Dr. Yun Kang, Professor
Science and Mathematics Faculty
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
7001 E. Williams Field Road,
Mesa, AZ 85212, USA
Office at Poly: Wanner Hall 301G
Phone number at Poly: 480-727-5004

Email: yun.kang@asu.edu

Area of Research: Dynamical system
theory and Mathematical biology
Curriculum Vitae

My greatest achievement in 2008,2013

The Disney World Trip (2016-July) with Biological and Academic Kids

Spring 2018

  • ABS 560- Ecological Modeling (3 hours lecture, 2.5 hours lab each week)
  • Six independent research/thesis classes including MAT 499/495/493; BIO 493; AML 590/592; APM 792; AML 799.

Fall 2017

  • MAT 265 - Calculus for Engineers I
  • Six independent research/thesis classes including MAT /495/493; BIO 492; AML 590/592; APM 792; AML 799.

Spring 2017

  • ABS 560- Ecological Modeling (3 hours lecture, 2.5 hours lab each week)
  • Six independent research/thesis classes including MAT 499/495/493; AML 590/592; APM 792; AML 799.

Fall 2016

  • MAT 265 - Calculus for Engineers I
  • Eight independent research/thesis classes including BIO 492; MAT 492/493; AML 590/592; AML/APM 792; AML 799.

Spring 2016

  • MAT 265 - Calculus for Engineers I
  • ABS 560- Ecological Modeling (3 hours lecture, 2.5 hours lab each week)
  • Seven independent research/thesis classes including BIS 401; MAT 492; AML 590/592; AML/APM 792.

Fall 2015

  • MAT 265 - Calculus for Engineers I (two sections)
  • Six independent research/thesis classes including ABS 499; MAT 492; AML 590/592; AML/APM 792.

Fall 2014

  • MAT 265 - Calculus for Engineers I
  • ABS 691 - Graduate Seminar

Spring 2014

  • ABS 560/ABS 498 - Ecological Modeling (3 hours lecture, 2.5 hours lab each week)
  • ABS 591 - Graduate Seminar

Fall 2013

  • MAT 265 - Calculus for Engineers I

Spring 2013

  • ABS 560 - Ecological Modeling (a new graduate course designed by Y. Kang, 3 hours lecture, 2.5 hours lab each week)
  • MAT 265 - Calculus for Engineers I

Fall 2012

  • MAT 265 - Calculus for Engineers I (2 sections)

Summer 2012

  • ABS 489 - Undergraduate Research
  • ABS 590 - Reading and Conference

Spring 2012

  • MAT 265 - Calculus I
  • ABS 560 - Ecological Modeling (new graduate course designed by Y. Kang, 3 hours lecture, 2.5 hours lab each week)
  • ABS 590 - Reading and Conference
  • ABS 592 - Research
  • ABS 599 - Thesis

Fall 2011

  • MAT 265 - Calculus for Engineers I
  • MAT 275 - Modern Differential Equations
  • ABS 599 - Thesis

Summer 2011

  • ABS 590 - Reading and Conference
  • ABS 599 - Thesis

Spring 2011

  • MAT 265 - Calculus I
  • ABS 560 - Ecological Modeling (new graduate course designed by Y. Kang, 3 hours lecture, 2.5 hours lab each week)
  • ABS 590 - Reading and Conference
  • ABS 599 - Thesis
  • Examples of research projects developed by students (Spring 2011 ABS 560)
    • Acton Matthew - An Examination of the Kaibab Mule Deer Population: Apex Predator to Prey Modeling.
      ABSTRACT: The first purpose of this paper is then to explore the historical content of Aldo Leopold's reported numbers, as reported by Ford, in the context of the modified Rosenzweig-MacCarthur model and the Micaelis-Menton construct of enzyme dynamics. A metabolic and nutrition study was initiated by the Arizona Department of Game and Fish, partially funded by the Arizona Mule Deer Foundation and the Arizona Deer Association, to investigate the nutrition balance provided by the winter range of the Kaibab mule deer herd. The winter range has been perceived by some as being a nutritional ?bottleneck? to the population; herd management recommendations have been made with respect towards herd growth on the preliminary data. The second purpose of this paper will attempt to place the same equation into the 2010 - 2011 parameters of herbivore and predator population levels and management plans in place.
    • Northcutt Joshua - Modification of the Lotka-Volterra Predator Prey Model to Include Different Age Classes and Multiple Trophic Levels.
      ABSTRACT: I formulated a simple predator prey model using the Lotka-Volterra predator prey model as a base. I utilized three trophic levels including the Pronghorn Antelope (Antilocapra americana), Coyote (Canis latrans), and a theoretical plant species that serves as food for the pronghorn. Through use of real world parameters an equilibrium point was not able to be reached using the developed model. Reducing the population of coyotes to a manageable level allows the pronghorn population to exist without going extinct.
    • Wedekin Lauren - An example of foodweb dynamics: Intraguild predation among oak, gypsy moth and rodents.
      ABSTRACT: Variations in food web dynamics contribute to community structures. Complex food webs are typically comprised of an often uncountable number of direct and indirect links of different strengths between species. These links ultimately determine the stability and potential equilibrium of a system. It is difficult to model a food web as a whole because it typically involves all species of a given ecosystem. It is much easier to model dynamics of smaller, subsystems. We will look at a subsystem involving the gypsy moth, white-footed mouse, and the oak. Gypsy moths are a primary defoliator of oak trees, while white-footed mice are significant predators of the gypsy moth. Acorns, produced by oak trees, are also a primary resource for the white-footed mouse. The three species are connected in a food web conguration known as intraguild predation, a combination of competition and predation. Populations typically remain stable, but gypsy moths continue to experience intermittent outbreaks. Previous studies have recognized acorn abundance as the main cause for these outbreaks. We develop a semi-discrete model based on theoretical analyses and specic assumptions in order to isolate principal parameters leading to gypsy moth outbreaks.
    • Wildermuth Robert - A stage- and sex-specific null model of California sea lion demography in the Gulf of California, Mexico.
      ABSTRACT: Following Gerber (2006) and González-Suárez and Gerber (2008), I develop a sex- and stage-specific discrete-time model of California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) in the Gulf of California, Mexico. Using parameter estimates for growth and survival rates for pups, juveniles, males and females, I describe a positive, stable equilibrium population which is highly influenced by harem size. Sensitivity and elasticity analysis of this model indicate that adult females are the most important sex-stage-class in this system. I conclude with the biological limitations of this new model and the added intuition it has provided.

Fall 2010

  • MAT 265 - Calculus for Engineers I
  • MAT 275 - Modern Differential Equations
  • ABS 489 - Undergraduate Research

Spring 2010

  • MAT 265 - Calculus for Engineers I (two sections)

Fall 2009

  • MAT 210 - Brief Calculus (two sections)
  • ABS 489 - Undergraduate Research

Spring 2009

  • MAT 265 - Calculus for Engineers I (two sections)

MAT 210

Course description - Differential and integral calculus of elementary functions with applications. Not open to students with credit in MAT 260 or 270 or 290. Fee (online only). Pre-requisites: MAT 113, MAT 117, MAT 119 or MAT 170 with C or better or completed the ALEKS Math Placement Test with a score of 60% or higher

Textbook: Mathematics for Business Analysis, by Scott Surgent. Required computer access: MyMathLab

Syllabus(click here)

Homework assignments and extra handouts (MyMathLab)

MAT 265

Course description - Limits and continuity, differential calculus of functions of one variable, introduction to integration. Not open to students with credit in MAT 270. Pre-requisites: MAT 170 with C or better or completed the ALEKS Math Placement Test with a score of 67% or higher

Textbook: Essential Calculus: Early Transcendentals by James Stewart.

Syllabus(click here)

Homework assignments and extra handouts (Blackboard)

MAT 275

Course description - Introduces differential equations, theoretical and practical solution techniques. Applications. Problem solving using MATLAB. Pre-requisites: MAT 266 or MAT 271 with a C or better.

Textbook: C.H. Edwards and D.E. Penney, Differential Equations, Computing and Modelling, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River 2004 or ASU Custom Edition (it includes an access code for student's solution manual and other material posted online).

Syllabus(click here)

Homework assignments and extra handouts (Blackboard)

ABS 560

Course description - Ecological modeling is a key methodological skill in modern environmental research. Ecological models are very useful for simulating and analyzing the long-term dynamics and stability properties of complex ecological systems. They allow integrating information from different disciplines as well as analyzing, interpreting and understanding field observations.

This course gives a systematic introduction to the development and analysis of ecological models and provides an overview of important approaches and model types. It gives a variety of examples for the use of models in order to understand and predict ecological processes and to support the development of management strategies and policy options in fields such as: biodiversity conservation, sustainable use of natural resources, regulations on invasive species, disease control, the adaptations to the impacts of climate change, etc. The course is a mixture of lectures, computer labs and discussions about modeling projects carried out by students.

Textbook: A Primer of Ecology with R by M. Henry H. Stevens. Supplemental material on lecture notes and readings (see weekly schedule) will be provided during the semester. Pre-requisites:Brief Calculus and 6 hours in ecological studies; or equivalent or permission of the instructor.

Computing resources and software: Students will need computer lab access for programing and simulations. Students are expected to participate in interactive simulations of the mathematical models presented.

Syllabus(click here)