ENG 412: Creative Nonfiction


Spring 2007
Wednesday -- Reading
Sunday -- Workshop
Week 1

1) Please post a note about yourself in the Virtual Cafe. List 10 unique details about you. Make one of them a lie.

2) Read the Introduction to our textbook.

3) Read the Course Policies, Course Schedule, and View the "Course Tour" Video. Take the "Course Policies" quiz, worth 2 absences. 

1) Please post a 500 word description of your personal course goals for this session. Please address the following questions: What has been your experience thus far with writing? With writing workshops? What do you hope to learn about writing? What type of feedback would you like to receive from your peers? From the instructor? How do you want your writing to change over the course of the semester?

2) Read the Workshop Handouts, and View the "Workshop" Video. Take the "Workshop" quiz, worth 2 absences.
Week 2
Reading: Read Chapter 1 and Chapter 11 in Writing True. Post a 300 word response to the reading and a 150 words response to another student.

Activity 1 : Activities 1-5 will contribute material to your first 10 page essay working draft that is due March 4th. You will revise the working draft for your final portfolio.

For today, please submit 2 double spaced pages of text for the following activity.

Spend one day assuming every single thing you see carries a message. Throughout the day, jot down your thoughts. Then write.

Post the work by noon. Post 3 workshop responses by midnight.

Week 3
Reading: Read Chapter 2 and Chapter 12 in Writing True. Post a 300 word response to the reading and a 150 words response to another student.

Activity 2 : Activities 1-5 will contribute material to your first 10 page essay working draft that is due March 4th. You will revise the working draft for your final portfolio.

For today, please submit 2 double spaced pages of text for the following activity.

Pick a line from one of the assigned readings and copy it out. Skip a space and start writing. No need to explain why you picked it.

Post the work by noon. Post 3 workshop responses by midnight.

Week 4
Reading: Read Chapter 3 and Chapter 13 in Writing True. Post a 300 word response to the reading and a 150 words response to another student.

Activity 3 : Activities 1-5 will contribute material to your first 10 page essay working draft that is due March 4th. You will revise the working draft for your final portfolio.

For today, please submit 2 double spaced pages of text for the following activity.

Take a walk at sunrise or sunset, notebook in hand, and record the wonders of the ordinary: the way, for example, the morning light hits a crack of sidewalk.

Post the work by noon. Post 3 workshop responses by midnight.

Week 5 14-Feb Reading: Read Chapter 4 and Chapter 14 in Writing True. Post a 300 word response to the reading and a 150 words response to another student. 18-Feb

Activity 4 : Activities 1-5 will contribute material to your first 10 page essay working draft that is due March 4th. You will revise the working draft for your final portfolio.

For today, please submit 2 double spaced pages of text for the following activity.

Take your notebook on a train or bus or into a lunchroom and record a conversation you hear. Include a conversation with dialogue, making sure to set the scene where you heard it.

Post the work by noon. Post 3 workshop responses by midnight.

Week 6
Reading: Read Chapter 5 and Chapter 15 in Writing True. Post a 300 word response to the reading and a 150 words response to another student.

Activity 5 : Activities 1-5 will contribute material to your first 10 page essay working draft that is due March 4th. You will revise the working draft for your final portfolio.

For today, please submit 2 double spaced pages of text for the following activity.

Think of a photograph from before you were ten, and write it two ways: first through facts, and then how it felt to you. Try a third version that goes deeper into sensory detail.

Post the work by noon. Post 3 workshop responses by midnight.

Week 7
Reading: Read Chapter 6 and Chapter 16 in Writing True. Post a 300 word response to the reading and a 150 words response to another student.
Activity 6: Please submit a 10 page double spaced working draft of your first essay by noon. Post 3 workshop responses by midnight.
Week 8
Reading: Read Chapter 7 and Chapter 17 in Writing True. Post a 300 word response to the reading and a 150 words response to another student.

Activity 7 : Activities 7-11 will contribute material to your second 10 page essay working draft that is due April 22nd. You will revise the working draft for your final portfolio.

For today, please submit 2 double spaced pages of text for the following activity.

Pick a topic you care about. Interview two other people about the topic, and work their opinions into your writing on the topic.

Post the work by noon. Post 3 workshop responses by midnight.

Week 9


Week 10
Reading: Read Chapter 8 in Writing True and Chapter 1 in I & Eye. Post a 300 word response to the reading and a 150 words response to another student.

Activity 8 : Activities 7-11 will contribute material to your second 10 page essay working draft that is due April 22nd. You will revise the working draft for your final portfolio.

For today, please submit 2 double spaced pages of text for the following activity.

Write two portraits of someone you feel strongly about: one that he or she will never read, and one that will be read.

Post the work by noon. Post 3 workshop responses by midnight.

Week 11
Reading: Read Chapter 9 in Writing True and Chapter 2 in I & Eye. Post a 300 word response to the reading and a 150 words response to another student.

Activity 9 : Activities 7-11 will contribute material to your second 10 page essay working draft that is due April 22nd. You will revise the working draft for your final portfolio.

For today, please submit 2 double spaced pages of text for the following activity.

Pick a topic you care about. research the topic for 20 minutes uses outside sources such as the Internet or library journal indexes. Use the knowledge you gain to write morea bout the topic.

Post the work by noon. Post 3 workshop responses by midnight.

Week 12
Reading: Read Chapter 10 in Writing True and Chapter 3 in I & Eye. Post a 300 word response to the reading and a 150 words response to another student.

Activity 10 : Activities 7-11 will contribute material to your second 10 page essay working draft that is due April 22nd. You will revise the working draft for your final portfolio.

For today, please submit 2 double spaced pages of text for the following activity.

Find a line or two in your writing that expresses a strong opinion. Write against that opinion.

Post the work by noon. Post 3 workshop responses by midnight.

Week 13
Reading: Read Chapter 4 in I & Eye. Post a 300 word response to the reading and a 150 words response to another student.

Activity 11 : Activities 7-11 will contribute material to your second 10 page essay working draft that is due April 22nd. You will revise the working draft for your final portfolio.

For today, please submit 2 double spaced pages of text for the following activity.

Find a place in a draft that seems ripe for dialogue. Add dialogue.

Post the work by noon. Post 3 workshop responses by midnight.

Week 14
Reading: Read Chapter 5 in I & Eye. Post a 300 word response to the reading and a 150 words response to another student.
Activity 12: Please submit a 10 page double spaced working draft of your second essay by noon. Post 3 workshop responses by midnight.
Week 15
Prepare for Final
Prepare for Final
Week 16
Portfolio First Draft Due to "Course Discussion" area
Portfolio Final Draft Due to "Course Assignments" area
Patricia Colleen Murphy, MFA* Arizona State University * Bell Hall Room M3 * 7001 E. Williams Field Road * Mesa AZ 85212-6032