To view a list of PSI publications, click here -- Parent
Success Indicator Publications
The PSI measures:
• Communication--How often the parent is good at communicating and
listening to the child.
• Use of Time--How often the parent has difficulty finding time
to be involved in the child's daily life.
• Teaching--How often the parent teaches about important issues
such as health, consideration of others feelings, and issues of right
and wrong.
• Frustration--How often the parent is frustrated by the way a child
typically behaves.
• Satisfaction--How often the parent likes the way a child typically
• Information Needs-- How often the parent needs more information
about what to expect of a child at a particular age, helping the child
succeed in school, helping the child deal with gangs and bullies, preventing
the use of drugs and alcohol, and other adolescent concerns.
Typically, a parents's role is most stressful when a child is 10 to 14
years of age. The Parent Success Indicator is a two-generational instrument
(a parent and a child survey) for parents with children in this age group
(middle and junior high school). Children in middle and junior high school
are considered by most scholars to be at-risk because of the many problems
with unprecedented dangers these children experience today.
The Parent Success Indicator identifies favorable qualities of parents,
and aspects of their behavior where education seems warranted through
parent self-reports and the perceptions of their children.
The PSI consists of six subscales: Communication, Use of Time, Teaching,
Frustration, Satisfaction, and Information Needs. This allows adults to
make better decisions about self-improvement because they can consider
the perceptions of those they are trying to influence. Some common uses
for the PSI are to: find out how parents view their assets and limitations
during this demanding period of parenting, determine how parents are seen
by their children, compare child and parent impressions of the parent
performance, give feedback to individual parents about the attitudes and
behaviors they ought to consider changing, design curriculum for parent
groups with shared characteristics, and detect how parent-child interaction
changes in response to educational intervention.
Included with the PSI are an Identification form that helps researcher
determine similarities and differences among populations, and a Profile
for data compilation and parent feedback on pretest and post-test scores
to determine the effects of intervention.
Profile Feedback to Parents
Most parents want feedback about their level of competence. This goal
is attained by first administering a Parent Success Indicator and then
preparing an individual Profile. Mothers and fathers examine the Profile
to find out ratings based on their inventory responses. Intervention programs
can include feedback in the beginning of the instruction and when completed
(pre and post). Comparisons can be made between individuals and norms
of their subpopulation.
Sample Items
"I am good at discussing my child's concerns about dating."
"I am frustrated by the language my child uses."
Publication date
1st edition 1998
Robert D. Strom & Shirley K. Strom
Scholastic Testing Service
480 Meyer Road
Bensenville, Illinois 60106-1617
Phone: 1-800-642-6787
Language Translations: Available in English and Spanish
from the publisher. Also available from Robert Strom (
) in Japanese and Mandarin. For a list of international research studies
sorted by population, see Parent Success Indicator
Ages: For use by (1) Parents of children ages 10 to 14
years old; (2) Children ages 10 to 14 years old; (3) or both the child
and parent groups.
Populations: English version studies for populations
include Asian-American, African-American, Caucasian, Mexican-American,
low, middle and upper socioeconomic backgrounds; immigrant families to
Canada from Central and South America; and families of atypical children
who are deaf, mentally retarded, gifted and talented. Please see Parent
Success Indicator Publications.
Countries: Research has been completed in the following
countries: Australia, Canada, Japan, Central and South America, People's
Republic of China, United States, Vietnam
Reliability and Validity
Psychometric indicators are described in the Parent Success Indicator
Manual available from the publisher.
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