To Everyone Who Took a Moment to Look at This Page!

Thank You!

This semester has been a valuable learning experience that I will take with me for the rest of my life.  The first class I took on this topic was simply to fulfill a credit needed to get me closer to obtaining my degree.  However, after taking the course I realized that this topic is very pertinent to our lives today.  The topic of migration & culture touches all of us in some way or another.  Eventually, I came to realize this and signed up for a second class. I hope that at least one thing from this site will be informative to you.  I urge you to view the other web pages that the rest of our class has produced.  They are wonderful!  Also,  I would highly recommend that you experience a course like this that focuses on the topic of migration & culture.  Students and non-students alike can benefit from this field of study.

The trip to Nogales Mexico with the Borderlinks staff was one of the experiences from this trip that really helped me to see things in a different light.  This is another experience that I would highly recommend to anyone interested in the topic.  Bring a friend or loved one, parents bring your children, make it a field trip, take a class and go on the field trip like me!

You might just end up with a cheesy smile on your face like me!

Picture taken on our Borderlinks trip during our lunch in the colonias.