should attend at least one of the special events. Write up a ÒbriefÓ of the events that you attended, making sure to relate your discussion to our course (1-2 pp).Ê See event schedule. |
Multimedia Ethnography for ÒCrossing the ValleyÓ Project | 25% Includes: immigrant/refugee interview, supplementary materials, analysis; all conveyed thru web pages |
Student Web Portfolio
15% Integrating all your assignments above.Ê Plus, an Open Letter (1-2 pp) addressed to Valley residents, reflecting on what you have learned throughout our course.Ê Highlight in your letter one key reflective point that you would like to pose for your readers to consider to develop a fuller, more complex understanding of migration.Ê |
Ê100% Total |