Office Location
and Office Hours
Brickyard 566
TTh 5:45 - 6:45PM
Other times by appointment only
Directions to CSE, SCAI
Professional Activities, Keynotes, & Invited Talks |
Classes in Fall
CSE472 Social Media Mining
TTh 4:30 PM - 5:45PM, HLMK (CAVC) 359
Line number: 69174, 8/22/2024 - 12/06/2024 (C)
Short Bio |
Professional Memberships
(Fellow), AAAI (Fellow),
AAAS (Fellow),
(Fellow) ASEE,
Editor in Chief
ACM TIST, Frontiers in
Big Data (Field) and
DMM (Specialty)
His research focuses on developing computational methods for data mining,
machine learning, and social computing, and designing efficient algorithms
to enable effective problem solving ranging from basic research, text/Web
mining, bioinformatics, image mining, to real-world applications. His work
includes (i) dealing with high dimensional data via feature selection and
feature discretization; (ii)
social media
mining/social computing, identifying the influentials
in the blogosphere, group profiling and interaction; (iii) integrating
multiple data sources to overcome ambiguity and uncertainty, (iv) employing
domain knowledge for effective mining and information integration,
and (v) assisting human experts by developing effective methods of
ensemble learning, and active learning with
hierarchical classification, subspace clustering, and meta data. Detailed
information can be obtained via his publications and professional
Associated with the AI lab at ASU; an affiliated
faculty with Institute of Social Science
Research at ASU
Self motivated students looking for exciting projects can find
more information here. Weekly lab meetings are held on Fridays.
Related News
Regents Professor is an AI Explorer of 4 Decades, ASU News Feb 8, 2023
An Algorithm to Detect Fake News: Q&A, ASU Knowledge Enterprise, July
13, 2020
Top ML Projects
To Fight Fake News Fatigue During COVID-19 (FakeNewsTracker) May,
Data Driven Desease Modeling, FullCircle, FSE, ASU, May 26, 2020
ACM Member News, CACM, Feb 2020,
Vol. 63, No. 2, page 17
Frontiers Science News, April 23, 2019
Following students to success, ASU NOW, Feburary 14, 2019
A non-compromising approach to privacy-preserving personalized services,
KdNuggets, January 8, 2019
Algorithmic Detection of Fake News, Data Skeptic, September 10, 2018
The Data Defenders, ASU Now, March 27, 2018 (ASU Thrive Magazine, Spring
A Quick Guide to Fake News Detection on Social Media, KDNuggets,
Oct. 10, 2017,
Most Shared Last Week, Blog in Chinese
Measuring Topic Interpretability with Crowdsourcing,
KDNuggets, Nov. 30, 2016
Mining Rich Data Types, KDD2016, August, 2016;
Misinformation Key Terms, Explained, KDNuggets, August, 2016
news blog,
5 ML Projects
MAP Essay on
Information Filtering in Social Media During Disasters, June 23, 2016
When you'll protest on Twitter,
India Times Tech
ASU's TweetTracker helps make sense of social media data, November 25,
Instant Understanding of Social Media Mining (Chinese), November 14,
- ``Challenges
in Evaluating Big Social Media Data", April 13, 2015, Big Data and Data
Analytical Platforms at
- IEEERoundup, ``How
to Mine Social Media", September 11, 2014
-, Crowdsourcing Crisis Information, May 30, 2013
- New Scientist, Finding Right Twitter Users in a Crisis, March 20, 2013
- LifeWeek (SanLian ShengHuo ZhouKan), May 11, 2012
- New Scientist, April 13, 2012
- ReadWriteWeb, New Scientist, Toronto Star, August 2011, User Vulnerability in a Social Media Network
or Data Downloads
SBP-BRiMS2024 Tutorial on ``Defending against
Generative AI Threats in NLP", September 19, 2024, CMU, Pittsburgh, PA
KDD 2023 Tutorial on ``Socially Responsible
Machine Learning: A Causal Perspective", August 2023, Long Beach, CA
SDM 2023 Tutorial on ``Data-Efficient
Graph Learning", April 28, 2023 Minneaplis, Minnesota
SBP-BRiMS2022 Tutorial on ``Machine Learning
for Causal Inference", September 20, CMU, Pittsburgh, PA
KDD 2022 Tutorial on ``Toward Graph
Minimally-Supervised Learning", August 16, 2022. DC
SDM 2022 Tutorial on ``Socially Responsible
AI for Data Mining: Theories and Practice", April 28-30, 2022. Alexandria,
Virginia. Hybrid
WSDM 2022 Tutorial on ``Graph
Minimally-supervised Learning", February 21-25, 2022. Online
Tutorial on ``Socially
Responsible AI Algorithms:
Issues, Purposes, and Challenges", July 6, 2021.
ACM SIGKDD2019 Tutorial on ``Fake News
Research: Theories, Detection Strategies, and Open Problems", August, 2019,
Anchorage, Alaska.
WSDM2019 Tutorial on
News: Fundamental Theories, Detection Strategies and Challenges, February
2019, Melbourne, Australia.
pdf, media coverage
ICDM2017 Tutorial on
Misinformation in Social Media: Understanding Its Rampant Spread, Harm, and
Intervention, November 21, 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana.
SIGKDD2017 Tutorial on Recent Advances
in Feature Selection: A Data Perspective, August 13, 2017, Halifax, Nova
Scotia, Canada.
AAAI2017 Tutorial on
Social Data Bias in Machine Learning: Impact, Evaluation, and Correction, February 4-5, 2017, San Francisco, CA.
SBP2016 Tutorial on Misinformation on Social Media: Diffusion, Detection, and Intervention, June 28, 2016, Washington DC.
Blog on KDnuggets
ASONAM2015 Tutorial on Bot
Detection in Social Media: Networks, Behavior, and Evaluation, August 25,
2015, Paris, France.
DragonStar Lecture 2015 in Guilin on
Mining and Some Advanced Topics July 9 - July 14, 2015
WWW2015 Tutorial on
LIKE and
Recommendation in Social Media (slides available)
RecSys2014 Tutorial on Personalized Location Recommendation on Location Based Social Networks, slides
SIGKDD14 Tutorial on Recommendation in Social Media - Recent Advances and New Frontiers, slides
PAKDD2014 Tutorial on
Mining Spammers in
Social Media: Techniques and Applications, slides
WWW2014 Tutorial on Trust in Social Computing, slides
ICDM 2013 Tutorial on Social Media Mining: Fundamental Issues and Challenges, slides
INFORMS 2012 Tutorial on Mining Social Media - A Brief Introduction, slides
International Conference on Social Computing 2009 Tutorial on Community
Detection and Behavior Prediction for Social Computing, ppt
Tutorial on
Blogosphere: Research, Tools, and Applications,
Data Mining SDM
2007 Tutorial on
Reduction for Data Mining - Techniques, Applications, and Trends
2005 Tutorial Notes on Downsizing Data for High Performance in Learning -
Feature Selection Methods:
Call for
Books, Chapters, Papers, or Nominations:
Frontiers in Big Data,
Data Mining and Management,
How to Submit
Call for Authors,
Understanding AI: NLP, Causality, Fairness, and Ethics, A CRC Press book
Call for Papers, Elsevier Information Processing & Management -
Special Issue on Dis/Misinformation Mining from Social Media, due on
1/20/2021, decision on 4/1/2021
Call for
Papers, Springer Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM) -
Special Issue on Tackling COVID-19 Infodemic, due Oct 2020, decision Dec 2020
Call for Papers, CIKM2020 MAISoN
Workshop, Special Edition on Dis/Misinformation Mining from Social
Media, Oct 20, 2020
Call for Chapters,
``Fake News, Disinformation, and Misinformation in Social Media - Emerging
Research Challenges and Opportunities", Lecture Notes in Social Networks,
Springer. to appear in early 2020
Call for Papers,
IEEE Intelligent Systems: Special Issue on Non-IID Outlier Detection in
Complex Contexts, 2019 due, 2020 to appear
- Call for Papers, ACM Journal DTRAP: Special Issue on Fake-News Research, 2019
due, 2020 to appear
ACM CIKM 2019 Workshop on BigScholar2019, Beijing, China, November 2019
SDM2019 Workshop on ``FEND: Data Mining for FakE
News in Social Media: Propagation, Detection and
Mitigation", CFP
IEEE Big Data 2018,
SIGKDD2018 Workshop on
BigScholar2018, London, UK, August 2018
- WWW2017 Workshop on BigScholar, Perth, Australia, April 2017
Feature Engineering for Machine Learning and Data Analytics, CRC,
- Online Behavioral Analysis and Modeling, Janurary/February 2016, IEEE
Intelligent Systems, Vol 31,
Number 1
WWW2016 Workshop on
BigScholar, Montreal, Canada, April 2016
BEAMS2015: Behavior
Analysis, Modeling, and Steering Workshop at ICDM2015, Call for Papers
ASONAM2015, Paris, France.
Call for Papers
WWW2015 Workshop on
BigScholar, Florence, Italy, 2015
- SIGKDD2014 Doctoral Dissertation Award, Call for Nominations, deadline, April 30, 2014.
- CIKM2014 Workshops, Call for Proposals, deadline, April 20, 2014.
- WWW2014 Workshop on
Call for Papers,
Seoul, Korea. April 8, 2014.
Symposium on Social Networks and Big Data,
Call for Papers, Shanghai,
China. October 13-15, 2014
Springer Social Network Analysis and Mining, Special Issue on
"Uncovering Deception in Social Media",
new due date: July 15, 2013.
- The 14th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management (WAIM'13), Beidaihe, China. June 14-16, 2013.
- SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM'12), Disney’s Paradise Pier Hotel, Anaheim, CA. April 26-28, 2012. Poster in pdf
- SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM'11), Mesa, Arizona. April 28 - 30, 2011. Photos and Blog by Dirk Van den Poel
Last updated on 5/3/2022