Carta abierta dirigida a los vivientes de Phoenix...."open letter directed toward those that live in Phoenix"

Hello to the collected residents, legal and not, in Phoenix, Arizona.

You know, migration is a touchy subject.  As I generally tend toward the more conservative side of the hypothetical spectrum that is life, prior to taking this class I was inclined to adopt the "Well, they're here illegally, so...pretty much ship 'em back across the border and let's get on with trying to solve the country's pre-existing problems".  While SOC 331 has not changed my political persuasion in the least, it has at least taught me that many things, and immigration in particular, is an extremely touchy subject that many people have their entire lives invested in.

Actually, what with all of the immigration protests that, ironically, occurred in the "real world" this past semester, I believe what I really learned was that it doesn't matter what solution we as a society eventually arrive at, because the most important thing is that we don't have the resources to adopt and effectively deal with any sort of plan whatsoever.

There is an answer out there.  Unfortunately, it is not immediately apparent.  Neither is it uni-partisan.  Because while my "ship them back and fuggetaboutit" proposition is simply not functional, neither is the "let's open up the borders and give amnesty to all the current illegal immigrants".  Because the fact is, that at least for the time being, they are illegal, regardless of whatever new PC term we come up with to call them next.  Besides, it's not the name, it's the action that makes them illegal.  I read a brilliant editorial once that stated something to the effect of "all we have to do to reduce crime is rename it.  Instead of drug dealers, we have 'undocumented pharmacists'; instead of car thieves, 'undocumented drivers'"...etc.  It was rather a brilliant editorial actually, highlighting the fact that, call it what you will, the act of crossing the border into this country without the proper paperwork and documentation is an illegal act, regardless of your political persuasion or personal opinion.