Dear Valley Residents,

I came to this class only knowing the basics of migration.  I always had it in my head that people migrated into this country only for a better living.  Little did I know this reason just touches the surface of the issues encountering migrants.  Through this course  I have learned much about migration; migration of people from other countries and the migration of my father.

Like many of you, I come from an immigrant family.  My grandparents from my mother's side migrated here in the early 1960's.  I have always known the story of their migration and I had the wonderful opportunity to compare their story to the many stories I read and heard in this course.  My father is also an immigrant from Mexico.  However, I knew little of his story before this class.

The most important thing I take with me after it all this is the story of my father's migration.  Before I took the time to interview him I knew little of his journey.  Now I know first hand what he experienced and what how feels about his experience.  I will now be able to share his story to my children, what more can you ask for than this. 

Lindsey Martinez





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