Everything you could ever wish to know about Lisa Fisher, and then some

Hello there people.  As it says in approximately 236 places ALL OVER this site, I am Lisa Fisher.  And this is the nightly news.  Actually, this is not the nightly news but my very own modest little webpage that I was, alas, required to do for my migration and culture course.


Yes:  I am a student.  Specifically, a junior.  Even more specifically, a junior majoring in Spanish at Arizona State University and its multitudinous campuses.  I aspire to be a police officer, and will hopefully be applying for the Academy in just under a year now.  As a side note:  did you know that time passes MUCH more slowly when you are a.) anticipating something; b.) almost finished when college and/or c.) in excruciating pain?  I'm not in excruciating pain, but this last year-ish of college has been in some ways the longest of my life.  But also in some ways the shortest.  I am a veritable paragon of paradoxes, so sorry about that.

And these are a few of my favorite things:  raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens...wait a tic, that sounds familiar....hm.  Oh well!  Actually, I do like the rain, but as a Phoenix resident, it is not something that I get to enjoy as often as I would like.  I like dogs (large ones), not cats.  I don't really interact with kettles all that often, not being a "tea" person, and mittens are largely useless in a city where the temperature outside is routinely in the 100-teens.  Some of my favorite things to do include reading, spending time with my awesome friends (hey, if  you guys are reading this...stop.  For real. I'm sure you have better things to be doing with your time), working out, going on ridealongs, playing various types of sport-like activities, and spending time with my family.  For more on me, myself, and I (as if this previous information was not enough to sicken you), you can go and visit my Myspace page by following the link below.

...me.  Channeling Wilson from Home Improvement.  Man, that was a good show....