Arizona State University, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Phone (work): none
School of Earth and Space Exploration Fax (work): (+1)(480) 965 8102
Tyler Mall PSF-686 E-mail: ( [email may not arrive])
P.O. Box 871404 URL:
Tempe, AZ 85287-1404 URL:

Research Interests:

Ground-based, space-based, & airborne observations from UV through radio in preparation for, complementary to, and including the JWST PEARLS (formerly: Webb Medium Deep Fields) GTO surveys;

Design reference science program for a mid-UV–near-IR wide-field, high-resolution dichroic camera for a future 1.6–4.0 m space telescope to study star formation, near and far, and its link to formation and survival of solar systems, including our own;

Lifting the veil of dust from the stellar populations within nearby galaxies using images at far-IR, mid-IR, visible, and UV wavelengths;

The smallest galaxies in the local Universe; imaging and spectroscopy of satellite galaxies and ultra-compact dwarf galaxies;

Spatially resolved Hα and UV emission as tracers of current high-mass star formation in nearby galaxies; and the interplay between feedback by SNe on the ambient interstellar gas and dust;

Data reduction pipe-lines; removal of the pattern-noise (an electronic artefact) from all "Side-2" STIS/CCD data;

Tracking the hierarchical assembly of galaxies and the emergence of the Hubble sequence at z ≤ 1 via high-resolution UV–near-IR imaging of their stellar populations

First light: the hunt for the first QSO's and stellar populations that cleared the cosmic fog at z > 6.

Professional History:

1. Employment and Research


Research Scientist in Extragalactic Astronomy/Cosmology at the School of Earth and Space Exploration of the Arizona State University, Tempe AZ.
Research interests: JWST Medium Deep Fields and ancillary ground- and space-based preparatory science; First Light, formation of the first galaxies and of galaxy bulges and bars; galaxy evolution; high-resolution Hα and UV–IR imaging of nearby galaxies with GALEX, HST, and Spitzer; slitless spectroscopy with JWST and WFIRST; galaxy interactions; the smallest galaxies in the local Universe; star formation and the ISM in nearby field galaxies; future UV–IR space telescopes and instrumentation.


Associate Research Scientist in Extragalactic Astronomy/Cosmology at the School of Earth and Space Exploration and Dept. of Physics of the Arizona State University, Tempe AZ.
Research interests: high-resolution Hα and UV–IR imaging of nearby galaxies with GALEX, HST, and Spitzer; galaxy interactions; the smallest galaxies in the local Universe; formation of the first galaxies and of galaxy bulges and bars; star formation and the ISM in nearby field galaxies; and recalibration of the HST/STIS CCD data archive.


Assistant Research Scientist in Extragalactic Astronomy/Cosmology at the Dept. of Physics & Astronomy of the Arizona State University, Tempe AZ.
Research interests: high-resolution Hα and UV–IR imaging of nearby galaxies with GALEX, HST, and Spitzer; galaxy interactions; a cosmological census of faint and/or small galaxies; formation of the first galaxies and of galaxy bulges and bars; and star formation and the ISM in nearby field galaxies.


Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Dept. of Physics & Astronomy of the Arizona State University, Tempe AZ.
Research interests: high-resolution Hα and mid-UV—near-IR imaging of nearby galaxies with HST; re-ionization of H I and He II in the IGM; taking a cosmological census of faint galaxies; formation of the first galaxies and of galaxy bulges; star formation and the ISM in nearby field galaxies; and data restoration techniques.
Associateship supervisor:  Dr. R.A. Windhorst


ESA Internal Research Fellowship (postdoctoral) at the Astrophysics Division of the Space Science Department (aka. RSSD) of the European Space Agency, at the European Space Research and Technology Center (ESTEC), Noordwijk (NL).
Research interests: QSOs as tracers of large scale structure at high redshifts; re-ionization of He II in the IGM at z ~ 3; the expansion of the SN 1987A debris; intergalactic far-UV He II absorption; and the ionized ISM in nearby field galaxies.
Fellowship supervisor:  Dr. P. Jakobsen.


Ph.D. research at the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute of the Univ. of Groningen (NL), and Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA), Cambridge, MA.
I obtained and analyzed UBR surface photometry, nuclear and integrated spectro- photometry for a representative sample of ~200 nearby field galaxies (see also: the NFGS homepage).
Thesis supervisors: Dr. M. Franx and Dr. D.G. Fabricant.


Masters thesis at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Tenerife, Spain) and at the Kapteyn Institute: a UBVRIJK' study of the interstellar dust extinction curve in 4 highly inclined galaxies.
Thesis supervisors: Dr. P.C. van der Kruit, Dr. J.H. Knapen and Dr. J.E. Beckman.


Undergraduate thesis at the Kapteyn Institute: reduction of a high resolution radio continuum map of M 33 at \lambda = 49 cm, based on observations with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope. Supervisor: Dr. J.M. van der Hulst.

2. Education:


Graduate student at the University of Groningen (NL) and at the Harvard- Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA.
Ph.D. thesis (University of Groningen): ``The Nearby Field Galaxy Survey: a spectrophotometric study of 196 galaxies in the local field'', Nov 28, 2000.
Supervisors: Dr. M. Franx (Kapteyn) and Dr. D.G. Fabricant (CfA).


Undergraduate student at the University of Groningen. Majors: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Physics and Mathematics. Minors: Applied physics, Experimental physics, Chemical bonds and Computer science.
M.Sc. thesis: ``The extinction by dust in highly inclined spirals'', Aug 31, 1993. Supervisors: Dr. P.C. van der Kruit (Kapteyn), Dr. J.H. Knapen, and Dr. J.E. Beckman (IAC).


High School student at the St. Willibrord College, Goes (NL). Atheneum-β profile: exact sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology) + Dutch, English and Latin.

3a. Teaching

2022 Guest Instructor for AST 394 (D. Jacobs) ``Special Topics – Undergrad Astrophysics Research Seminar'' at ASU. A 45 min section on my near-UV–near-IR extra-galactic research.
2021 Guest Instructor for AST 394 (A. Noble) ``Special Topics – Astrophysics Research & Internships Opportunities'' at ASU. A 50 min section on my near-UV–near-IR extra-galactic research.
2019 Guest Instructor for AST 394 (P. Scowen) ``Special Topics – Astrophysics Research & Internship Opportunities'' at ASU. A 50 min section on my near-UV–near-IR extra-galactic research.
2018 Guest Instructor for AST 394 (P. Scowen) ``Special Topics – Astrophysics Research & Internship Opportunities'' at ASU. A 50 min section on my near-UV–near-IR extra-galactic research.
2017 Guest Instructor for AST 394 (P. Scowen) ``Special Topics – Astrophysics Research & Internship Opportunities'' at ASU. I taught a 50 min section on my near-UV–near-IR extra-galactic research.
2016 Guest Instructor for AST 598/494 (S. Malhotra) ``Special Topics – The Distant Universe'' at ASU. I taught a 3×75 min section on the Basics of CCDs and Astronomical Imaging.
2016 Guest Instructor for AST 394 (P. Scowen) ``Special Topics – Astrophysics Research & Internship Opportunities'' at ASU. I taught a 50 min section on my near-UV–near-IR extra-galactic research.
2014 Guest Instructor for AST 598/494 (S. Malhotra) ``Special Topics – The Distant Universe'' at ASU. I taught a 3×75 min section on the Basics of CCDs and Astronomical Imaging.
2013 Guest Instructor for AST/SES 598 (Ph. Mauskopf) ``Astronomical Instrumentation and Data Analysis'' at ASU. I taught the 2×75 min section on Astronomy with Charge Coupled Devices.
2009 Taught both Spring and Fall 2009 Astrophysics Seminar courses (AST/SES 494+591) at ASU.
2008 Taught the Spring 2008 Astrophysics Seminar course (AST/SES 494+591) at ASU.
2007 Taught both Spring and Fall 2007 Astrophysics Seminar courses (AST/SES 494+591) at ASU.
2006 Co-Instructor with Dr. P. Scowen for AST/SES 598 ``Astronomical Instrumentation and Data Analysis'' at ASU.   I taught the 13×50 min section on Astronomy with Charge Coupled Devices, for which I newly developed the curriculum.
2006 Taught the Spring 2006 Astrophysics Seminar course (AST 494+591) at ASU.
2005 Taught the Fall 2005 Astrophysics Seminar course (AST 494+591) at ASU.
1994 Teaching assistent for the ``Introductory Astronomy & Astrophysics II'' labs at the University of Groningen. I also wrote/updated a new ``syllabus'' for this course.
1993 Teaching assistant for the ``Introductory Astronomy & Astrophysics I'' labs at the University of Groningen.

3b. Mentoring/Advising/Training

2002–present Served as Graduate student Research Advisor at ASU for 13 students (29 when including mentoring/collaboration).
2004–present Served as Undergraduate student Research Advisor for 20 students at ASU, and as co-advisor for 1 at CTIO & Union College.
2003–present Trained ASU graduate students on the 1.8 m Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope on Mt.Graham (AZ).
2012 Supported ASU graduate student during imaging observing run at the 2×8.4 m Large Binocular Telescope on Mt.Graham (AZ).
2007,2009–2010 Supported ASU graduate students during spectroscopic and near-IR imaging observing runs at the Steward 90" (2.3 m) telescope on Kitt Peak (AZ).
2003,2009 Supported ASU graduate students during several spectroscopic observing runs at the 6.5 m MMT on Mt.Hopkins (AZ).
1996 Served as Undergraduate student Research Advisor at the University of Groningen for 1 student.

4. Support

2005–2008 I designed, created and maintained the web pages for the Cosmology Group within ASU's School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE).
2001–present Initial set-up, and part-time administration of up to 18 networked RedHat 9 / Enterprise AS / CentOS / Ubuntu linux PC work stations and servers and their periferals at ASU. I provide the specific computer support demanded within the Cosmology Group at ASU, including IRAF, SuperMongo, LaTeX support to (under)graduate students, where needed, the installation and maintenance of various proposal tools, and serve as the local Unix/Linux, Postscript, and HTML wizard of sorts.
2005,2013–2014 I wrote an introduction to Linux/Unix for undergraduate students without prior experience with this operating system; in 2013 and 2014, the list of common commands was expanded with examples.
2005–present Telescope User Support:
– I wrote IRAF scripts to quickly inspect ( and get image statistics ( of 4-CCD LBT/LBC exposures;
– I provided technical feedback and detector characterization for the 2688×512-pixel CCD of the Blue Channel Spectrograph on the MMT;
– With M. Horning, designed, built and commissioned in Dec 2008 a hybrid LED/incandescent flat-field source for the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT);
– I provide technical feedback and detector characterization for both the old 2048×2048-pixel CCD camera of the VATT (since it first displayed non-linear response behavior) and its new 4096×4096-pixel replacement (which until Nov 2008 had been plagued by another kind of non-linearity;
– I wrote an IRAF task (display4k) to bias-subtract, scale and merge the two halves of the VATT CCD read through different amplifiers into a single flat FITS image and display it;
– I wrote an IRAF/ICE control script (standards) for the VATT to automatically cycle through multiple exposures and/or filters.
2003–2007 I authored an "external layered package", rjtools, for the Image Reduction and Analysis Facility (IRAF), which was made available to the larger astronomical community via
2000–2001 IRAF, SuperMongo and Xfig support to research fellows at ESA's ESTEC (NL).
1995–2000 IRAF support, mainly to fellow students at the Kapteyn Institute of the University of Groningen (NL).
1994–1995 Telescope user support: I wrote rtshell control scripts for automated observations at the F.L. Whipple Observatory's 48″ telescope — some are still in use.

5a. Professional and University Service

2004–present Served on the Doctoral Supervisory Committee for the (Astro)Physics Degree Program (Doctoral Dissertation Committee) at ASU:
T. McCabe: Ph.D. Thesis (ASU): Investigating Faint Light and Diffuse Gas Around Galaxies in Group Environments", Jul 5 2024
M. Padave: Ph.D. Thesis (ASU): "Multiwavelength Insights into Star Formation and Stellar Disk Growth in Nearby Galaxies", Jul 3 2024
P.-Y. Wang: Ph.D. Thesis (ASU): "Photometric Redshift Estimation and Intracluster Light Study with Narrow-Band Photometry of Galaxy Clusters", Nov 17 2022
S.M. Harish: Ph.D. Thesis (ASU): "Observational Studies of Emission Line Galaxies in the Near and Distant Universe", Jul 7 2022
K. Kim: Ph.D. Thesis (ASU): "The Dependence of Star Formation Quenching and of Lymanα Escape on Galaxy Structural Properties", Jul 9 2020
B.A. Joshi: Ph.D. Thesis (ASU): "Galaxy Evolution in the Local and the High-z Universe Through Optical+near-IR Spectroscopy", May 20 2020
D. Kim: Ph.D. Thesis (ASU): "Analysis of the Intrinsic Visible V − Mid-infrared L Colors of Galaxies at Redshifts z<2", Oct 11 2019
R. Strausbaugh: Ph.D. Thesis (ASU): "The Study of Astronomical Transients in the Infrared", May 17 2019
J. Monkiewicz: Ph.D. Thesis (ASU): "Dwarf Galaxies as Laboratories of Protogalaxy Physics: Canonical Star Formation Laws at Low Metallicity", Jul 30, 2018
T. Jiang: Ph.D. Thesis (ASU): "Green Pea Galaxies: Physical Properties of Low-redshift Analogs of High-redshift Lymanα Emitters", Jul 16, 2018
T.A. Ashcraft: Ph.D. Thesis (ASU): "Deep Imaging of Distant Galaxies Using the Large Binocular Telescope", Jul 9, 2018
V.Z. Golkhou: Ph.D. Thesis (ASU): "Identifying Explosive Transients and Implications for Gravitational Wave Followup", Jun 14, 2017
M.R. Mechtley: Ph.D. Thesis (ASU): "Markov Chain Monte Carlo Modeling of High-Redshift Quasar Host Galaxies in Hubble Space Telescope Imaging", Dec 19, 2013
K. Knierman: Ph.D. Thesis (ASU): "Tidal Tales of Minor Mergers: Star Formation in the Tidal Tails of Minor Mergers", Apr 16, 2013
T.J. Veach: Ph.D. Thesis (ASU): "Investigation of Star Formation; Instrumentation and Methodology", Nov 20, 2012
H. Kim: Ph.D. Thesis (ASU): "The Resolved Stellar Populations in Nearby Star-forming Galaxies M 83, NGC 4214, and CGCG 269-049", Nov 19, 2012
L. Xia: Ph.D. Thesis (ASU): "Evolution of Intermediate Redshift Galaxies; Physical Properties and Mass-Metallicity Relation", Mar 29, 2012
V. Sheth-Tilvi: Ph.D. Thesis (ASU): "Luminosity Function of Lyα Emitters at the Reionization Epoch: Observations & Theory", Aug 19, 2011
C. Kaleida: Ph.D. Thesis (ASU): "Clustering of Stars in Nearby Galaxies: Probing the Range of Stellar Structures", Aug 15, 2011
R. Behkam: Ph.D. Thesis (ASU): "Cosmological Aspects of Gamma-Ray Bursts", Nov 22, 2010 (substituting for Prof. L. Krauss)
K. Tamura: Ph.D. Thesis (ASU): "Pixel-based Dust-extinction Mapping in Nearby Galaxies: a New Approach to Lifting the Veil of Dust", Nov 24, 2009
N.P. Hathi: Ph.D. Thesis (ASU): "Structural and Physical Properties of High-Redshift Galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field", May 30, 2008
A.N. Straughn: Ph.D. Thesis (ASU): "A Study of Merging and Emission-line Galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope", Jul 28, 2008
V.A. Taylor: Ph.D. Thesis (ASU): "An Imaging Survey of Late-type Galaxies: Local Benchmarks of Galaxy Evolution", Nov 21 2005
Served on the Doctoral Dissertation Committee for the oral comprehensive exams / qualifying exams of 27 graduate students
2004–present Served on the Masters Thesis Committee for the Physics Degree Program at ASU:
I. McIntyre: M.Sc. Thesis (ASU) on the impact of thermal variations of HST on background light estimates, Oct 17, 2024
A. Gonzalez: M.Sc. Thesis (ASU) on Hα emitting galaxies at z~0.6 in DAWNS, Mar 14, 2017
J. Russell: M.Sc. Thesis (ASU) on the nature of faint mJy radio sources, Nov 21, 2006
2016–present Served on the Honors Thesis Committee for Barrett, the Honors College at ASU:
W. Heiligenstein: Honors Thesis (ASU) on testing a fast data reduction pipeline for the Colibri transient imager, Apr 3 2024
L. Nolan: Honors Thesis (ASU) on the properties of the faint (μJy) radio source population in the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field, Apr 4 2022
J. Jeon: Honors Thesis (ASU) on an SED analysis to constrain relationships between UV slope, dust attenuation, and Lyman-continuum escape fractions at z ~ 6, Apr 12 2021
D. Carter: Honors Thesis (ASU) on image simulations to test the fidelity of SKYSURF background measurement algorithms, Mar 17 2021
G. Huckabee: Honors Thesis (ASU) on the origin of the galactic magnetic field in UGC 9665, Feb 25 2019
B. Dotson: Honors Thesis (ASU) on a Star Tracker Development Demonstration using an off-the-shelf Active Pixel Sensor, Apr 13, 2018
C. Companik: Honors Thesis (ASU) on strong gravitational lensing to detect Dark Matter, Apr 16, 2018
J. Vehonsky: Honors Thesis (ASU) on the reduction of LBT/LBC images, May 3, 2016
2018–present Served on the Senior Thesis Committee for the School of Earth & Space Exploration at ASU:
R. Ortiz III: Senior Thesis (ASU) on discovery of central point-source features within well-resolved galaxies in the JWST NEP Time Domain Field, Apr 4 2024
W. Heiligenstein: Senior Thesis (ASU) on testing a fast data reduction pipeline for the Colibri transient imager, Apr 3 2024
L. Nolan: Senior Thesis (ASU) on the properties of the faint (μJy) radio source population in the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field, Apr 4 2022
L. Otteson: Senior Thesis (ASU) on deep VLT/VIMOS U-band imaging of the UVCANDELS GOODS-S field, Apr 29 2021
J. Jeon: Senior Thesis (ASU) on an SED analysis to constrain relationships between UV slope, dust attenuation, and Lyman-continuum escape fractions at z ~ 6, Apr 12 2021
D. Carter: Senior Thesis (ASU) on image simulations to test the fidelity of SKYSURF background measurement algorithms, Mar 17 2021
S. Bechtel: Senior Thesis (ASU) on the structural analysis of intermediate-redshift well-resolved galaxies within the JWST North Ecliptic Pole Time-Domain Field, May 26 2020
C.W. White: Senior Thesis (ASU) on the selection of AGN in the JWST North Ecliptic Pole Time-Domain Field, Apr 22, 2019
V.R. Jones: Senior Thesis (ASU) on the analysis of object variability in the JWST North Ecliptic Pole Time-Domain Field, Apr 17, 2019
G. Huckabee: Senior Thesis (ASU) on the effect of non-equilibrium chemistry and non-uniform metallicity on O VI/N V column density ratios and ion abundances in hydrodynamic simulations of outflows from galaxies, Mar 1 2019
1996 Served on the Masters Thesis Committee for the Math & Physical Sciences Degree Program at the University of Groningen (NL):
H. Zeelenberg: M.Sc. Thesis on surface photometry of nearby galaxies, Aug 31, 1996
2020–2023 Served on the Dean's Academic Professional Advisory Council at ASU.
2017–2019,2024 Served as reviewer for the Hubble Space Telescope.
2015,2016,2021 Served as reviewer for the National Science Foundation.
2011–2012 Served as reviewer for the NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP).
2024 Served as external referee for AstroSat.
2005–2008 Served on the Steward Observatory telescopes Time Allocation Committee, representing ASU. Periods: 2005C, 2006A–C, 2007A–C, and 2008A–C.
2007, 2010–2011, 2013
Served on the ASU/NASA Space Grant Steering Committee.
2007 Served as external referee for PPARC observing proposal (William Herschel Telescope)
2006–2007 Redesigned, implemented and maintained a new LaTeX2ε class for Steward Observatory proposals (with minor updates still in use through the 2025A proposal cycle!).
2006–2007 Served on the SESE Computing Advisory Committee at ASU.
2005–2006 Served on the Academic Professional Peer Review Committee within the Dept. of Physics & Astronomy at ASU.
2007–present Served as referee for The Astrophysical Journal.
2004–present Served as referee for Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
2004–present Served as referee for the Astronomical Journal.
2004,2019–present Served as referee for Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.
2002 Served as referee for Science.
2004,2020 Served on search committees for a postdoctoral researcher in astronomy at ASU.
1992 Assistant editor for the annual report of Space Research Organization Netherlands (SRON), Groningen.
1990–1992 Student member, Astronomy Education Committee, University of Groningen.

5b. Public Outreach and Community Service

2023 Guest lecture at the East Valley Astronomy Club, Gilbert AZ, Feb 17
2021 ASU Earth and Space Exploration Day keynote talk titled "The What, Why, Where, and When of Webb", Tempe AZ, Nov 13.
2021 ASU New Discoveries Lecture Series (a JWST panel discussion), Tempe AZ, Oct 7.
2021 Provided expertise and testified for the Maricopa County Planning & Zoning Committe and Board of Supervisors regarding the impact of light emitted near and above the horizontal by digital message boards, Phoenix AZ (virtual), several hearings between Jun 17–Nov 17.
2018 Guest lecture at the Valley Engineering, Science and Technology club (VEST), Sun City West AZ, Jun 1.
2015 Facilitator for Young Presidents Organization (Arizona Chapter) bookclub dinner, on The End of Night (Paul Bogard), Phoenix AZ, Jan 12.
2014 Guest lecture at the Saguaro Astronomy Club, Phoenix AZ, Jun 13.
2014 Served as Grand Awards Judge for the 2014 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), Los Angeles, CA, May 13–14.
2013–2015 GuideStar Magazine, APOD Rubriek editor (till its final issue in Dec 2015)
2013 Served as Grand Awards Judge for the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), Phoenix, AZ, May 14–15.
2011 Guest lectures at the Challenger Space Center of Arizona, Peoria AZ, Sep 24 and Oct 8
2011 Guest lecture at the East Valley Astronomy Club, Gilbert AZ, Apr 15
2010 Guest lecture at the East Valley Astronomy Club, Gilbert AZ, Jun 18
2009–2011 Involved in the 'Dark Sky Stakeholders Group' of the Maricopa county Association of Governments (MAG)
2009 Guest lecture at the West Valley Astronomy Club, Surprise AZ, Apr 7
2005–present Dutch translator of Astronomy Picture of the Day at
2008 Testified before the Phoenix Board of Adjustment on the impact on Arizona astronomy of the light polution due to proposed LED billboards, Phoenix City Hall, Jan 17
2007 Guest lecture at the East Valley Astronomy Club, Gilbert AZ, Apr 20
2005 Served as Grands Award Judge for the 2005 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), Phoenix, May 8–14.
2000 Lecture for amateur astronomers (HWSK), Haarlem (NL).
1999 Radio and TV interview on the SETI@home project (RTV-Noord, NL).
1998–1999 Series of lectures given to amateur astronomers throughout the Netherlands (NVWS).
1994 Cosmology talk at the Jambouree of the Int'nl Scouting Organisation.
1993 Popular Scientific publication on the newly discovered/proposed bar in our Milky Way galaxy (ZENIT, april 1993).
1993 Local coordinator `Astronomy' for the National Science Week, Groningen (NL).

Illustrator of two sets of slides produced for the Dutch Association of Public Observatories (LVS).

1991 Several talks on Astronomical Observatories for amateur astronomers.

6. Use of Telescopes & Instrumentation

      † Only successful proposals are listed


Co-PI on Hubble Space Telescope (HST) WFC3+ACS program #17294 to monitor the JWST NEP Time Domain Field in F606W and cross-calibrate the two cameras (24 primary + 24 parallel orbits).


Co-I on eVLA 3GHz C-configuration program to search for low surface brightness extended sources within the JWST NEP Time Domain Field (6.5 hrs).


Co-I on a James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) archival calibration legacy program #04695 to constrain zodiacal light and diffuse extragalactic background light.


Co-I on JWST program #04744 to secure follow-up photometry of the triply-lensed SN H0pe at z = 1.78 (3.5 hrs)


Co-I on large program #9267 to continue deep NuSTAR hard X-ray monitoring of the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field (900 ks), and XMM-Newton X-ray spectroscopy (40 ks).


Co-I on a program to secure sub-mm interferometry with the SMA of JCMT/SCUBA-2 detected sources in the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field (45 hrs).


Co-I on JWST program DD#04557 to spectroscopically confirm z ~ 3 transients found with JWST/NIRCam (10.8 hrs)


Co-I on JWST program DD#04446 to secure photometric and spectroscopic confirmation of triply-lensed SN H0pe in the field of lensing cluster G165 (10.5 hrs)


Co-I on large program #8180 to continue deep NuSTAR hard X-ray monitoring of the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field (855 ks), and XMM-Newton X-ray spectroscopy (30 ks).


Co-I on an AstroSat program to secure deep far-UV imaging of the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field (352 ks).


Co-I on Hubble Space Telescope (HST) ACS program #17154 to secure two epochs of visible imaging, contemporaneous with planned JWST near-IR GTO observations, of the IRAC Dark Field (24 orbits).


Co-I on HST WFC3 program #17068 to secure near-UV–near-IR imaging to study young stars and gas structure in the dwarf irregular galaxy WLM (10 orbits).


Co-I on XMM-Newton program #090266 to secure X-ray spectroscopy of the lensing cluster PLCK G165.7+67.0 (49 ks).


Co-I on program #CY12215 to secure eMERLIN L-band (1.5 GHz) interferometric imaging of the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field (140 hrs).


Co-I on Archival HST program #16605 to improve constraints on the thermal foreground of HST.


Co-I on a program to secure sub-mm interferometry with the SMA of JCMT/SCUBA-2 detected sources in the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field (36 hrs).


Co-I on a fast turnaround program GN-2022A-FT-106 on the 8 m Gemini telescope in support of planned JWST observations (0.45 hrs).


Co-I on Chandra X-ray Observatory program #22900038 to monitor the JWST North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) Time-Domain Field in X-rays (900 ks)


Co-I on large program #6218 to secure deep NuSTAR hard X-ray monitoring of the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field (780 ks), and XMM-Newton X-ray spectroscopy (40 ks).


P.I. on HST Treasury program #16252+#16793 to complete the UV–visible imaging with WFC3/UVIS and ACS/WFC of the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field (52 primary + 52 parallel orbits).


Co-I on a large program to obtain 1.4 GHz H I radio images of galaxies with extended UV disks with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array in C and B configuration (330 hrs).


Co-I on a fast turnaround program GN-2021B-FT-102 on the 8 m Gemini telescope in support of planned JWST observations (1.33 hrs).


Co-I on HST archival program #16147 to constrain extinction with near-UV spectroscopy of UV-bright star-forming galaxies via the 2175Å bump.


Co-I on a program to obtain 1.4 GHz H I radio images of the extended UV disk of NGC 3344 with the Very Large Array in C and B configuration (48 hrs).


Co-I on a Hubble Space Telescope archival treasury program #15810 to place panchromatic constraints on Extragalactic Background Light and Zodiacal Light sources.


Co-I on HST WFC3+ACS program #15647 to secure UV imaging of the Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey Fields (UVCANDELS) (164 primary + 164 parallel orbits).


Co-I on large program #5192 to secure deep NuSTAR hard X-ray coverage of the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field (585 ks).


Co-I on program #20900658 to secure deep Chandra X-ray images and monitor the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field (600 ks)


Co-I on HST WFC3+ACS program #15959 to secure visible–near-IR imaging of a massive lensing cluster (5 orbits).


Co-I on a multi-partner program to secure deep U-band observations of the northern CANDELS fields in support of HST program #15647 (~8 nights in queue mode).


Co-I and co-observer on a program to obtain deep Hα and r-filter photometry of galaxies with extended UV disks using the 1.8 m VATT (Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope; Mt. Graham, AZ). (11 nights)


P.I. on a program to obtain a second epoch of deep Ugriz images with the 2×8.4m Large Binocular Telescope (LBT/LBC) of the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field and its immediate surroundings (1 night).


Co-I on a pilot program to secure sub-mm interferometry with the SMA of the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field (40 hrs).


Co-I on a James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT)/SCUBA-2 program to identify sub-mm galaxies within the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field (41.3 hrs).


Co-I on IRAM 30m/NIKA2 program 167-17 to secure 1.3 and 2 mm observations of the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field (30 hrs).


Co-I on a program to monitor the evolution of an X-ray flare in the wider area of the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field using Swift/UVOT (20 visits of 1.2ks, 4 day cadence).


Co-I on a 6.5m MMT/Binospec program to secure redshifts within the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field (2 nights).


Co-I on a program to secure deep near-IR imaging with the 2×8.4m Large Binocular Telescope (LBT/LUCI+AO) in preparation for JWST (1 night).


Co-I on James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) IDS GTO program 1176, the Webb Medium Deep Fields, to characterize galaxy formation and evolution from z ~ 15 to the present, serving as science lead on the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field (110 hrs).


P.I. on Hubble Space Telescope (HST) WFC3+ACS program #15278 to secure UV–visible imaging of the central portion of the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field (36 primary + 36 parallel orbits).


Co-I on Hubble Space Telescope (HST) WFC3 program #15106 to study the UV attenuation in JWST target VV 191 (10 orbits).


Co-I on program #19900666 to secure deep Chandra X-ray images of the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field (300 ks).


Co-I on a program to obtain 3 GHz radio images to sub-μJy sensitivity with the Very Large Array in A and B configuration of the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field (44 hrs).


Co-I on a program to obtain 4.5 GHz VLBA radio images of the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field (48 hrs).


Co-I on a 6.5m MMT/MMIRS program to secure deep near-infrared YJHK images of the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field (7 nights).


Co-I on a Spitzer Space Telescope program to secure deep IRAC images of Lensing Galaxy Clusters in preparation for JWST (52.5 hours).


P.I. on a program to obtain deep Ugriz images with the 2×8.4m Large Binocular Telescope (LBT/LBC) of the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field and its immediate surroundings (2×0.5 night).


James Webb Space Telescope: helped out as Data Analyst with NIRCam Cryo-Vacuum testing (CV3) at Goddard Space Flight Center.


James Webb Space Telescope: Co-I on a long-term JWST IDS GTO program to characterize galaxy formation and evolution from z ~ 15 to the present.


Co-I on Hubble Space Telescope archival program #13877: ``Project ALCATRAZ''


Co-I on a 8 m Gemini/GMOS survey of Nearby Galaxy Group Lenses (12 hrs)


Co-I on a program to obtain near-UV spectra of galaxies at z ~ 2, using the 6.5 m MMT and Blue Channel Spectrograph (Tucson, AZ). (2 nights)


Co-I on a CTIO 4 m/ISPI program to obtain deep near-IR surface photometry of nearby galaxies (3 nights)


Co-I on 8 m Gemini-North/NIRI program #DT-2013A-032 to image a z=5.85 quasar host (3 hrs, but lost to weather)


Co-observer and Co-I on a 2×8.4m Large Binocular Telescope (LBT/LBC) imaging program in support of Hubble Space Telescope surveys (3.5 nights)


Co-I on GO program #12974 to image the host galaxies and environments of UV-faint QSOs at z ~ 6 with Hubble Space Telescope / WFC3. (25 orbits)


Co-I on a program to obtain UBV photometry of candidate nearby analogs of Lyα-blobs and their hosts, using the 1.8 m VATT, Mt. Graham, AZ). (11 nights)


Co-I on GO/DD program #12332 to image the host galaxy and environment of a z = 6 QSO with Hubble Space Telescope / WFC3. (20 orbits)


Co-I on GALEX archival program GI 5-#15 to study the wavelength dependence of galactic structure.


P.I. on a program to obtain UBVRI photometry of nearby late-type dwarf galaxies using the 1.8 m VATT, Mt. Graham, AZ. (4 nights)


Co-I and PI on a program to obtain deep near-IR surface photometry of nearby galaxies using the 2.3 m Bok telescope (Kitt Peak, AZ) and PISCES. (15 nights)


Co-I on a program to obtain spectroscopic redshifts for satellite galaxy candidates using the 6.5 m MMT (Tucson, AZ). (2 nights)


P.I. on a program to obtain deep UVI photometry of an extremely metal-poor galaxy using the 1.8 m VATT, Mt. Graham, AZ. (3 nights)


P.I. on Archival Calibration Legacy program #11258 to remove the erratic herringbone pattern-noise from all Hubble Space Telescope / STIS "Side-2" CCD data.


Co-I on Hubble Space Telescope archival program #11287: Fundamental Limitations in deep HST Fields: Surface Brightness, Natural Confusion & Algorithmic Biases


Co-I on a program to obtain Strömgren photometry of galaxy satellites using the 1.8 m VATT (Mt. Graham, AZ). (12 nights)


P.I. on a program to obtain Hα surface photometry of galaxies in the Nearby Field Galaxy Survey, using the 1.8 m VATT (Mt. Graham, AZ). (25 nights)


Co-I on Spitzer Space Telescope IRAC+MIPS GO program #30406: Understanding the Blue-Sequence E/S0 Population: Fading Remnants and Future Spirals.


Co-I on Hubble Space Telescope ACS and NICMOS archival program #10974: The Unresolved Stellar Populations of Galaxies in the HUDF: Constraints on Hierarchical Formation.


Administrative PI, and Co-I on Hubble Space Telescope ACS GO program #10843: Deep Imaging of an Extremely Metal-poor Galaxy.


P.I. on Hα imaging program of galaxies within nearby voids with the 1.8 m VATT (Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope; Mt. Graham, AZ). (18 nights)


co-I on GALEX SNAPshot program GI 1-#36: observations of Dwarf Galaxies imaged with HST and Spitzer.


co-I on a 8 m Gemini Survey of Very Red Objects in ACS parallels


P.I. on optical broad-band and Hα imaging programs of nearby galaxies with the 1.8 m VATT (Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope; Mt. Graham, AZ). (38 nights)


P.I. on Hubble Space Telescope (HST) ACS (Advanced Camera for Surveys) program #9892: an Hα SNAPshot survey of Nearby Galaxies observed in F300W.


Co-I on HST NICMOS (Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer) program #9824: The Remarkable Cool Stellar Population in Late-type Galaxies.


Co-I (informal) on HST WFPC2 (Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2) program #9955 to measure the All-sky Zodiacal Background and Constrain Kuiper Belt Objects at mR > 28.


Co-I on a JCMT/SCUBA program to image nearby irregular galaxies at 850µm.


P.I. on a 6.5 m Magellan Baade (Las Campanas, Chile) IMACS program to obtain a Cosmological Census of Galaxy Structure, Assembly & Evolution at mB > 20. (4 nights)


Co-I on a UKIRT JHKL-band survey of hot dust and star formation in normal galaxies.


6.5 m MMT (formerly Multiple Mirror Telescope; Tucson, AZ) Blue Channel Spectro graph long-slit spectroscopy of GRB030329/SN2003dh and field galaxies at z~ 0.2-0.5. (6 nights)


James Webb Space Telescope (formerly the Next Generation Space Telescope): as co-I on a long-term JWST IDS GTO program to characterize galaxy formation and evolution from z ~ 20 to the present.


HST STIS (Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph) search for the H reionization edge at z > 6 (cycle 10+11, through collaboration). (425 orbits)


Co-I on a Hα imaging program of nearby interacting and isolated galaxies with the 1.8 m VATT, Mt. Graham, AZ. (25 nights)


Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 (Wide Field Planetary Camera 2), mid-UV snapshots of nearby galaxies (cycle 9+10, through collaboration). (89 orbits)


Co-I on ESO (Paranal, Chile) 8.2 m VLT-UT3 Melipal / FORS1 search for Lyα from QSOs reionizing He II at z = 2.8 – 3.1 (Visitor Mode; 4 nights)


HST STIS (Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph), far-UV MAMA observations of high z quasars (cycle 7 and 8, archival observations).


Co-I on ESO (Paranal, Chile) 8.2 m VLT-UT1 Antu / FORS1 search for Lyα from a QSO reionizing He II at z ~ 3 using a filtered dispersed imaging technique (Service Mode; ~2.5 hours).


HST FOC (Faint Object Camera) f/96 near-UV objective prism observations of SN 1987A (cycle 5 [through collaboration], supplemented by archival FOC, WFPC2 & STIS data).


ESO (La Silla, Chile) 3.6 m / EFOSC1 (ESO Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera 1) optical long-slit spectroscopy of QSO candidates (through collaboration).


F.L. Whipple Observatory (FLWO; Tucson, AZ) 1.2 m telescope; co-I on a program to obtain IRCAM H,K-band surface photometry for ~125 nearby galaxies. (10 nights)

1996 α test of remote FLWO 1.2 m observations from the CfA (2 nights).

FLWO (Tucson, AZ) 1.2 m telescope; co-I on a long-term program to obtain U,B,R surface photometry for ~200 nearby galaxies. (51 nights)


FLWO (Tucson, AZ) 1.5 m Tillinghast and FAST spectrograph; co-I on long-term program to obtain nuclear and integrated spectrophotometry of ~200 nearby galaxies. (54 nights)


FLWO (Tucson, AZ) 1.5 m Tillinghast and FAST spectrograph; co-I on program to obtain nuclear spectroscopy of nearby galaxies. (5 nights)


Multiple Mirror Telescope (Tucson, AZ) Red Channel Spectrograph, multi-slit spectroscopy of a galaxy cluster CL0024+16 at z~0.39 (data obtained by supervisor).


ESO (La Silla, Chile) 2.2 m telescope and IRAC2 camera; JHK NIR imaging of highly inclined galaxies (through collaboration).


1 m Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope (La Palma, Spain); UBVRI CCD surface photometry of highly inclined galaxies (data obtained by supervisor).


Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT; Westerbork, NL); full synthesis radio continuum mapping of M 33 (data obtained by supervisor).

7. Computers


Extended experience using Unix work stations (Sun's mostly; some HP and DEC) and using and administering PC's running Linux (SuSE, RedHat/CentOS, and Ubuntu); some experience with VMS, DOS and Windows 3.1/'95/'98/ME/XP/Vista/10.
Extended experience with the IRAF astronomical software environment; I designed and implemented a reduction pipeline for the CCD data (both imaging and long-slit spectroscopy) obtained for my Ph.D. research, and authored two layered packages and many scripts for reduction and analysis of both ground-based and HST data. Extended experience with SuperMongo (both for numerical analysis and graphical output), with the TeX/LaTeX typesetting language, and with Postscript. Extended experience programming in Fortran 77 & Fortran 2003, and Unix csh/awk/sed scripts, and growing experience programming in ANSI C.
Experience with HTML: authored the NFGS web-pages ( ~rjansen/nfgs/) (originally at the Kapteyn Institute and at the CfA), the HST-related web pages ( at ASU, and the web pages of the Cosmology Group within the School of Earth and Space Exploration ( )
Significant experience with RSI/ITT's Interactive Data Language (IDL), and some experience with Microsoft's relational database query language (SQL).
Some experience with ESO's MIDAS and the Kapteyn Institute's GIPSY data reduction and analysis environments. Some programming experience in BASIC and Pascal. Also used Mathematica at some point. Presently learning Python/Astroconda.

8. Memberships:

2018–present International Astronomical Union — Member
2006–present American Astronomical Society — Full Member
2025–present American Association for the Advancement of Science — Elemental Member
2013–present Society for Science & the Public
1991–present Royal Dutch Astronomical Society (Nederlandse Astronomen Club / Koninklijke Nederlandse Astromenclub, KNA)

Other Experience:

2023–present Brushing up on my language skills: Spanish, German, and Italian (via Duolingo)
2010 Guest pastry chef on KAET/Eight's P is for PiePecan Pear Pie, Mar 6 2010 (and repeats on Apr 16 and 17, 2010)
2005–present Dutch translator of Astronomy Picture of the Day at

Illustrator of the Faculty Information Guide (``ß-wijzer'') and of the Information Package for foreign students of the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Groningen.


Illustrator of two sets of slides produced for the Dutch Association of Public Observatories (LVS).

1991 Music instructor (recorder), Groningen
1987 Fresh produce assistant in a super market, Vlissingen
1987 Illustrator of the 1987 freshmen study guide, St.Willibrord College, Goes
1984–1987 Illustrator of the High School newspaper of the St.Willibrord College, Goes
1982–1986 Several musical performances as member of a recorder quartet, soprano, alto and bass recorder; Vlissingen and Middelburg
1981 Performance with the Goese Koorschool (boys choir) of E. Heijblok, recorder, at the 1981 election night CDA regional election headquarters, Kapelle
1980–1986 Various musical performances as member of the van Soest youth symphony orchestra, lead soprano recorder; Vlissingen, Middelburg, 's-Heer-Arendskerke, Yerseke
1980 Won color TV for Markus School elementary school, by securing entry in a knowledge quiz with a poem and subsequently as panel member on that quiz.

Awards & Grants:

2024–2027 NASA 4-year grant in support of Roman science investigation ``SPQR: Spectroscopic Probes of Quantitative Reionization'' (P.I. Rhoads). (~$ 1.9M)
2024–2027 NASA/STScI grant in support of Cycle 3 JWST Calibration Legacy Progam AR-04695, to measure & model the all-sky Zodiacal foreground, and constrain diffuse extra-galactic background light, using Archival JWST images (P.I.: Windhorst). (~$ [TBD])
2022–2025 NASA/STScI grant in support of the Cycle 29 HST Treasury Program GO-16793 (continuation of GO-16252), to complete the UV–Visible imaging of the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field with WFC3/UVIS and ACS/WFC (Co-PIs: Jansen & Grogin). ($ 319,309)
2021–2023 NASA/ADAP grant in support of a study to connect star-formation to gas flows in the extended H I disks of galaxies (P.I.: Borthakur). ($ 504,576)
2021–2022 NASA/STScI grant in support of Cycle 28 HST Treasury program GO-16252, to complete the UV–Visible imaging of the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field with WFC3/UVIS and ACS/WFC (P.I.: Jansen). ($ 219,198)
2020–2022 NASA/STScI grant in support of Cycle 27 Archival Treasury program AR-15810, to analyse the zodiacal, Galactic, and extragalactic backgrounds in all ACS and WFC3 imaging observations in the HST Archive. (P.I.: Windhorst). ($ 1,397,282)
2019–2020 NASA/STScI grant in support of Cycle 26 Treasury program GO-15647, to secure UV–Blue imaging in 4 of the 5 CANDELS fields. (PI: Teplitz). ($ 139,953)
2018–2020 NASA/STScI grant in support of Cycle 25 program GO-15278, to secure UV–Visible images of the central portion of the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field with WFC3/UVIS and ACS/WFC (P.I.: Jansen). ($ 388,444)
2016–2020 NASA 5-year grant in support of a WFIRST Science Investigation Team (P.I. Rhoads) program to ``Study Cosmic Dawn with WFIRST''. ($ 1,757,925)
2014–2023 NASA 10-year grant in support of multi-disciplinary JWST scientist (P.I. Windhorst) program ''Galaxy Assembly, Supermassive Blackhole Growth, First Light and Reionization Studies with the James Webb Space Telescope''. Award total ~$ 1,7M.
2016–2017 NASA/STScI grant in support of a Cycle 24 Archival Research program, to study Lyman-continuum emission from galaxies and AGN at intermediate and high redshifts (P.I.: Windhorst). ($ 175,882)
2014–2015 NASA/STScI grant in support of a Cycle 22 Archival Research program, to study Lyman-continuum emission from galaxies and AGN at intermediate and high redshifts (P.I.: Windhorst). ($ 119,903)
2012–2013 NASA/STScI grant in support of a Cycle 20 HST/WFC3 GO program, to image the host galaxies and environments of UV-faint QSOs at z ~ 6 (P.I.: Mechtley). ($ 152,152)
2012–2014 NASA/ADAP grant in support of a optical–mid-IR study of extinction by interstellar dust in Local Group galaxies (P.I.: Jansen). ($ 380,936)
2010–2011 NASA/STScI grant in support of a Cycle 18 HST/WFC3 DD program, to image the host galaxy and environment of a z = 6 QSO (P.I.: Windhorst). ($ 58,066)
2010–2012 NASA/ADP grant in support of a multi-wavelength study of Seyfert Galaxy Unification and the AGN / Star-Formation Connection (P.I.: Corbin) ($ 328,277)
2008–2009 NASA/ASMCS grant in support of a mission concept study for a wide-field UV–near-IR camera on a 4 m class space telescope. The science focus for that camera will be a systematic study of star formation from the nearby to very distant universe. (Instrument P.I.: Scowen). ($ ~300,000 at ASU)
2007–2010 NASA/STScI grant in support of a Cycle 16 HST/STIS Archival Calibration Legacy program, to remove the highly erratic pattern-noise in all Side-2 STIS/CCD data (P.I.: Jansen). ($ 179,935)
2007–2008 NASA/STScI grant in support of a Cycle 16 Archival Research program, to study fundamental limitations in deep HST Fields (P.I.: Windhorst). ($ 85,348)
2007–2008 NASA/ADP grant in support of a multi-wavelength study of nearby galaxies (P.I.: Windhorst) ($ 69,237)
2007 NASA/STScI grant in support of a Cycle 15 HST/ACS program to image an extremely metal-poor galaxy with ACS (P.I.: Corbin) ($ 48,695)
2006 NASA/STScI grant in support of a Cycle 15 Archival HST/ACS program to study unresolved stellar populations within galaxies in the HUDF (P.I.: Ryan) ($ 50,000)
2004 GALEX grant in support of Cycle 1 SNAPshot survey of Dwarf Galaxies observed previously with HST and Spitzer (P.I.: Windhorst) ($ 30,000).
2004 NASA grant in support of the development of the HORUS Origins Mission concept (P.I.: Morse/Scowen) ($ 97,288)
2003 NASA/STScI grant in support of Cycle 12 HST/ACS Hα SNAPshot survey of nearby galaxies observed previously in F300W (P.I.: Jansen). Award total: $ 93,216
2003 NASA/STScI grant in support of Cycle 12 HST/NICMOS study of the cool stellar populations in late-type galaxies (P.I.: Windhorst). Award total: $ 89,139
2002–2014 NASA 13-year grant in support of multi-disciplinary JWST scientist (P.I. Windhorst) program ''next generation frontier studies with JWST''. Award total $ 1,290,390
2000 Kapteyn Institute grant for the printing and distribution of my Ph.D. Thesis. $ 1,100.
1995,1998 Poster prizes, Dutch Astronomers Conference (1995) and Euro-conference on ``the Evolution of Galaxies on Cosmological Timescales'' (1998).
1995–1996,1998 Smithsonian Pre-doctoral Fellowship at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge MA, twice, for a 7 month period each. Award total: $ 24,345 from US (SAO) and NL (LKBF, KAI, and NWO) sources.
1994–1999 Grants to participate in the IAU General Assembly (1994), IAU Symposium ``New Light on Galaxy Evolution'' (1995), the Euroconference on ``the Evolution of Galaxies on Cosmological Timescales (1998) and the XIXth Moriond Astrophysics Meeting on ``Building Galaxies: from the Primordial Universe to the Present'' (1999), from the Kapteyn Institute (KAI), the Leiden Kerkhoven-Bosscha Fund (LKBF), and the European Union (TMR) ($ 675 TMR; $ 1,325 LKBF; $ 1,340 KAI).


105 publications in refereed astronomical journals, plus 4 accepted for publications, plus 6 in review, plus 2 submitted for publication, a published Ph.D. thesis, and 310 other publications (of which 58 technical reports and conference proceedings and 129 poster papers). See my list of publications. And always more in various stages of completion.
The Astrophysics Data System (ADS) reports an approximate total number of 5991 citations (as of Jan 16 2025) to these publications (of which 32 papers have >32 citations).

Conferences, Schools and Meetings:

2024, Jun 9–13 244th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), Madison WI.
2024, Jan 7–11 243th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), New Orleans LA.
2023, Jan 8–13 241th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), Seattle WA.
2022, Dec 12–15 18th J-PAS Meeting at CEFCA, Teruel (Spain) [attended virtually]
2022, Jun 11–16 240th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), Pasadena CA.
2021, Apr 17 AZ/NASA Space Grant Statewide Virtual Symposium (served as a moderator).
2021, Jan 10–15 237th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), Virtually Anywhere.
2020, Apr 18 AZ/NASA Space Grant Statewide Virtual Symposium.
2020, Jan 4–8 235th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), Honolulu, HI.
2019, May 14–16 MMT Observatory's 40th Anniversary Symposium, Tucson AZ.
2019, Apr 13 AZ/NASA Space Grant Statewide Symposium, Tempe AZ. (served as a moderator).
2019, Jan 6–11 233rd Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), Seattle WA.
2018, Sep 21 Steward Observatory Internal Symposium, Tucson AZ.
2018, May 14–18 16th J-PAS Meeting at CEFCA, Teruel (Spain)
2018, Jan 8–12 231th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), Washington D.C.
2017, Jun 6 JWST Medium Deep Fields IDS GTO team meeting, Austin TX.
2017, Jun 4–8 230th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), Austin TX.
2017, Jan 6 JWST Medium Deep Fields IDS GTO team meeting, Grapevine TX.
2017, Jan 3–7 229th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), Grapevine TX.
2016, Nov 8–11 User Training in JWST Data Analysis workshop, STScI, Baltimore MD.
2016, Aug 15–16 JWST Medium Deep Fields mini-workshop, ASU, Tempe AZ.
2016, May 17–19 JWST GTO Meeting, National Research Council/Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics, Victoria BC (Canada).
2016, Apr 20–21 WFIRST WFI meeting, Princeton NJ.
2015, Jan   4–8 225th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), Seattle WA.
2014, Aug 7–8 JWST GTO SWG workshop, Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore MD.
2014, Jul 17–19 Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) Science Forum, Tucson AZ.
2014, Jan   5–9 223th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), Washington DC.
2013, Jul 11 SIMAP Team Meeting at Caltech, Pasadena CA.
2013, Jan   6–10 221th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), Long Beach CA.
2012, Mar 7–8 "Turbulence in Cosmic Structure Formation" workshop, ASU, Tempe AZ.
2012, Jan 25–27 ASU Origins+Cosmology workshop on "Coming Opportunities in Physical Cosmology", Tempe AZ.
2011, May 12–13 ALMA Community Workshop, Steward Observatory, Tucson AZ.
2010, Jul 21–23 STScI Calibration Workshop, Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore MD.
2009, Mar 27 Astro2010 Decadal Survey townhall meeting, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD.
2009, Mar 26–27 AURA workshop "Beyond JWST: the future of UVOIR space astronomy", held at STScI, Baltimore MD.
2009, Jan   4–  8 213th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), Long Beach CA.
2008, Nov 20–21 THEIA team meeting at Princeton University, Princeton NJ.
2008, Sep   7–12 JENAM2008 "New Challenges to European Astronomy" and the symposium on "Star Formation from Spitzer (Lyman) to Spitzer (Space Telescope) and Beyond", Vienna (Austria).
2008, Jul 15–17 SFO/SFC Science Team Meeting at Arizona State University, Tempe AZ.
2008, Apr 25 XPC/SFO/USO Team Meeting at Princeton University, Princeton NJ.
2008, Apr 21 Work visit to NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena CA.
2007, Jan   5–10 209th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), Seattle WA.
2005, Oct 17–18 Steward Observatory Internal Symposium, Tucson, AZ.
2004, Nov 15–20 Work visit to the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA.
2004, Nov   3–  4 Steward Observatory Internal Symposium, Tucson, AZ.
2004, Oct  11– 13 Maryland Astrophysics Conference on "New Windows on Star Formation in the Cosmos", College Park, MD.
2004, Jun   7– 12 International conference on "Penetrating Bars Through Masks of Cosmic Dust: The Hubble Tuning Fork Strikes a New Note", Pilanesberg National Park (South Africa)
2004, May 17 Work visit to the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Groningen (Netherlands)
2003, Oct   6–  7 Steward Observatory Internal Symposium, Tucson, AZ.
2003, Sep 23–27 Work visit to the Steward Observatory, Tucson, AZ.
2003, Apr 28–29 Work visit to ESA/ESTEC RSSD, Noordwijk (Netherlands)
2002, Oct 17–18 HST Calibration Workshop, STScI, Baltimore MD.
2002, Oct 10–11 Lowell Observatory Workshop on "The outer regions of galaxies", Flagstaff AZ.
2002, Jan   6–11 199th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), Washington D.C.
2001, Nov   1–   2 Steward Observatory Internal Symposium, Tucson AZ.
2001, May 16–18 56th Dutch Astronomers Conference, Dalfsen (Netherlands)
1999, May   5–  7 54th Dutch Astronomers Conference, Elspeet (Netherlands)
1999, Mar 13–19 XIXth Rencontres Astrophysique de Moriond "Building Galaxies from the Primordial Universe to the Present", Les Arcs (France)
1998, Nov 30–Dec  5 Euro-conference on "The Evolution of Galaxies on Cosmological Timescales", Puerto la Cruz, Tenerife (Spain)
1997, May 14–16 52nd Dutch Astronomers Conference, Dalfsen (Netherlands)
1995, Jun  26–30 IAU Symposium no.171 "New Light on Galaxy Evolution", Heidelberg (Germany)
1995, May 18–20 50th Dutch Astronomers Conference, Rokanje (Netherlands)
1994, Aug 15–27 XXIInd General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), Symposia no. 164, 168 and 169, The Hague (Netherlands)
1993, May   6–  8 48th Dutch Astronomers Conference, De Haan aan Zee (Belgium)
1993, Nov   8–12 1st NOVA autumn school on Stellar Winds, Dwingeloo (Netherlands)
1992, Dec   7–19 IVth Canary Islands Winter School on Infrared Astronomy, Playa Las Americas, Tenerife (Spain)
1992, May   7–  9 47th Dutch Astronomers Conference, Ameland (Netherlands)
1991, May   2–  4 46th Dutch Astronomers Conference, Lunteren (Netherlands)

Last updated: Jan 29, 2025

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