Karnik SK and RN Trelease (2007) Arabidopsis Peroxin 16 trafficks through the ER and an intermediate compartment to pre-existing peroxisomes via overlapping molecular targeting signals. J Experimental Bot 58:1677-1693.

Mullen RT and RN Trelease (2006) The ER-peroxisome connection in plants: development of the "ER semi-autonomous peroxisome maturation and replication" model for plant peroxisome biogenesis. Biochim Biophys Acta - Molecular Cell Research. 1763:1655-1668.

Trelease RN and MJ Lingard (2006) Participation of the plant ER in peroxisomal biogenesis. In: DG Robinson (Ed.), The Plant Endoplasmic Reticulum, Plant Cell Monographs 4. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg Germany (2006) pp 205-232.

Lingard MJ and RN Trelease (2006) Five Arabidopsis peroxin 11 homologs individually promote peroxisome elongation, division without elongation, or aggregation. Jour Cell Sci: 119:1961-1972.
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Lisenbee CS, Lingard MJ, Trelease RN (2005) Arabidopsis peroxisomes possess functionally redundant membrane and matrix isoforms of monodehydroascorbate reductase. The Plant Jounal 43:900-914.

Karnik SK, Trelease RN (2005) Arabidopsis peroxin 16 coexists at steady state in peroxisomes and endoplasmic reticulum. Plant Physiol 138:1967-1981.

Leivar P, Gonzalez VM, Castel S, Trelease RN, et al. (2005) Subcellular localization of Arabidopsis 3-hydroxy-3-metylglutaryl-Coenzyme A reductase. Plant Physiol 137:57-69.

Flynn CR, Heinze M, Schumann U, Gietl C, Trelease RN (2005) Compartmentation of the plant peroxin, AtPex10p, within subdomain(s) of ER. Plant Science 168:635-652.

Hunt, J and RN Trelease (2004) Sorting pathway and molecular targeting signals for the Arabidopsis peroxin 3. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 314:586-596.

Lisenbee, CS, M Heinze, and RN Trelease (2003) Peroxisomal ascorbate peroxidase resides within a subdomain of rough endoplasmic reticulum in wildtype Arabidopsis cells. Plant Physiol 132:870-882.

Lisenbee, CS, SK Karnik, and RN Trelease (2003) Overexpression and mislocalization of a tail-anchored GFP redefines the identity of peroxisomal ER. Traffic 4:491-501.

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