Fall 2012---Professor: Kristin Koptiuch
School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Arizona State University at the West campus, Phoenix, Arizona

What are they?


Borderlands of Race/Ethnicity

Alyson Rickard, Pacific Borderland: My Experience as an Island Elizabeth Ramirez, Bilinguals Under Attack

NP, A Day Like No Other

VS, Multiculturalism: A Mother/Daughter Perspective Sheena Samaniego, You are Not a Mexican

RS, White Girl

Callea Brown, Welcome to Georgia

RN, Fear of a Black Planet

Nikolas Hauswirth, A Case Of Mextaken Identity
Victoria Carleton, Steaming White Rice Lorin Woodford, The End of Innocence Laurel Adair, This is The Song That Never Ends
Jermaul Edmond, Red Ranger is White, Black Ranger is Black Angelica Favela, My First Racial Encounter Essence Henderson, The Double Life
Jeffrey Bixby, You’re Not In North Dakota Anymore Daniel Rosenberg, White Sheep in a Black Flock Walid Alansari, Racial Dodge Ball

Borderlands of (Trans)Nationality

Borderlands of Class
Borderlands of Gender and Sexuality

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