Semester at Sea Fall 2006 Voyage banner


My Bio -- Not Quite Yet. Almost? Soon.

By Rip Ritchie

I am Rip Ritchie.

I was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia on September 24, 1984 at around lunchtime.  I was a cesarean delivery.

I was raised in the suburbs, so even though I went to public schools, I got one of the best educations in the state. I got a little of the city and the country, which I think is important. 

I decided to go to college at the College of Charleston, in South Carolina. I didn’t want to go to the North, and my mother couldn’t bear to see me go as far as the West, so it was really one of my only choices.

I went there for Marine Biology but immediately changed to Political Science. Two completely different ways of thinking, and the latter suited me more appropriately. 

I have taken courses in Anthropology, Psychology, Religious Studies and Political Science primarily.  I have known that I wanted to go on the Semester at Sea program since at least High School and it festered throughout college. I enrolled fall semester of my senior year and it turns out it was the most appropriate time in my mental and educational development.

Because of these travels, around the world, I have gained a new and broader perspective on the beautiful and varying activities that people pursue around the globe.  It has been glorious.

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