By law all antiquities from Mexico belong to the Mexican government and it is illegal to sell them or to export them out of Mexico. It is also illegal to excavate archaeological sites without the permission of the Mexican government's National Institute of Anthropology and History, even if the sites are on private land. Most artifacts for sale in the U.S. today were excavated illegally (i.e., they were looted), and most entered the U.S. illegally.
Artifacts that are found by individuals and kept privately are lost to scholarship, since scholars do not know about them. Even when collectors let experts look at their collections, the scholarly value is usually very low because the objects were removed from their sites of origin without proper excavation methods and without documenting their location, depth, context, etc. Most archaeologists, myself included, refuse to provide estimates of value or to provide formal scholarly opinions on objects in private collections because this can encourage the looting of sites and the illicit trade in ancient art.
When artifacts are excavated by archaeologists, they provide new information on the ancient cultures of the area. That information is made available to a wide audience of both professionals and the general public. The objects are typically displayed in a museum (near the site or in another city in the country where they were excavated) for the public to see and for scholars to study. The ancient peoples of Mexico were the ancestors of modern Mexicans, and knowledge of their accomplishments enriches our understanding of Mexican history and is a source of pride to all Mexicans. When ancient objects are excavated by private individuals for their own enjoyment or for sale, and when such objects are sold on the illegal antiquities market, the public is robbed of information and enjoyment, the scholarly community is robbed of information, and only a few people benefit. The commercial market in Mexican antiquities robs the Mexican people of their heritage and harms scholarship.
For these reasons I will not provide commercial valuations of artifacts. I will sometimes provide an opinion on the age, affiliation, or significance of artifacts, but only in cases where it can be shown that they have been obtained legally and are being held legally today.
The Looting Question Bibliography
Looting Matters! The Material and Intellectual Consequences of Collecting Antiquities
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This page was produced by Dr. Michael E. Smith,
of Anthropology, Arizona State University.